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* `BroadcastHandler` class that used by Acedia to catch
* broadcasting events. For Acedia to work properly it needs to be added to
* the very beginning of the broadcast handlers' chain.
* However, for compatibility reasons Acedia also supports less invasive
* methods to add it at the cost of some functionality degradation.
* Copyright 2020 - 2021 Anton Tarasenko
* This file is part of Acedia.
* Acedia is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Acedia is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Acedia. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
class BroadcastEventsObserver extends Engine.BroadcastHandler
// Forcing Acedia's own `BroadcastHandler` is rather invasive and might be
// undesired, since it can lead to incompatibilities with some mutators.
// To alleviate this issue Acedia allows server admins to control how it's
// `BroadcastHandler` is injected. Do note however that anything other than
// `BHIJ_Root` can lead to issues with Acedia's features.
var public config const BroadcastAPI.InjectionLevel usedInjectionLevel;
* To understand how what our broadcast handler does, let us first explain
* how `BroadcastHandler` classes work. Here we skip voice and speech
* broadcasting topics, since they are not something Acedia or this class
* currently uses.
* `BroadcastHandler`s are capable of forming a one-way linked list by
* referring to the next `BroadcastHandler` by `nextBroadcastHandler` and
* `nextBroadcastHandlerClass` variables. New `BroadcastHandler`s can be added
* via `RegisterBroadcastHandler()` method.
* Actual broadcasting of the messages is done by calling one of
* the three methods: `Broadcast()`, `BroadcastTeam()` and weirdly named
* `AllowBroadcastLocalized()` on the root `BroadcastHandler` (stored in
* the current `GameInfo`). These methods are only ever called for the root
* `BroadcastHandler` and **are not** propagated down the chain.
* This leads to...
* ISSUE 1: we cannot reliably detect start of the message propagation with
* `BroadcastHandler` unless we are at the root of the linked list. This is why
* it is important for Acedia to use `BHIJ_Root` method for its
* `BroadcastHandler`.
* First we will look into `Broadcast()` and `BroadcastTeam()` methods.
* First thing either of them does is to call `AllowsBroadcast()` method that
* checks whether message is allowed to be broadcasted at all. It is also only
* called for the root `BroadcastHandler`, but allows other `BroadcastHandler`s
* to block the message for their own reasons by propagating
* `HandlerAllowsBroadcast()` method down the chain.
* Then they call `BroadcastText()` for every acceptable player controller
* they find and the only difference between `Broadcast()` and
* `BroadcastTeam()` is that the latter also checks to that they belong to the
* same team as the sender.
* `BroadcastText()` is propagated down the linked list of
* the `BroadcastHandler`s (allowing them to modify or discard message) and,
* once list is exhausted, calls `TeamMessage()` method. However it also
* propagates additional method `AcceptBroadcastText()` down the linked list.
* Supposedly it's `AcceptBroadcastText()` that you should overload when making
* your own `BroadcastHandler`, but this setup creates...
* ISSUE 2: by default `AcceptBroadcastText()` is propagated ANEW
* inside EVERY `BroadcastText()` call (that is also propagated). This means
* that if there is several `BroadcastHandler`s in the chain before yours -
* every single one of them (including your own!) will call
* `AcceptBroadcastText()` for you. This means that `AcceptBroadcastText()` is
* going to be called several times for every broadcasted message unless your
* `BroadcastHandler` is added at the very root of the linked list.
* All that remains is to consider `AllowBroadcastLocalized()` method.
* It works in similar way to the previous two, but is simpler: it does not
* have an analogue to the `AllowsBroadcast()` method and simply calls
* `BroadcastLocalized()` for every player controller, spectator or not.
* `BroadcastLocalized()` works exactly the same way as `BroadcastText()`, but
* with uses `AcceptBroadcastLocalized()` instead of `AcceptBroadcastText()`,
* completely mirroring issue 2.
* Summary.
* Methods only called for root `BroadcastHandler`:
* 1. `Broadcast()` - starts text message broadcast;
* 2. `BroadcastTeam()` - starts team text message broadcast;
* 3. `AllowBroadcastLocalized()` - starts localized message broadcast;
* 4. `AllowsBroadcast()` - called for text message broadcasts (team or
* not) to check if they are allowed.
