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* API that allows easy access to `User` persistent data and `UserID`s.
* Copyright 2020-2022 Anton Tarasenko
* This file is part of Acedia.
* Acedia is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Acedia is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Acedia. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
class UserAPI extends AcediaObject
var private config string userdataDBLink;
// Database where user's data (persistent data and user groups) is stored
var private Database persistentDatabase;
var private LoggerAPI.Definition warnNoPersistentDatabaseLink;
var private LoggerAPI.Definition errNoPersistentDatabase;
var private LoggerAPI.Definition errCannotCreateSkeletonFor;
var private LoggerAPI.Definition infoPersistentDatabaseLoaded;
protected function Constructor()
// Loads persistent user database, specified by the AcediaCore's config and
// creates a basic skeleton for storing its data
private function SetupUserDataDatabase()
local Text persistentDataLink;
local JSONPointer persistentDataPointer;
local HashTable skeleton, emptyObject;
if (persistentDatabase != none) {
// Check if database was even specified
persistentDataLink = GetPersistentDataLink();
if (persistentDataLink.IsEmpty())
// If link was specified - try loading database from it
persistentDatabase = _.db.Load(persistentDataLink);
if (persistentDatabase == none)
// Write skeleton database's skeleton
skeleton = _.collections.EmptyHashTable();
emptyObject = _.collections.EmptyHashTable();
skeleton.SetItem(P("Groups"), emptyObject);
skeleton.SetItem(P("PerUserData"), emptyObject);
persistentDataPointer = _.db.GetPointer(persistentDataLink);
.IncrementData(persistentDataPointer, skeleton)
.connect = ReportSkeletonCreationResult;
private function ReportSkeletonCreationResult(
Database.DBQueryResult result,
Database source)
local Text persistentDataLink;
persistentDataLink = GetPersistentDataLink();
if (result == DBR_Success) {
persistentDatabase = none;
* Returns reference to the database of user records that Acedia was
* set up to use.
* `UserDatabase` is for storing a set of users that joined the game during
* the session, for database that stores persistent user data
* @see `GetPersistentDatabase()`.
* @return Main `UserDatabase` that Acedia currently uses to load and
* store user information. Guaranteed to be a valid non-`none` reference.
public final function UserDatabase GetDatabase()
return class'UserDatabase'.static.GetInstance();
* Returns reference to the database of user records that Acedia was
* set up to use.
* `Database` returned by this method stores persistent user data, for
* the database of users that joined during the current game session
* @see `GetDatabase()`.
* @return Main `UserDatabase` that Acedia currently uses to load and
* store user information. Guaranteed to be a valid non-`none` reference.
public final function Database GetPersistentDatabase()
if (persistentDatabase != none) {
return persistentDatabase;
* Returns configured database link to the JSON object in which users' data
* is stored.
* @return Database link to the JSON object in which users' data is stored.
* Guaranteed to not be `none`.
public final function Text GetPersistentDataLink()
return _.text.FromString(userdataDBLink);
* Checks whether database setup to store users' persistent data was configured
* and actually exists.
* This does not check for whether that database is properly configured.
* If sub-object set to store users' data was not created inside it, then
* Acedia will not be able to make use of users' persistent storage.
* @return `true` if database for users' persistent data storage exists and
* `false` otherwise.
public final function bool PersistentStorageExists()
return (persistentDatabase != none);
* Fetches `User` object that stores persistent data for a given `userID`.
* @param userID ID for which to fetch a persistent data storage.
* @return `User` object for a given `UserID`. Guaranteed to be a valid
* non-`none` reference if passed `userID` is not `none` and initialized
* (which is guaranteed unless you manually created it).
public final function User Fetch(UserID userID)
local User result;
local UserDatabase userDB;
userDB = class'UserDatabase'.static.GetInstance();
if (userDB == none) {
return none;
result = userDB.FetchUser(userID);
return result;
* Fetches appropriate `User` object for a player, given his id as a `Text`.
* @param idHash `Text` representation of someone's id.
* @return Corresponding `User` object. Guaranteed to be a valid non-`none`
* reference.
public final function User FetchByIDHash(BaseText idHash)
local UserID userID;
local UserDatabase userDB;
local User result;
userDB = class'UserDatabase'.static.GetInstance();
if (userDB == none) {
return none;
userID = userDB.FetchUserID(idHash);
if (userID == none) {
return none;
result = userDB.FetchUser(userID);
return result;
* Fetches appropriate `User` object for a player, given his session key.
