/** * Command for displaying help information about registered Acedia's commands. * Copyright 2022-2023 Anton Tarasenko *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * This file is part of Acedia. * * Acedia is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Acedia is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Acedia. If not, see . */ class ACommandUserGroups extends Command dependson(Users_Feature); protected function BuildData(CommandDataBuilder builder) { builder.Name(P("usergroups")) .Group(P("admin")) .Summary(P("User groups management.")) .Describe(P("Allows to add/remove user groups and users to these:" @ "groups. Changes made by it will always affect current session," @ "but might fail to be saved in case user groups are stored in" @ "a database that is either corrupted or in read-only mode.")); builder.SubCommand(P("list")) .Describe(P("Lists specified groups along with users that belong to" @ "them. If no groups were specified at all - lists all available" @ "groups.")) .OptionalParams() .ParamTextList(P("groups")); builder.SubCommand(P("add")) .Describe(P("Adds a new group")) .ParamText(P("group_name")); builder.SubCommand(P("remove")) .Describe(P("Removes a group")) .ParamText(P("group_name")); builder.SubCommand(P("addplayer")) .Describe(F("Adds new user to the group, specified by the player" @ "selector. Can add several players at once." @ "Allows to also optionally specify annotation" @ "(human-readable name) that can be thought of as" @ "a {$TextEmphasis comment}. If annotation isn't specified" @ "current nickname will be used as one.")) .ParamText(P("group_name")) .ParamPlayers(P("player_selector")) .OptionalParams() .ParamText(P("annotation")); builder.SubCommand(P("removeplayer")) .Describe(P("Removes user from the group, specified by player selector." @ "Can remove several players at once.")) .ParamText(P("group_name")) .ParamPlayers(P("player_selector")); builder.SubCommand(P("adduser")) .Describe(F("Adds new user to the group. Allows to also optionally" @ "specify annotation (human-readable name) that can be thought of" @ "as a {$TextEmphasis comment}.")) .ParamText(P("group_name")) .ParamText(P("user_id")) .OptionalParams() .ParamText(P("annotation")); builder.SubCommand(P("removeuser")) .Describe(P("Removes user from the group. User can be specified by both" @ "user's id or annotation, with id taking priority.")) .ParamText(P("group_name")) .ParamText(P("user_name")); builder.Option(P("force")) .Describe(P("Allows to force usage of invalid user IDs.")); } protected function Executed(CallData arguments, EPlayer instigator) { local bool forceOption; local Text groupName, userID, userName, annotation; local ArrayList players, groups; groupName = arguments.parameters.GetText(P("group_name")); // For parameters named `user_id`, can only be ID userID = arguments.parameters.GetText(P("user_id")); // For parameters named `user_id`, can be either ID or annotation userName = arguments.parameters.GetText(P("user_name")); annotation = arguments.parameters.GetText(P("annotation")); // An array of players that can be specified for some commands players = arguments.parameters.GetArrayList(P("player_selector")); groups = arguments.parameters.GetArrayList(P("groups")); forceOption = arguments.options.HasKey(P("force")); if (arguments.subCommandName.IsEmpty()) { DisplayUserGroups(); } else if (arguments.subCommandName.Compare(P("list"), SCASE_SENSITIVE)) { DisplayUserGroupsWithUsers(groups); } else if (arguments.subCommandName.Compare(P("add"), SCASE_SENSITIVE)) { AddGroup(groupName); } else if (arguments.subCommandName.Compare(P("remove"), SCASE_SENSITIVE)) { RemoveGroup(groupName); } else if (arguments.subCommandName.Compare(P("adduser"), SCASE_SENSITIVE)) { AddOrAnnotateUser(groupName, userID, annotation, forceOption); } else if (arguments.subCommandName.Compare(P("removeuser"), SCASE_SENSITIVE)) { RemoveUser(groupName, userName); } else if (arguments.subCommandName.Compare(P("addplayer"), SCASE_SENSITIVE)) { AddOrAnnotatePlayers(groupName, players, annotation); } else if (arguments.subCommandName .Compare(P("removeplayer"), SCASE_SENSITIVE)) { RemovePlayers(groupName, players); } _.memory.Free(groupName); _.memory.Free(userID); _.memory.Free(userName); _.memory.Free(annotation); _.memory.Free(players); _.memory.Free(groups); } private function bool ValidateGroupExistence(BaseText groupName) { if (_.users.IsGroupExisting(groupName)) { return true; } callerConsole .Write(P("Group ")) .