/** * This class implements an associative array for storing arbitrary types * of data that provides a quick (near constant) access to *values* by * associated *keys*. * Since UnrealScript lacks any sort of templating, `AssociativeArray` * stores generic `AcediaObject` keys and values. `Text` can be used instead of * typical `string` keys and primitive values can be added in their boxed form * (either as actual `Box` or as it's reference counterpart). * Copyright 2020 - 2021 Anton Tarasenko *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * This file is part of Acedia. * * Acedia is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Acedia is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Acedia. If not, see . */ class AssociativeArray extends Collection; // Defines key <-> value (with managed status) mapping. // Stores lifetime information to ensure that values were not reallocated // after being added to the collection. struct Entry { var public AcediaObject key; var protected int keyLifeVersion; var public AcediaObject value; var protected int valueLifeVersion; var public bool managed; }; // Bucket of entries. Used to store entries with the same index in hash table. struct Bucket { var array entries; }; var private array hashTable; // Amount of elements currently stored in this `AssociativeArray`. // If one of the keys was deallocated outside of `AssociativeArray`, // this value may overestimate actual amount of elements. var private int storedElementCount; // Lower limit on hash table capacity, can be changed by the user. var private int minimalCapacity; // hard lower and upper limits on hash table size, constant. var private const int MINIMUM_SIZE; var private const int MAXIMUM_SIZE; // Minimum and maximum allowed density of elements // (`storedElementCount / hashTable.length`). // If density falls outside this range, - we have to resize hash table to // get into (MINIMUM_DENSITY; MAXIMUM_DENSITY) bounds, as long as it does not // violate hard size restrictions. // Actual size changes in multipliers of 2, so // `MINIMUM_DENSITY * 2 < MAXIMUM_DENSITY` must hold or we will constantly // oscillate outside of (MINIMUM_DENSITY; MAXIMUM_DENSITY) bounds. var private const float MINIMUM_DENSITY; var private const float MAXIMUM_DENSITY; /** * Auxiliary struct, necessary to implement iterator for `AssociativeArray`. * Can be used for manual iteration, but should be avoided in favor of * `Iterator`. */ struct Index { var protected int bucketIndex; var protected int entryIndex; }; protected function Constructor() { UpdateHashTableSize(); } protected function Finalizer() { Empty(); } // Auxiliary method that is needed as a replacement for `%` module // operator, since it is an operation on `float`s in UnrealScript and does not // have appropriate value range to work with hashes. // Assumes non-negative input. private function int Remainder(int number, int divisor) { local int quotient; quotient = number / divisor; return (number - quotient * divisor); } // Calculates appropriate bucket index for the given key. // Assumes that given key is not `none` and is allocated. private final function int GetBucketIndex(AcediaObject key) { local int bucketIndex; bucketIndex = key.GetHashCode(); if (bucketIndex < 0) { // Minimum `int` value is greater than maximum one in absolute value, // so shift it up to avoid overflow. bucketIndex = -1 * (bucketIndex + 1); } bucketIndex = Remainder(bucketIndex, hashTable.length); return bucketIndex; } // Accessing value in `AssociativeArray` requires: // 1. Two level lookup of both bucket and entry (inside that bucket) // indices; // 2. Lifetime checks to ensure no-one reallocated keys/values we // are using; // 3. Appropriate clean up o keys/values that were already deallocated. // // We spread the cost of the cleaning by pairing it with every bucket // access. // We only clean one (accessed) bucket per `FindEntryIndices()` and, // given that there isn't many hash collisions, this operation should not be // noticeably expensive. // // As a result returns bucket's and entry's indices in `bucketIndex` and // `entryIndex` out variables. // `bucketIndex` is guaranteed to be found for non-`none` keys, // `entryIndex` is valid iff method returns `true`, otherwise it's equal to // the index at which new property can get inserted. private final function bool FindEntryIndices( AcediaObject key, out int