* Methods that are propagated down the linked list of `BroadcastHandler`s:
* 1. `HandlerAllowsBroadcast()` - called before broadcasting text message
* (team or not), before any `BroadcastText()` or
* `AcceptBroadcastText()` call;
* 2. `BroadcastText()` - once for every controller that should receive
* a certain text message (unless blocked at some point);
* 3. `AcceptBroadcastText()` - called shit ton of times inside
* `BroadcastText()` to check if message can be propagated;
* 4. `BroadcastLocalized()` - once for every controller that should
* receive a certain text message (unless blocked at some point);
* 5. `AcceptBroadcastLocalized()` - called shit ton of times inside
* `BroadcastLocalized()` to check if message can be propagated;
* What are we going to do?
* We want our `BroadcastHandler` to work at any place inside the
* linked list, but also to side step issue 2 completely, so we will use
* `BroadcastText()` and `BroadcastLocalized()` methods for catching messages
* sent to particular players. We do not want to reimplement `Broadcast()`,
* `BroadcastTeam()` or `AllowBroadcastLocalized()` (partially because it would
* mostly involve copy-pasting copyrighted code) and will instead inject some
* code to reliably catch the moment broadcast has started in case we are
* actually placed at the root.
* We also want to track broadcast by message parameters in
* `BroadcastText()` and `BroadcastLocalized()` methods in case we are not
* injected at the root to resolve issue 1. When we detect any difference in
* passed parameters (or players message was broadcasted to get repeated) -
* we declare a new broadcast. This methods is not perfect, but is likely
* the best possible guess for the start of broadcast.
// This is only relevant for `BHIJ_Root` injection level.
// The way vanilla `BroadcastHandler` works - it can check if broadcast is
// possible for any actor, but for actually sending the text messages it will
// try to extract `PlayerReplicationInfo` from it and will simply pass `none`
// for a sender if it can't.
// We remember senders in this array in order to pass real ones to
// our events.
// We use an array instead of a single variable is to account for possible
// folded calls (when handling of broadcast events leads to another
// message generation).
var private array<Actor> storedSenders;
// This is only relevant for `BHIJ_Root` injection level.
// We do not want to reimplement functions `Broadcast()`, `BroadcastTeam()`
// or `AllowBroadcastLocalized()` that root `BroadcastHandler` calls to do
// checks and send messages to individual players.
// Instead we would like to inject our own code and call parent version of
// these methods.
// We would also like to insert our code in some of the functions between
// `AllowsBroadcast()` check and actual broadcasting, so we cannot simply use
// a `super.AllowsBroadcast()` call that calls both of them in order.
// Instead we move `AllowsBroadcast()` unto our own methods:
// we first manually do `AllowsBroadcast()` check, then perform our logic and
// then make a super call, but with `blockAllowsBroadcast` flag set to `true`,
// which causes overloaded `AllowsBroadcast()` to omit checks that we've
// already performed.
var private bool blockAllowsBroadcast;
* In case of `BHIJ_Registered` injection level, we do not get notified
* when a message starts getting broadcasted through `Broadcast()`,
* `BroadcastTeam()` and `AcceptBroadcastLocalized()`.
* Instead we are only notified when a message is broadcasted to
* a particular player, so with 2 players instead of sequence `Broadcast()`,
* `AcceptBroadcastText()`, `AcceptBroadcastText()`
* we get `AcceptBroadcastText()`, `AcceptBroadcastText()`.
* This means that we can only guess when new broadcast was initiated.
* We do this by:
* 1. Recording broadcast instigator (sender) and his message. If any of
* these variables change - we assume it's a new broadcast.
* 2. Recording players that already received that message, - if message is
* resend to one of them - it's a new broadcast
* (of possibly duplicate message).
* 3. All broadcasted messages are sent to all players within 1 tick, so
* any first message within each tick is a start of a new broadcast.
* Check logic is implemented in `UpdateTrackingWithTextMessage()` and
* `UpdateTrackingWithLocalizedMessage()` methods.
// Are we already already tracking any broadcast? Helps to track for point 3.
var private bool trackingBroadcast;
// Sender of the current broadcast. Helps to track for point 1.
var private Actor currentBroadcastInstigator;
// Players that already received current broadcast. Helps to track for point 2.
var private array<PlayerController> currentBroadcastReceivers;
// Is current broadcast sending a
// text message (`Broadcast()` and `BroadcastTeam()`)
// or localized message (`AcceptBroadcastLocalized()`)?
// Helps to track message for point 1.
var private bool broadcastingLocalizedMessage;
// Variables to stored text message. Helps to track for point 1.
var private string currentTextMessageContents;
var private name currentTextMessageType;
// We allow connected signals to modify message for all players before
// `BroadcastText()` or `BroadcastLocalized()` calls and can do so in case of
// `BHIJ_Registered`.