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextEmphasis) .Write(groupName) .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextFailure) .Write(P(" doesn't exists")) .WriteLine(P("!")); return false; } private function bool ValidateUserID(BaseText textUserID) { local int i; if (textUserID == none) { return false; } if (textUserID.IsEmpty()) { callerConsole.WriteLine(F("Valid User ID" @ "{$TextFailure shouldn't be empty}," @ "use {$TextEmphasis --force} flag if you want to enforce" @ "using it.")); return false; } for (i = 0; i < textUserID.GetLength(); i += 1) { if (!_.text.IsDigit(textUserID.GetCharacter(i))) { callerConsole.WriteLine(F("Valid User ID" @ "{$TextFailure should consist only of digits}," @ "use {$TextEmphasis --force} flag if you want" @ "to enforce using it.")); return false; } } return true; } private function bool TryAddingUserID( BaseText groupName, UserID userID, BaseText userSpecifiedID) { if (_.users.IsUserIDInGroup(userID, groupName)) { callerConsole .Write(P("User id specified as ")) .UseColorOnce(_.color.Gray) .Write(userSpecifiedID) .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextFailure) .Write(P(" is already in the group ")) .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextEmphasis) .Write(groupName) .WriteLine(P("!")); } else if (_.users.AddUserIDToGroup(userID, groupName)) { callerConsole .Write(F("{$TextPositive Added} user id specified as ")) .UseColorOnce(_.color.Gray) .Write(userSpecifiedID) .Write(P(" to the group ")) .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextEmphasis) .Write(groupName) .WriteLine(P("!")); } else { callerConsole .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextFailure) .Write(P("Failed (for unknown reason)")) .Write(P(" to add user id ")) .UseColorOnce(_.color.Gray).Write(userSpecifiedID) .Write(P(" to the group ")) .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextEmphasis).Write(groupName) .WriteLine(P("!")); return false; } return true; } private function DisplayAnnotation( BaseText userSpecifiedName, BaseText groupName, BaseText annotation) { callerConsole .Write(P("Annotation for user id specified as ")) .UseColorOnce(_.color.Gray) .Write(userSpecifiedName) .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextPositive) .Write(P(" in the group ")) .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextEmphasis) .Write(groupName) .Write(P(" is set to ")) .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextNeutral) .WriteLine(annotation); } private function AddOrAnnotateUser( BaseText groupName, BaseText textUserID, BaseText annotation, bool forceOption) { local UserID id; if (groupName == none) return; if (textUserID == none) return; if (!ValidateGroupExistence(groupName)) return; if (!forceOption && !ValidateUserID(textUserID)) return; id = UserID(_.memory.Allocate(class'UserID')); id.Initialize(textUserID); if (!TryAddingUserID(groupName, id, textUserID) || annotation == none) { _.memory.Free(id); return; } _.users.SetAnnotationForUserID(groupName, id, annotation); _.memory.Free(id); DisplayAnnotation(textUserID, groupName, annotation); } private function AddOrAnnotatePlayers( BaseText groupName, ArrayList players, BaseText annotation) { local int i; local BaseText playerName, nextAnnotation; local EPlayer nextPlayer; local UserID nextID; if (groupName == none) return; if (players == none) return; if (!ValidateGroupExistence(groupName)) return; for (i = 0; i < players.GetLength(); i += 1) { nextPlayer = EPlayer(players.GetItem(i)); if (nextPlayer == none) { continue; } playerName = nextPlayer.GetName(); nextID = nextPlayer.GetUserID(); if (TryAddingUserID(groupName, nextID, playerName)) { if (annotation == none) { nextAnnotation = playerName; } else { nextAnnotation = annotation; } _.users.SetAnnotationForUserID(groupName, nextID, nextAnnotation); DisplayAnnotation(playerName, groupName, nextAnnotation); _.memory.Free(nextID); nextAnnotation = none; } _.memory.Free(nextPlayer); _.memory.Free(playerName); _.memory.Free(nextID); nextPlayer = none; playerName = none; nextID = none; } } private function TryRemovingUserID( BaseText groupName, UserID idToRemove, BaseText userSpecifiedName) { local Text idAsText; idAsText = idToRemove.GetUniqueID(); if (_.users.RemoveUserIDFromGroup(idToRemove, groupName)) { callerConsole .Write(F("{$TextNegative Removed} user ")) .UseColorOnce(_.color.Gray) .Write(userSpecifiedName) .Write(P(" (with id ")) .UseColorOnce(_.color.Gray) .Write(idAsText) .Write(P(") from the group ")) .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextEmphasis) .Write(groupName) .WriteLine(P("!")); } else { callerConsole .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextFailure) .Write(P("Failed (for unknown reason)")) .Write(P("to remove user with id ")) .UseColorOnce(_.color.Gray) .Write(idAsText) .Write(P(" from the group ")) .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextEmphasis) .Write(groupName) .WriteLine(P(".")); } _.memory.Free(idAsText); } private function bool RemoveUsersByAnnotation( BaseText groupName, BaseText userName) { local int i; local bool removedUser; local array annotatedUsers; annotatedUsers = _.users.GetAnnotatedGroupMembers(groupName); for (i = 0; i < annotatedUsers.length; i += 1) { if (userName.Compare(annotatedUsers[i].annotation, SCASE_INSENSITIVE)) { TryRemovingUserID(groupName, annotatedUsers[i].id, userName); removedUser = true; } } for (i = 0; i < annotatedUsers.length; i += 1) { _.memory.Free(annotatedUsers[i].id); _.memory.Free(annotatedUsers[i].annotation); } return removedUser; } private function RemoveUser(BaseText groupName, BaseText userName) { local bool matchedUserName; local UserID idFromName; if (groupName == none) return; if (userName == none) return; if (!ValidateGroupExistence(groupName)) return; idFromName = UserID(_.memory.Allocate(class'UserID')); idFromName.Initialize(userName); if ( idFromName.IsInitialized() && _.users.IsUserIDInGroup(idFromName, groupName)) { TryRemovingUserID(groupName, idFromName, userName); matchedUserName = true; } else { matchedUserName = RemoveUsersByAnnotation(groupName, userName); } _.memory.Free(idFromName); if (!matchedUserName) { callerConsole .Write(P("User ")) .UseColorOnce(_.color.Gray) .Write(userName) .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextFailure) .Write(P(" doesn't belong to the group ")) .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextEmphasis) .Write(groupName) .WriteLine(P("!")); } } private function RemovePlayers(BaseText groupName, ArrayList players) { local int i; local Text playerName; local EPlayer nextPlayer; local UserID nextID; if (groupName == none) return; if (players == none) return; if (!ValidateGroupExistence(groupName)) return; for (i = 0; i < players.GetLength(); i += 1) { nextPlayer = EPlayer(players.GetItem(i)); if (nextPlayer == none) { continue; } playerName = nextPlayer.GetName(); nextID = nextPlayer.GetUserID(); if (!_.users.IsUserIDInGroup(nextID, groupName)) { callerConsole .Write(P("Player ")) .UseColorOnce(_.color.Gray) .Write(playerName) .Write(F(" {$TextFailure doesn't belong} to the group ")) .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextEmphasis) .Write(groupName) .WriteLine(P("!")); } else { TryRemovingUserID(groupName, nextID, playerName); } _.memory.Free(nextPlayer); _.memory.Free(playerName); _.memory.Free(nextID); nextPlayer = none; playerName = none; nextID = none; } } private function AddGroup(BaseText groupName) { if (_.users.IsGroupExisting(groupName)) { callerConsole .Write(P("Group ")) .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextEmphasis) .Write(groupName) .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextNegative) .Write(P(" already exists")) .WriteLine(P("!")); return; } if (_.users.AddGroup(groupName)) { callerConsole .Write(P("Group ")) .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextEmphasis) .Write(groupName) .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextPositive) .Write(P(" was added")) .WriteLine(P("!")); } else { callerConsole .