bucketIndex, out int entryIndex) { local int i; local array bucketEntries; if (key == none) return false; if (!key.IsAllocated()) return false; bucketIndex = GetBucketIndex(key); CleanBucket(hashTable[bucketIndex]); // Check if bucket actually has given key. bucketEntries = hashTable[bucketIndex].entries; for (i = 0; i < bucketEntries.length; i += 1) { if (key.IsEqual(bucketEntries[i].key)) { entryIndex = i; return true; } } entryIndex = bucketEntries.length; return false; } // Cleans given bucket from entries with deallocated/reallocated // keys or values. private final function CleanBucket(out Bucket bucketToClean) { local int i; local Entry nextEntry; local array bucketEntries; bucketEntries = bucketToClean.entries; i = 0; while (i < bucketEntries.length) { nextEntry = bucketEntries[i]; // If value was already reallocated - set it to `none`. if ( nextEntry.value != none && nextEntry.value.GetLifeVersion() != nextEntry.valueLifeVersion) { bucketEntries[i].value = none; } // If key was reallocated - it's value becomes essentially // inaccessible, so we deallocate it. // All keys, recorded in hash table, guaranteed to be `!= none`. if (nextEntry.key.GetLifeVersion() != nextEntry.keyLifeVersion) { if (bucketEntries[i].value != none && bucketEntries[i].managed) { bucketEntries[i].value.FreeSelf(nextEntry.valueLifeVersion); } bucketEntries.Remove(i, 1); // We'll update the count, but won't trigger hash table size update // to avoid making value's indices lookup more expensive, since // this method is used in `FindEntryIndices()`. storedElementCount = Max(0, storedElementCount - 1); continue; } i += 1; } bucketToClean.entries = bucketEntries; } // Checks if we need to change our current hash table size // and does so if needed private final function UpdateHashTableSize() { local int oldSize, newSize; oldSize = hashTable.length; // Calculate new size (and whether it is needed) based on amount of // stored properties and current size newSize = oldSize; if (storedElementCount < newSize * MINIMUM_DENSITY) { newSize /= 2; } else if (storedElementCount > newSize * MAXIMUM_DENSITY) { newSize *= 2; } // `table_density = items_amount / table_size`, so to store at least // `items_amount = minimalCapacity` without making table too dense we need // `table_size = minimalCapacity / MAXIMUM_DENSITY`. newSize = Max(newSize, Ceil(minimalCapacity / MAXIMUM_DENSITY)); // But everything must fall into the set hard limits newSize = Clamp(newSize, MINIMUM_SIZE, MAXIMUM_SIZE); // Only resize if difference is huge enough or table does not exists yet if (newSize != oldSize) { ResizeHashTable(newSize); } } // Changes size of the hash table, does not check any limits, // does not check if `newSize` is a valid size (`newSize > 0`). private final function ResizeHashTable(int newSize) { local int i, j; local int newBucketIndex, newEntryIndex; local array bucketEntries; local array oldHashTable; oldHashTable = hashTable; // Clean current hash table hashTable.length = 0; hashTable.length = newSize; for (i = 0; i < oldHashTable.length; i += 1) { CleanBucket(oldHashTable[i]); bucketEntries = oldHashTable[i].entries; for (j = 0; j < bucketEntries.length; j += 1) { newBucketIndex = GetBucketIndex(bucketEntries[j].key); newEntryIndex = hashTable[newBucketIndex].entries.length; hashTable[newBucketIndex].entries[newEntryIndex] = bucketEntries[j]; } } } /** * Returns minimal capacity of the caller associative array. * * See `SetMinimalCapacity()` for details. * * @return Minimal capacity of the caller associative array. Default is zero. */ public final function int GetMinimalCapacity() { return minimalCapacity; } /** * Returns minimal capacity of the caller associative array. * * This associative array works like a hash table and needs to allocate * sufficiently large dynamic array as a storage for its items. * If you keep adding new items that storage will eventually become too small * for hash table to work efficiently and we will have to reallocate and * re-fill it. If you want to add a huge enough amount of items, this process * can be repeated several times. * This is not ideal, since it means doing a lot of iteration, each * increasing infinite loop counter (game will crash if it gets high enough). * Setting minimal capacity to the (higher) amount of items you expect to * store in the caller array can remove the need for reallocating the storage. * * @param newMinimalCapacity