* @param userKey Key corresponding to a `User` method must to get.
* @return Corresponding `User` object. Guaranteed to be a valid non-`none`
* reference if `userKey` was actually assigned to any `User` during
* current playing session; `none` otherwise.
public final function User FetchByKey(int userKey)
local User result;
local UserDatabase userDB;
userDB = class'UserDatabase'.static.GetInstance();
if (userDB != none) {
return none;
result = userDB.FetchUserByKey(userKey);
return result;
* Returns names of all available groups that users can belong to.
* In case this feature is configured to load user groups from a database
* (either local or remote), the returned value is a locally cached one.
* This helps us avoid having to query database each time we want to check
* something about user groups, but it also means we might have an outdated
* information.
* @return Array with names of all available groups.
* All array elements are guaranteed to be not-`none`, unique and in
* lower case.
public final function array<Text> GetAvailableGroups()
local Users_Feature usersFeature;
local array<Text> result;
usersFeature = Users_Feature(class'Users_Feature'.static
if (usersFeature == none) {
return result;
result = usersFeature.GetAvailableGroups();
return result;
* Returns names of all groups available for the user given by the SteamID.
* In case active config of `Users_Feature` is set up to load user groups
* from a database (either local or remote), the returned value is a locally
* cached one. This helps us avoid having to query database each time we want
* to check something about user groups, but it also means we might have
* an outdated information.
* @see `GetGroupsForUserID()` / `GetGroupsForUser()`.
* @param steamID SteamID of the user.
* Must be specified in a SteamID64 format, e.g. "76561197960287930".
* @return Array with names of the groups of the specified user.
* All array elements are guaranteed to be not-`none`, unique and in
* lower case.
* If passed SteamID is `none` or data wasn't yet loaded - returns empty
* array.
public final function array<Text> GetGroupsForSteamID(
BaseText steamID)
local Users_Feature usersFeature;
local array<Text> result;
usersFeature = Users_Feature(class'Users_Feature'.static
if (usersFeature == none) {
return result;
result = usersFeature.GetGroupsForSteamID(steamID);
return result;
* Returns names of all groups available for the user given by the SteamID.
* In case active config of `Users_Feature` is set up to load user groups
* from a database (either local or remote), the returned value is a locally
* cached one. This helps us avoid having to query database each time we want
* to check something about user groups, but it also means we might have
* an outdated information.
* @see `GetGroupsForUserID()` / `GetGroupsForUser()`.
* @param steamID SteamID of the user.
* Must be specified in a SteamID64 format, e.g. "76561197960287930".
* @return Array with names of the groups of the specified user.
* All array elements are guaranteed to be not-`none`, unique and in
* lower case.
* If data wasn't yet loaded - returns empty array.
public final /*unreal*/ function array<Text> GetGroupsForSteamID_S(
string steamID)
local Users_Feature usersFeature;
local array<Text> result;
usersFeature = Users_Feature(class'Users_Feature'.static
if (usersFeature == none) {
return result;
result = usersFeature.GetGroupsForSteamID_S(steamID);
return result;
* Returns names of all groups available for the user given by the `UserID`.
* In case active config of `Users_Feature` is set up to load user groups
* from a database (either local or remote), the returned value is a locally
* cached one. This helps us avoid having to query database each time we want
* to check something about user groups, but it also means we might have
* an outdated information.
* @see `GetGroupsForSteamID()` / `GetGroupsForUser()`.
* @param id ID of the user.
* @return Array with names of the groups of the specified user.
* All array elements are guaranteed to be not-`none`, unique and in
* lower case.
* If data wasn't yet loaded - returns empty array.
public final function array<Text> GetGroupsForUserID(UserID id)
local Users_Feature usersFeature;
local array<Text> result;
usersFeature = Users_Feature(class'Users_Feature'.static
if (usersFeature == none) {
return result;
result = usersFeature.GetGroupsForUserID(id);
return result;
* Returns names of all groups available for the user.
* In case active config of `Users_Feature` is set up to load user groups
* from a database (either local or remote), the returned value is a locally
* cached one. This helps us avoid having to query database each time we want
* to check something about user groups, but it also means we might have
* an outdated information.