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextFailure) .Write(P("Cannot add")) .Write(P(" group with a name ")) .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextEmphasis) .Write(groupName) .WriteLine(P(" for unknown reason.")); } } private function RemoveGroup(BaseText groupName) { if (!_.users.IsGroupExisting(groupName)) { callerConsole .Write(P("Group ")) .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextEmphasis) .Write(groupName) .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextNegative) .Write(P(" doesn't exists")) .WriteLine(P("!")); return; } if (_.users.RemoveGroup(groupName)) { callerConsole .Write(P("Group ")) .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextEmphasis) .Write(groupName) .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextPositive) .Write(P(" was removed")) .WriteLine(P("!")); } else { callerConsole .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextFailure) .Write(P("Cannot remove")) .Write(P(" group ")) .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextEmphasis) .Write(groupName) .WriteLine(P(" for unknown reason.")); } } private function DisplayUserGroups() { local int i; local array availableGroups; if (!ValidateUsersFeature()) { return; } availableGroups = _.users.GetAvailableGroups(); if (availableGroups.length <= 0) { callerConsole.WriteLine(F("{$TextNegative No user groups}" @ "currently available.")); return; } callerConsole .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextEmphasis) .Write(P("Available user groups")) .Write(P(": ")); for (i = 0; i < availableGroups.length; i += 1) { if (i > 0) { callerConsole.Write(P(", ")); } callerConsole.Write(availableGroups[i]); } callerConsole.Flush(); _.memory.FreeMany(availableGroups); } private function bool ValidateUsersFeature() { if (class'Users_Feature'.static.IsEnabled()) { return true; } callerConsole .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextFailure) .WriteLine(P("`Users_Feature` is currently disabled.")); return false; } private function bool IsGroupSpecified( ArrayList specifiedGroups, BaseText groupToCheck) { local int i; local int length; local Text nextGroup; if (groupToCheck == none) return false; if (specifiedGroups == none) return true; length = groupToCheck.GetLength(); if (length <= 0) return true; for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { nextGroup = specifiedGroups.GetText(i); if (groupToCheck.Compare(nextGroup, SCASE_INSENSITIVE)) { nextGroup.FreeSelf(); return true; } _.memory.Free(nextGroup); } return false; } private function DisplayUserGroupsWithUsers(ArrayList specifiedGroups) { local int i; local bool displayedGroup; local array availableGroups; if (!ValidateUsersFeature()) { return; } availableGroups = _.users.GetAvailableGroups(); if (availableGroups.length <= 0) { callerConsole.WriteLine(F("{$TextNegative No user groups}" @ "currently available.")); return; } for (i = 0; i < availableGroups.length; i += 1) { if (IsGroupSpecified(specifiedGroups, availableGroups[i])) { displayedGroup = true; callerConsole .Write(P("User group ")) .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextEmphasis) .Write(availableGroups[i]) .WriteLine(P(":")); DisplayUsersFor(availableGroups[i]); } } callerConsole.Flush(); _.memory.FreeMany(availableGroups); if (!displayedGroup && specifiedGroups != none) { callerConsole.WriteLine(F("{$TextFailure No valid groups} specified!")); } } private function DisplayUsersFor(Text groupName) { local int i; local Text nextID; local array annotatedUsers; annotatedUsers = _.users.GetAnnotatedGroupMembers(groupName); if (annotatedUsers.length <= 0) { callerConsole.WriteBlock(P("No users")); return; } for (i = 0; i < annotatedUsers.length; i += 1) { if (annotatedUsers[i].id == none) { continue; } nextID = annotatedUsers[i].id.GetUniqueID(); if (annotatedUsers[i].annotation != none) { callerConsole .Write(nextID) .UseColorOnce(_.color.TextNeutral) .Write(P(" aka ")) .WriteBlock(annotatedUsers[i].annotation); } else { callerConsole.WriteBlock(nextID); } _.memory.Free(nextID); } for (i = 0; i < annotatedUsers.length; i += 1) { _.memory.Free(annotatedUsers[i].id); _.memory.Free(annotatedUsers[i].annotation); } } defaultproperties { }