New minimal capacity of this associative array. * It's recommended to set it to the max amount of items you expect to * store in this associative array * (you will be still allowed to store more). */ public final function SetMinimalCapacity(int newMinimalCapacity) { minimalCapacity = newMinimalCapacity; UpdateHashTableSize(); } /** * Checks if caller `AssociativeArray` has value recorded with a given `key`. * * @return `true` if caller `AssociativeArray` has value recorded with * a given `key` and `false` otherwise. */ public final function bool HasKey(AcediaObject key) { local int bucketIndex, entryIndex; return FindEntryIndices(key, bucketIndex, entryIndex); } /** * Checks if caller `AssociativeArray`'s value recorded with a given `key` * is managed. * * Managed values will be automatically deallocated once they are removed * (or overwritten) from the caller `AssociativeArray`. * * @return `true` if value recorded with a given `key` is managed * and `false` otherwise; * if value is missing (`none` or there is not entry for the `key`), * returns `false`. */ public final function bool IsManaged(AcediaObject key) { local int bucketIndex, entryIndex; if (FindEntryIndices(key, bucketIndex, entryIndex)) { return hashTable[bucketIndex].entries[entryIndex].managed; } return false; } /** * Returns value recorded by a given key `key` in the caller * `AssociativeArray`. * * Can return `none` if either stored values is `none` or there's no value * recorded with a `key`. To check whether there is a record, corresponding to * the `key` use `HasKey()` method. * * @param key Key for which to return value. * @return Value, stored with given key `key`. If there is no value with * such a key method will return `none`. */ public final function AcediaObject GetItem(AcediaObject key) { local int bucketIndex, entryIndex; if (FindEntryIndices(key, bucketIndex, entryIndex)) { return hashTable[bucketIndex].entries[entryIndex].value; } return none; } /** * Returns entry corresponding to a given key `key` in the caller * `AssociativeArray`. * * @param key Key for which to return entry. * @return Entry (key/value pair + indicator of whether values was managed * by `AssociativeArray`) with the given key `key`. */ public final function Entry GetEntry(AcediaObject key) { local Entry emptyEntry; local int bucketIndex, entryIndex; if (!FindEntryIndices(key, bucketIndex, entryIndex)) { return emptyEntry; } return hashTable[bucketIndex].entries[entryIndex]; } /** * Returns entry corresponding to a given key `key` in the caller * `AssociativeArray`, removing it from the caller `AssociativeArray`. * * Returned value is no longer managed by the `AssociativeArray` (if it was) * and must be deallocated once you do not need them anymore. * * @param key Key for which to return entry. * @return Entry (key/value pair + indicator of whether values was managed * by `AssociativeArray`) with the given key `key`. */ public final function Entry TakeEntry(AcediaObject key) { local Entry entryToTake; local int bucketIndex, entryIndex; if (!FindEntryIndices(key, bucketIndex, entryIndex)) { return entryToTake; } entryToTake = hashTable[bucketIndex].entries[entryIndex]; hashTable[bucketIndex].entries.Remove(entryIndex, 1); storedElementCount = Max(0, storedElementCount - 1); UpdateHashTableSize(); return entryToTake; } /** * Returns value recorded with a given key `key` in the caller * `AssociativeArray`, removing it from the collection. * * Returned value is no longer managed by the `AssociativeArray` (if it was) * and must be deallocated once you do not need it anymore. * * @param key Key for which to return value. * @param freeKey Setting this to `true` will also free the key item was * stored with. Passed argument `key` will not be deallocated, unless it is * the exact same object as item's key inside caller collection. * @return Value, stored with given key `key`. If there is no value with * such a key method will return `none`. */ public final function AcediaObject TakeItem( AcediaObject key, optional bool freeKey) { local Entry entry; entry = TakeEntry(key); if (freeKey) { _.memory.Free(entry.key); } return entry.value; } /** * Records new `value` under the key `key` into the caller `AssociativeArray`. * * If this will override already existing managed record - old value will * be automatically deallocated (unless they are the same object as a new one). * If you wish to