// But for `BHIJ_Registered` we can only catch those calls and must
// manually remember modifications we have made. We store those modifications
// in this variable. It resets when new message is detected.
var private string currentlyUsedMessage;
// Remember if currently tracked message was rejected by either
// `BroadcastText()` or `BroadcastLocalized()`.
var private bool currentMessageRejected;
// Variables to stored localized message. Helps to track for point 1.
var private BroadcastAPI.LocalizedMessage currentLocalizedMessage;
var private Broadcast_OnBroadcastCheck_Signal onBroadcastCheck;
var private Broadcast_OnHandleLocalized_Signal onHandleLocalized;
var private Broadcast_OnHandleLocalizedFor_Signal onHandleLocalizedFor;
var private Broadcast_OnHandleText_Signal onHandleText;
var private Broadcast_OnHandleTextFor_Signal onHandleTextFor;
public final function Initialize(UnrealService service)
if (usedInjectionLevel != BHIJ_Root) {
if (service == none) {
onBroadcastCheck = Broadcast_OnBroadcastCheck_Signal(
onHandleLocalized = Broadcast_OnHandleLocalized_Signal(
onHandleLocalizedFor = Broadcast_OnHandleLocalizedFor_Signal(
onHandleText = Broadcast_OnHandleText_Signal(
onHandleTextFor = Broadcast_OnHandleTextFor_Signal(
private function bool IsCurrentBroadcastReceiver(PlayerController receiver)
local int i;
for (i = 0; i < currentBroadcastReceivers.length; i += 1)
if (currentBroadcastReceivers[i] == receiver) {
return true;
return false;
// Return `true` if new broadcast was detected
private function bool UpdateTrackingWithTextMessage(
PlayerReplicationInfo senderPRI,
PlayerController receiver,
string message,
name messageType)
local bool isCurrentBroadcastContinuation;
if (usedInjectionLevel != BHIJ_Registered) {
return false;
isCurrentBroadcastContinuation = trackingBroadcast
&& (senderPRI == currentBroadcastInstigator)
&& (!broadcastingLocalizedMessage)
&& (message == currentTextMessageContents)
&& (messageType == currentTextMessageType)
&& !IsCurrentBroadcastReceiver(receiver);
if (isCurrentBroadcastContinuation)
currentBroadcastReceivers[currentBroadcastReceivers.length] = receiver;
return false;
trackingBroadcast = true;
broadcastingLocalizedMessage = false;
currentBroadcastInstigator = senderPRI;
currentTextMessageContents = message;
currentlyUsedMessage = message;
currentTextMessageType = messageType;
currentMessageRejected = false;
currentBroadcastReceivers.length = 0;
return true;
// Return `true` if new broadcast was detected
private function bool UpdateTrackingWithLocalizedMessage(
Actor sender,
PlayerController receiver,
BroadcastAPI.LocalizedMessage localizedMessage)
local bool isCurrentBroadcastContinuation;
if (usedInjectionLevel != BHIJ_Registered) {
return false;
isCurrentBroadcastContinuation = trackingBroadcast
&& (sender == currentBroadcastInstigator)
&& (broadcastingLocalizedMessage)
&& (localizedMessage == currentLocalizedMessage)
&& !IsCurrentBroadcastReceiver(receiver);
if (isCurrentBroadcastContinuation)
currentBroadcastReceivers[currentBroadcastReceivers.length] = receiver;
return false;
trackingBroadcast = true;
broadcastingLocalizedMessage = true;
currentBroadcastInstigator = sender;
currentLocalizedMessage = localizedMessage;
currentBroadcastReceivers.length = 0;
currentMessageRejected = false;
return true;
// Makes us stop tracking current broadcast
private function ResetTracking()
trackingBroadcast = false;
// Only important to forget objects and actors, since keeping
// references can cause issues.
// Other fields can remain "dirty", since they will be rewritten before
// they will ever be used.
currentBroadcastInstigator = none;
currentLocalizedMessage.relatedPRI1 = none;
currentLocalizedMessage.relatedPRI2 = none;
currentLocalizedMessage.relatedObject = none;
public function bool HandlerAllowsBroadcast(Actor broadcaster, int sentTextNum)
local bool canBroadcast;
// Fire and check signals
canBroadcast = onBroadcastCheck.Emit(broadcaster, sentTextNum);
// Check other broadcast handlers (if present)
if (canBroadcast && nextBroadcastHandler != none)
canBroadcast = nextBroadcastHandler
.HandlerAllowsBroadcast(broadcaster, sentTextNum);
if (canBroadcast && usedInjectionLevel == BHIJ_Registered)
// This method is only really called by the `AllowsBroadcast()` at the
// beginning of either `Broadcast()` or `BroadcastTeam()` methods.
