## Functions and signal methods defined directly in `UnrealAPI`
### Signals for `UnrealAPI`
| Signal | Description |
|`OnTick(float, float)` | Called every. Its parameters are in-game time, passed since last tick, and current game's speed (default value is always `1.0`, not `1.1`). |
|`OnDestructionFor()` | This signal method takes an additional `Actor` parameter. Handler added with `OnDestructionFor()` will be called when that `Atcor` is destroyed. |
### Functions for `UnrealAPI`
| Function | Description |
|`GetLevel()` | Returns current game's `LevelInfo`. |
|`GetGameRI()` | Returns current game's `GameReplicationInfo`. |
|`GetKFGameRI()` | Returns current game's `GameReplicationInfo` as `KFGameReplicationInfo`. |
|`GetGameType()` | Returns current game's `GameInfo`. |
|`GetKFGameType()` | Returns current game's `GameInfo` as `KFGameType`. |
|`GetLocalPlayer()` | Returns current local player's `Controller`. |
|`GetInventoryFrom(class<Inventory>, Inventory, optional bool)` | Convenience method for finding a first inventory entry of the given class in the given inventory chain. |
|`GetAllInventoryFrom(class<Inventory>, Inventory, optional bool)` | Convenience method for finding a all inventory entries of the given class in the given inventory chain. |
|`ActorRef(optional Actor)` | Creates reference object to store a `Actor` value. |
## Functions and signal related to `GameRules`
`UnrealAPI` provides sub-API that can be accessed through `_.unreal.gameRules.`.
That API provides convenience methods for working with `GameRules` as well as
several signal functions for the `GameRules`'s events.
### Signals for `GameRules`
| Signal | Description |
|`NavigationPoint OnFindPlayerStart(Controller, optional byte, optional string)` | Called when game decides on a player's spawn point. If a `NavigationPoint` is returned, signal propagation will be interrupted and returned value will be used as the player start. |
|`bool OnHandleRestartGame()` | Called in `GameInfo`'s `RestartGame()` method and allows to prevent game's restart. |
|`bool OnCheckEndGame(PlayerReplicationInfo, string)` | Allows modification of game ending conditions. Return `false` to prevent game from ending. |
|`bool OnCheckScore(PlayerReplicationInfo)` | Check if this score means the game ends. Return `true` to override `GameInfo`'s `CheckScore()`, or if game was ended (with a call to `Level.Game.EndGame()`). |
|`bool OnOverridePickupQuery(Pawn, Pickup, out byte)` | When pawn wants to pick something up, `GameRule`s are given a chance to modify it. If one of the `Slot`s returns `true`, `allowPickup` will determine if the object can be picked up. |
|`int OnNetDamage(int, int, Pawn, Pawn, Vector, out Vector, class<DamageType>)` | When pawn gets damaged, `GameRule`s are given a chance to modify that damage. |
|`bool OnPreventDeath(Pawn, Controller, class<DamageType>, Vector)` | When pawn is about to die, `GameRule`s are given a chance to prevent that. |
|`void OnScoreKill(Controller, Controller)` | Called when one `Pawn` kills another. |
### Functions for `GameRules`
| Function | Description |
|`bool Add(class<GameRules>)` | Adds new `GameRules` class to the current `GameInfo`. Does nothing if give `GameRules` class was already added before. |
|`bool Remove(class<GameRules>)` | Removes given `GameRules` class from the current `GameInfo`, if they are active. Does nothing otherwise. |
|`GameRules FindInstance(class<GameRules>)` | Finds given class of `GameRules` if it's currently active in `GameInfo`. Returns `none` otherwise. |
|`bool AreAdded(class<GameRules>)` | Checks if given class of `GameRules` is currently active in `GameInfo`. |
## Functions and signal related to `BroadcastHandler`
`UnrealAPI` provides sub-API that can be accessed through `_.unreal.broadcast.`.
That API provides convenience methods for working with `BroadcastHandler`s
as well as several signal functions for the `BroadcastHandler`'s events.
This API also defines auxiliary struct `LocalizedMessage` that consists of all
the parameters usually sent along with localized messages and
enum `InjectionLevel` that describes way of adding another `BroadcastHandler`
into the game.
### Signals for `BroadcastHandler`
| Signal | Description |
|`bool OnBroadcastCheck(Actor, int)` | Called before text message is sent to any player, during the check for whether it is at all allowed to be broadcasted. Corresponds to the `HandlerAllowsBroadcast()` method from `BroadcastHandler`. Return `false` to prevent message from being broadcast. |
|`bool OnHandleText(Actor, out string, name, bool)` | Called before text message is sent to any player, but after the check for whether it is at all allowed to be broadcasted. Corresponds to the `Broadcast()` or `BroadcastTeam()` method from `BroadcastHandler` if `BHIJ_Root` injection method was used and to `BroadcastText()` for `BHIJ_Registered`. Return `false` to prevent message from being broadcast. |
|`bool OnHandleTextFor(PlayerController receiver, Actor sender, string, name)` | Called before text message is sent to a particular player. Corresponds to the `BroadcastText()` method from `BroadcastHandler`. Return `false` to prevent message from being broadcast to a specified player. |
|`bool OnHandleLocalized(Actor, LocalizedMessage)` | Called before localized message is sent to any player. Corresponds to the `AllowBroadcastLocalized()` method from `BroadcastHandler` if `BHIJ_Root` injection method was used and to `BroadcastLocalized()` for `BHIJ_Registered`. Return `false` to prevent message from being broadcast. |
|`bool OnHandleLocalizedFor(PlayerController receiver, Actor sender, LocalizedMessage)` | Called before localized message is sent to a particular player. Corresponds to the `BroadcastLocalized()` method from `BroadcastHandler`. Return `false` to prevent message from being broadcast to a specified player. |
### Functions for `BroadcastHandler`
| Function | Description |
|`bool Add(class<BroadcastHandler>, optional InjectionLevel)` | Adds new `BroadcastHandler` class to the current `GameInfo`. Does nothing if given `BroadcastHandler` class was already added before. |
|`bool Remove(class<BroadcastHandler>)` | Removes given `BroadcastHandler` class from the current `GameInfo`, if it is active. Does nothing otherwise. |
|`BroadcastHandler FindInstance(class<BroadcastHandler>)` | Finds given class of `BroadcastHandler` if it's currently active in `GameInfo`. Returns `none` otherwise. |
|`bool IsAdded(class<GameRules>)` | Checks if given class of `BroadcastHandler` is currently active in `GameInfo`. |
## Functions and signal related to `Mutator`
`UnrealAPI` provides sub-API that can be accessed through `_.unreal.mutator.`.
That API provides a couple signal functions for the `Mutator`'s events.
### Signals for `Mutator`
| Signal | Description |
|`bool OnCheckReplacement(Actor, out byte)` | Called whenever mutators (Acedia's mutator) is asked to check whether an `Actor` should be replaced. This check is done right after that `Actor` has spawned. |
|`OnMutate(string, PlayerController)` | Called on a server whenever a player uses a "mutate" console command. |