avoid this behavior - retrieve them with either of * `TakeItem()` or `TakeEntry()` methods first. * * @param key Key by which new value will be referred to. * @param value Value to store in the caller `AssociativeArray`. * @return Caller `AssociativeArray` to allow for method chaining. */ public final function AssociativeArray SetItem( AcediaObject key, AcediaObject value, optional bool managed) { local Entry oldEntry, newEntry; local int bucketIndex, entryIndex; if (key == none) { return self; } if (FindEntryIndices(key, bucketIndex, entryIndex)) { oldEntry = hashTable[bucketIndex].entries[entryIndex]; } else { storedElementCount += 1; } newEntry.key = key; newEntry.keyLifeVersion = key.GetLifeVersion(); newEntry.managed = managed; newEntry.value = value; if (value != none) { newEntry.valueLifeVersion = value.GetLifeVersion(); } if ( oldEntry.managed && oldEntry.value != none && newEntry.value != oldEntry.value) { oldEntry.value.FreeSelf(oldEntry.valueLifeVersion); } hashTable[bucketIndex].entries[entryIndex] = newEntry; return self; } /** * Creates a new instance of class `valueClass` and records it's value with * key `key` in the caller `AssociativeArray`. Value is recorded as managed. * * @param key Key by which new value will be referred to. * @param valueClass Class of object to create. Will only be created if * passed `key` is valid. * @return Caller `AssociativeArray` to allow for method chaining. */ public final function AssociativeArray CreateItem( AcediaObject key, class valueClass) { if (key == none) return self; if (valueClass == none) return self; return SetItem(key, AcediaObject(_.memory.Allocate(valueClass)), true); } /** * Removes a value recorded with a given key `key`. * Does nothing if entry with a given key does not exist. * * Removed values are deallocated if they are managed. If you wish to avoid * that, use `TakeItem()` or `TakeEntry()` methods. * * @param key Key for which to remove value. * @param deallocateKey Should key be also deallocated? * @return Caller `AssociativeArray` to allow for method chaining. */ public final function AssociativeArray RemoveItem( AcediaObject key, optional bool deallocateKey) { local Entry entryToRemove; local int bucketIndex, entryIndex; if (key == none) return self; if (!FindEntryIndices(key, bucketIndex, entryIndex)) { return self; } entryToRemove = hashTable[bucketIndex].entries[entryIndex]; hashTable[bucketIndex].entries.Remove(entryIndex, 1); storedElementCount = Max(0, storedElementCount - 1); UpdateHashTableSize(); if (entryToRemove.managed && entryToRemove.value != none) { entryToRemove.value.FreeSelf(entryToRemove.valueLifeVersion); } if (deallocateKey && entryToRemove.key != none) { entryToRemove.key.FreeSelf(entryToRemove.keyLifeVersion); } return self; } public function Empty(optional bool deallocateKeys) { local int i, j; local Collection subCollection; local array nextEntries; for (i = 0; i < hashTable.length; i += 1) { nextEntries = hashTable[i].entries; for (j = 0; j < nextEntries.length; j += 1) { if (!nextEntries[j].managed) continue; if (nextEntries[j].value == none) continue; if ( nextEntries[j].value.GetLifeVersion() != nextEntries[j].valueLifeVersion) { continue; } if (deallocateKeys) { subCollection = Collection(nextEntries[j].value); if (subCollection != none) { subCollection.Empty(true); } } nextEntries[j].value.FreeSelf(nextEntries[j].valueLifeVersion); } if (deallocateKeys) { for (j = 0; j < nextEntries.length; j += 1) { if (nextEntries[j].key != none) { nextEntries[j].key.FreeSelf(nextEntries[j].keyLifeVersion); } } } } hashTable.length = 0; storedElementCount = 0; UpdateHashTableSize(); } /** * Returns key of all properties inside caller `AssociativeArray`. * * Collecting all keys from the `AssociativeArray` is O(). * * See also `CopyTextKeys()` methods. * * @return Array of all the caller `AssociativeArray`'s keys. * This method does not return copies of keys, but actual keys instead - * deallocating them will remove their item from * the caller `AssociativeArray`. */ public final function array GetKeys() { local int i, j; local array result; local array nextEntry; for (i = 0; i < hashTable.length; i += 1) { CleanBucket(hashTable[i]); nextEntry = hashTable[i].entries; for (j = 0; j < nextEntry.length; j += 1) { result[result.length] = nextEntry[j].key; } } return result; } /** * Returns copies of `Text` key of all properties inside caller * `AssociativeArray`. Keys that have a different class (even if they are * a child class for `Text`) are not returned. * * This method exists to provide alternative to `GetKeys()` method that would * return copies of keys instead of actually used references: we cannot make * a copy of an arbitrary `AcediaObject`, but we can of `Text`. * Which is also a most common type for the keys. * * Collecting all keys from the `AssociativeArray` is O(). * * @return Array of all the caller `AssociativeArray`'s keys that have exactly * `Text` class. */ public final function array CopyTextKeys() { local int i, j; local Text nextKeyAsText; local array result; local array nextEntry; for (i = 0; i < hashTable.length; i += 1) { CleanBucket(hashTable[i]); nextEntry = hashTable[i].entries; for (j = 0; j < nextEntry.length; j += 1) { nextKeyAsText = Text(nextEntry[j].key); if (nextKeyAsText != none && nextKeyAsText.class == class'Text') { result[result.length] = nextKeyAsText.Copy(); } } } return result; } /** * Returns amount of elements in the caller `AssociativeArray`. * * Note that this value might overestimate real amount of values inside * `AssociativeArray` in case some of the keys used for storage were * deallocated by code outside of `AssociativeArray`. * Such values might be eventually found and removed, but * `AssociativeArray` does not provide any guarantees on when it's done. */ public final function int GetLength() { return storedElementCount; } /** * Auxiliary method for iterator that increments given `Index` structure. * * @param previousIndex Index to increment. * @return `true` if incremented index is pointing at a valid item, * `false` if collection has ended. */ public final function bool IncrementIndex(out Index previousIndex) { previousIndex.entryIndex += 1; // Go forward through buckets until we find non-empty one while (previousIndex.bucketIndex < hashTable.length) { CleanBucket(hashTable[previousIndex.bucketIndex]); if ( previousIndex.entryIndex < hashTable[previousIndex.bucketIndex].entries.length) { return true; } previousIndex.entryIndex = 0; previousIndex.bucketIndex += 1; } return false; } /** * Auxiliary method for iterator that returns value corresponding to * a given `Index` structure. * * @param index Index of item to return. * @return `Entry` corresponding to a given index. If index is invalid * (not pointing at any value for caller `AssociativeArray`) returns * `Entry` with key and value set to `none`. * Note that `none` can be returned because that is simply the value * being stored. */ public final function Entry GetEntryByIndex(Index index) { local Entry emptyEntry; if (index.bucketIndex < 0) return emptyEntry; if (index.bucketIndex >= hashTable.length) return emptyEntry; if ( index.entryIndex < 0 || index.entryIndex >= hashTable[index.bucketIndex].entries.length) { return emptyEntry; } return hashTable[index.bucketIndex].entries[index.entryIndex]; } protected function AcediaObject GetByText(Text key) { return GetItem(key); } /** * Returns `bool` item at key `key`. If key is invalid or * stores a non-`bool` value, returns `defaultValue`. * * Referred value must be stored as `BoolBox` or `BoolRef` * (or one of their sub-classes) for this method to work. * * @param key Key of a `bool` item that `AssociativeArray` * has to return. * @param defaultValue Value to return if there is either no item recorded * at `key` or it has a wrong type. * @return `bool` value at `key` in the caller `AssociativeArray`. * `defaultValue` if passed `key` is invalid or non-`bool` value * is stored with it. */ public final function bool GetBool(AcediaObject key, optional bool defaultValue) { local AcediaObject result; local BoolBox asBox; local BoolRef asRef; result = GetItem(key); if (result == none) { return defaultValue; } asBox = BoolBox(result); if (asBox != none) { return asBox.Get(); } asRef = BoolRef(result); if (asRef != none) { return asRef.Get(); } return defaultValue; } /** * Changes `AssociativeArray`'s value at key `key` to `value` that will be * recorded as either `BoolBox` or `BoolRef`, depending of `asRef` * optional parameter. * * Inserted value will always be recorded as a managed value, i.e. it will be * automatically deallocated when overwritten, removed or * caller `AssociativeArray` is deallocated. * * @param key Key, at which to change the value. If `DynamicArray` is * not long enough to hold it, it will be automatically