// Meaning that new broadcast has started for sure.
return canBroadcast;
function Broadcast(Actor sender, coerce string message, optional name type)
local bool canTryToBroadcast;
if (!AllowsBroadcast(sender, Len(message))) {
canTryToBroadcast = onHandleText.Emit(sender, message, type, false);
if (canTryToBroadcast)
storedSenders[storedSenders.length] = sender;
blockAllowsBroadcast = true;
super.Broadcast(sender, message, type);
blockAllowsBroadcast = false;
storedSenders.length = storedSenders.length - 1;
function BroadcastTeam(
Controller sender,
coerce string message,
optional name type)
local bool canTryToBroadcast;
if (!AllowsBroadcast(sender, Len(message))) {
canTryToBroadcast = onHandleText.Emit(sender, message, type, true);
if (canTryToBroadcast)
storedSenders[storedSenders.length] = sender;
blockAllowsBroadcast = true;
super.BroadcastTeam(sender, message, type);
blockAllowsBroadcast = false;
storedSenders.length = storedSenders.length - 1;
event AllowBroadcastLocalized(
Actor sender,
class<LocalMessage> message,
optional int switch,
optional PlayerReplicationInfo relatedPRI1,
optional PlayerReplicationInfo relatedPRI2,
optional Object optionalObject)
local bool canTryToBroadcast;
local BroadcastAPI.LocalizedMessage packedMessage;
packedMessage.class = message;
packedMessage.id = switch;
packedMessage.relatedPRI1 = relatedPRI1;
packedMessage.relatedPRI2 = relatedPRI2;
packedMessage.relatedObject = optionalObject;
canTryToBroadcast = onHandleLocalized.Emit(sender, packedMessage);
if (canTryToBroadcast)
super.AllowBroadcastLocalized( sender, message, switch,
relatedPRI1, relatedPRI2,
function bool AllowsBroadcast(Actor broadcaster, int len)
if (blockAllowsBroadcast) {
return true; // we have already done this check and it passed
return super.AllowsBroadcast(broadcaster, len);
function BroadcastText(
PlayerReplicationInfo senderPRI,
PlayerController receiver,
string message,
optional name type)
local bool canBroadcast;
local Actor sender;
if (senderPRI != none) {
sender = PlayerController(senderPRI.owner);
if (sender == none && storedSenders.length > 0) {
sender = storedSenders[storedSenders.length - 1];
if (usedInjectionLevel == BHIJ_Registered)
if (UpdateTrackingWithTextMessage(senderPRI, receiver, message, type))
currentMessageRejected = !onHandleText
.Emit(sender, message, type, false);
currentlyUsedMessage = message;
else {
message = currentlyUsedMessage;
if (currentMessageRejected) {
canBroadcast = onHandleTextFor.Emit(receiver, sender, message, type);
if (!canBroadcast) {
super.BroadcastText(senderPRI, receiver, message, type);
function BroadcastLocalized(
Actor sender,
PlayerController receiver,
class<LocalMessage> message,
optional int switch,
optional PlayerReplicationInfo relatedPRI1,
optional PlayerReplicationInfo relatedPRI2,
optional Object obj)
local bool canBroadcast;
local BroadcastAPI.LocalizedMessage packedMessage;
packedMessage.class = message;
packedMessage.id = switch;
packedMessage.relatedPRI1 = relatedPRI1;
packedMessage.relatedPRI2 = relatedPRI2;
packedMessage.relatedObject = obj;
if ( usedInjectionLevel == BHIJ_Registered
&& UpdateTrackingWithLocalizedMessage(sender, receiver, packedMessage))
currentMessageRejected = !onHandleLocalized.Emit(sender, packedMessage);
if (currentMessageRejected) {
canBroadcast = onHandleLocalizedFor.Emit(receiver, sender, packedMessage);
if (!canBroadcast) {
super.BroadcastLocalized( sender, receiver, message, switch,
relatedPRI1, relatedPRI2, obj);
event Tick(float delta)
// senders, out for handletext
blockAllowsBroadcast = false
usedInjectionLevel = BHIJ_Root