* @see `GetGroupsForSteamID()` / `GetGroupsForUserID()`.
* @param user Reference to `User` object that represent the user we are to
* find groups for.
* @return Array with names of the groups of the specified user.
* All array elements are guaranteed to be not-`none`, unique and in
* lower case.
* If data wasn't yet loaded - returns empty array.
public final function array<Text> GetGroupsForUser(User user)
local Users_Feature usersFeature;
local array<Text> result;
usersFeature = Users_Feature(class'Users_Feature'.static
if (usersFeature == none) {
return result;
result = usersFeature.GetGroupsForUser(user);
return result;
* Returns `UserID`s of all users that belong into the group named `groupName`.
* In case active config of `Users_Feature` is set up to load user groups
* from a database (either local or remote), the returned value is a locally
* cached one. This helps us avoid having to query database each time we want
* to check something about user groups, but it also means we might have
* an outdated information.
* @param groupName Name of the group. Case-insensitive.
* @return Array with `UserID`s for every user in the user group named
* `groupName`. All array elements are guaranteed to be not-`none` and
* correspond to unique players.
* If data wasn't yet loaded - returns empty array.
public final function array<UserID> GetGroupMembers(BaseText groupName)
local Users_Feature usersFeature;
local array<UserID> result;
usersFeature = Users_Feature(class'Users_Feature'.static
if (usersFeature == none) {
return result;
result = usersFeature.GetGroupMembers(groupName);
return result;
* Checks whether user given by the `UserID` belongs to the group named
* `groupName`.
* In case active config of `Users_Feature` is set up to load user groups
* from a database (either local or remote), the returned value is a locally
* cached one. This helps us avoid having to query database each time we want
* to check something about user groups, but it also means we might have
* an outdated information.
* @param id ID of the user to check.
* @param groupName Name of the group. Case-insensitive.
* @return `true` if user with an ID given by `id` belongs to the group named
* `groupName` and false if: it does not, either of the parameters is
* invalid or group data wasn't yet properly loaded.
public final function bool IsUserIDInGroup(UserID id, Text groupName)
local Users_Feature usersFeature;
local bool result;
usersFeature = Users_Feature(class'Users_Feature'.static
if (usersFeature == none) {
return result;
result = usersFeature.IsUserIDInGroup(id, groupName);
return result;
* Checks whether user belongs to the given group.
* In case active config of `Users_Feature` is set up to load user groups
* from a database (either local or remote), the returned value is a locally
* cached one. This helps us avoid having to query database each time we want
* to check something about user groups, but it also means we might have
* an outdated information.
* @param user Reference to `User` object that represent the user we are to
* check for belonging to the group.
* @param groupName Name of the group. Case-insensitive.
* @return `true` if user with an ID given by `id` belongs to the group named
* `groupName` and false if: it does not, either of the parameters is
* invalid or group data wasn't yet properly loaded.
public final function bool IsUserInGroup(User user, Text groupName)
local Users_Feature usersFeature;
local bool result;
usersFeature = Users_Feature(class'Users_Feature'.static
if (usersFeature == none) {
return result;
result = usersFeature.IsUserInGroup(user, groupName);
return result;
* Checks whether user groups' data was already loaded from the source
* (either config file or local/remote database).
* Data loaded once is cached and this method returning `true` does not
* guarantee that is isn't outdated. Additional, asynchronous queries must be
* made to check for that.
* @return `true` if user groups' data was loaded and `false` otherwise.
public final function bool IsUserGroupDataLoaded()
local Users_Feature usersFeature;
local bool result;
usersFeature = Users_Feature(class'Users_Feature'.static
if (usersFeature == none) {
return result;
result = usersFeature.IsUserGroupDataLoaded();
return result;
userdataDBLink = "[local]database:/users"
warnNoPersistentDatabaseLink = (l=LOG_Warning,m="No persistent user database link is setup. No persistent user data or user groups will be available. Setup `userDataDBLink` inside \"AcediaSystem.ini\".")
errCannotCreateSkeletonFor = (l=LOG_Error,m="Failed to create persistent database skeleton for connected database with link \"%1\". User data functionality won't function properly.")
errNoPersistentDatabase = (l=LOG_Error,m="Failed to connect to persistent user database with link \"%1\").")
infoPersistentDatabaseLoaded = (l=LOG_Info,m="Connected to persistent user database with link \"%1\".")