expanded. * If passed key is negative - method will do nothing. * @param value Value to be set at a given key. * @param asRef Given `bool` value will be recorded as immutable `BoolBox` * by default (`asRef == false`). Setting this parameter to `true` will * make this method record it as a mutable `BoolRef`. * @return Reference to the caller `AssociativeArray` to allow for * method chaining. */ public final function AssociativeArray SetBool( AcediaObject key, bool value, optional bool asRef) { if (asRef) { SetItem(key, _.ref.bool(value), true); } else { SetItem(key, _.box.bool(value), true); } return self; } /** * Returns `byte` item at key `key`. If key is invalid or * stores a non-`byte` value, returns `defaultValue`. * * Referred value must be stored as `ByteBox` or `ByteBox` * (or one of their sub-classes) for this method to work. * * @param key Key of a `byte` item that `AssociativeArray` * has to return. * @param defaultValue Value to return if there is either no item recorded * at `key` or it has a wrong type. * @return `byte` value at `key` in the caller `AssociativeArray`. * `defaultValue` if passed `key` is invalid or non-`byte` value * is stored with it. */ public final function byte GetByte(AcediaObject key, optional byte defaultValue) { local AcediaObject result; local ByteBox asBox; local ByteRef asRef; result = GetItem(key); if (result == none) { return defaultValue; } asBox = ByteBox(result); if (asBox != none) { return asBox.Get(); } asRef = ByteRef(result); if (asRef != none) { return asRef.Get(); } return defaultValue; } /** * Changes `AssociativeArray`'s value at key `key` to `value` that will be * recorded as either `ByteBox` or `ByteBox`, depending of `asRef` * optional parameter. * * Inserted value will always be recorded as a managed value, i.e. it will be * automatically deallocated when overwritten, removed or * caller `AssociativeArray` is deallocated. * * @param key Key, at which to change the value. If `DynamicArray` is * not long enough to hold it, it will be automatically expanded. * If passed key is negative - method will do nothing. * @param value Value to be set at a given key. * @param asRef Given `byte` value will be recorded as immutable `ByteBox` * by default (`asRef == false`). Setting this parameter to `true` will * make this method record it as a mutable `ByteBox`. * @return Reference to the caller `AssociativeArray` to allow for * method chaining. */ public final function AssociativeArray SetByte( AcediaObject key, byte value, optional bool asRef) { if (asRef) { SetItem(key, _.ref.byte(value), true); } else { SetItem(key, _.box.byte(value), true); } return self; } /** * Returns `int` item at key `key`. If key is invalid or * stores a non-`int` value, returns `defaultValue`. * * Referred value must be stored as `IntBox` or `IntRef` * (or one of their sub-classes) for this method to work. * * @param key Key of a `int` item that `AssociativeArray` * has to return. * @param defaultValue Value to return if there is either no item recorded * at `key` or it has a wrong type. * @return `int` value at `key` in the caller `AssociativeArray`. * `defaultValue` if passed `key` is invalid or non-`int` value * is stored with it. */ public final function int GetInt(AcediaObject key, optional int defaultValue) { local AcediaObject result; local IntBox asBox; local IntRef asRef; result = GetItem(key); if (result == none) { return defaultValue; } asBox = IntBox(result); if (asBox != none) { return asBox.Get(); } asRef = IntRef(result); if (asRef != none) { return asRef.Get(); } return defaultValue; } /** * Changes `AssociativeArray`'s value at key `key` to `value` that will be * recorded as either `IntBox` or `IntRef`, depending of `asRef` * optional parameter. * * Inserted value will always be recorded as a managed value, i.e. it will be * automatically deallocated when overwritten, removed or * caller `AssociativeArray` is deallocated. * * @param key Key, at which to change the value. If `DynamicArray` is * not long enough to hold it, it will be automatically expanded. * If passed key is negative - method will do nothing. * @param value Value to be set at a given key. * @param asRef Given `int` value will be recorded as immutable `IntBox` * by default (`asRef == false`). Setting this parameter to `true` will * make this method record it as a mutable `IntRef`. * @return Reference to the caller `AssociativeArray` to allow for * method chaining. */ public final function AssociativeArray SetInt( AcediaObject key, int value, optional bool asRef) { if (asRef) { SetItem(key, _.ref.int(value), true); } else { SetItem(key, _.box.int(value), true); } return self; } /** * Returns `float` item at key `key`. If key is invalid or * stores a non-`float` value, returns `defaultValue`. * * Referred value must be stored as `FloatBox` or `FloatRef` * (or one of their sub-classes) for this method to work. * * @param key Key of a `float` item that `AssociativeArray` * has to return. * @param defaultValue Value to return if there is either no item recorded * at `key` or it has a wrong type. * @return `float` value at `key` in the caller `AssociativeArray`. * `defaultValue` if passed `key` is invalid or non-`float` value * is stored with it. */ public final function float GetFloat( AcediaObject key, optional float defaultValue) { local AcediaObject result; local FloatBox asBox; local FloatRef asRef; result = GetItem(key); if (result == none) { return defaultValue; } asBox = FloatBox(result); if (asBox != none) { return asBox.Get(); } asRef = FloatRef(result); if (asRef != none) { return asRef.Get(); } return defaultValue; } /** * Changes `AssociativeArray`'s value at key `key` to `value` that will be * recorded as either `FloatBox` or `FloatRef`, depending of `asRef` * optional parameter. * * Inserted value will always be recorded as a managed value, i.e. it will be * automatically deallocated when overwritten, removed or * caller `AssociativeArray` is deallocated. * * @param key Key, at which to change the value. If `DynamicArray` is * not long enough to hold it, it will be automatically expanded. * If passed key is negative - method will do nothing. * @param value Value to be set at a given key. * @param asRef Given `float` value will be recorded as immutable `FloatBox` * by default (`asRef == false`). Setting this parameter to `true` will * make this method record it as a mutable `FloatRef`. * @return Reference to the caller `AssociativeArray` to allow for * method chaining. */ public final function AssociativeArray SetFloat( AcediaObject key, float value, optional bool asRef) { if (asRef) { SetItem(key, _.ref.float(value), true); } else { SetItem(key, _.box.float(value), true); } return self; } /** * Returns `Text` item stored at key `key`. If key is invalid or * stores a non-`Text` value, returns `none`. * * Referred value must be stored as `Text` (or one of it's sub-classes, * such as `MutableText`) for this method to work. * * @param key Key of a `Text` item that `AssociativeArray` * has to return. * @return `Text` value recorded with `key` in the caller `AssociativeArray`. * `none` if passed `key` is invalid or non-`Text` value * is stored with it. */ public final function Text GetText(AcediaObject key) { return Text(GetItem(key)); } /** * Returns `AssociativeArray` item stored at key `key`. If key is invalid or * stores a non-`AssociativeArray` value, returns `none`. * * Referred value must be stored as `AssociativeArray` * (or one of it's sub-classes) for this method to work. * * @param key Key of an `AssociativeArray` item that caller `AssociativeArray` * has to return. * @return `AssociativeArray` value recorded with `key` in the caller * `AssociativeArray`. `none` if passed `key` is invalid or * non-`AssociativeArray` value is stored with it. */ public final function AssociativeArray GetAssociativeArray(AcediaObject key) { return AssociativeArray(GetItem(key)); } /** * Returns `DynamicArray` item stored at key `key`. If key is invalid or * stores a non-`DynamicArray` value, returns `none`. * * Referred value must be stored as `DynamicArray` * (or one of it's sub-classes) for this method to work. * * @param key Key of a `DynamicArray` item that caller `AssociativeArray` * has to return. * @return `AssociativeArray` value recorded with `key` in the caller * `AssociativeArray`. `none` if passed `key` is invalid or * non-`AssociativeArray` value is stored with it. */ public final function DynamicArray GetDynamicArray(AcediaObject key) { return DynamicArray(GetItem(key)); } defaultproperties { iteratorClass = class'AssociativeArrayIterator' minimalCapacity = 0 MINIMUM_SIZE = 50 MAXIMUM_SIZE = 20000 // `MINIMUM_DENSITY * 2 < MAXIMUM_DENSITY` must hold for `AssociativeArray` // to work properly MINIMUM_DENSITY = 0.25 MAXIMUM_DENSITY = 0.75 }