* Acedia's class for storing user's ID.
* Copyright 2020 Anton Tarasenko
* This file is part of Acedia.
* Acedia is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Acedia is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Acedia. If not, see .
class UserID extends AcediaObject;
* Stead data corresponding to a SteamID that relevant `UserID` was
* initialized with.
* For more info read: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamID
struct SteamID
var public byte accountType;
var public byte universe;
var public int instance;
// 32 lowest bits of SteadID64.
// Corresponds to a combination of "Y" and "Z" in "STEAM_X:Y:Z".
var public int steamID32;
// Other 4 fields fully define a SteamID and `steamID64` can be
// generated from them, but it is easier to simply cache it in
// a separate variable.
// `SteamID` is considered valid iff `steamID64` is equal to
// Steam64 ID that can be generated from other variables.
var string steamID64;
var protected SteamID initializedData;
// To make it safe to pass `UserID` to users, prevent any modifications
// after `initialized` is set to `true`.
var protected bool initialized;
// Given a number in form of array (`digits`) of it's digits
// (425327 <-> [4, 2, 5, 3, 2, 7])
// return given number mod 2 and
// divide that number by two (record result in that same array)
private static final function int DivideDigitArrayByTwo(out array digits)
local int i;
local int wasOdd;
if (digits[digits.length - 1] % 2 == 1)
wasOdd = 1;
digits[digits.length - 1] -= 1;
for (i = digits.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1)
if (digits[i] % 2 == 1)
digits[i] -= 1;
// `digits[digits.length - 1]` was guaranteed to be even before
// this cycle, so it is safe to add 1 to the index here
digits[i + 1] += 5;
digits[i] = digits[i] / 2;
return wasOdd;
// Given a number in form of array (`digits`) of it's digits
// (425327 <-> [4, 2, 5, 3, 2, 7])
// extracts `bitsToRead` of lower bits from it and returns them as an `int`.
private static final function int ReadBitsFromDigitArray(
out array digits,
int bitsToRead)
local int i;
local int result;
local int binaryPadding;
result = 0;
binaryPadding = 1;
for (i = 0; i < bitsToRead; i += 1) {
result += DivideDigitArrayByTwo(digits) * binaryPadding;
binaryPadding *= 2;
return result;
// Explanation of what that is:
// https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamID#Types_of_Steam_Accounts
private final function string GetSteamAccountTypeCharacter()
// Individual
if (initializedData.accountType == 1) return "U";
// Multiseat
if (initializedData.accountType == 2) return "M";
// GameServer
if (initializedData.accountType == 3) return "G";
// AnonGameServer
if (initializedData.accountType == 4) return "A";
// Pending
if (initializedData.accountType == 5) return "P";
// ContentServer
if (initializedData.accountType == 6) return "C";
// Clan
if (initializedData.accountType == 7) return "g";
// Chat
if (initializedData.accountType == 8) return "c";
// P2P SuperSeeder
if (initializedData.accountType == 9) return "";
// AnonUser
if (initializedData.accountType == 10) return "a";
// Invalid
return "I";
* Helper function that generates `SteamID` structure from
* a given Steam64 ID.
* In case invalid ID is given this method will not raise any warning and
* returned value should be considered undefined.
* @param steamID64 Steam64 ID's decimal representation in a plain string.
* @return `SteamID` generated from a given Steam64 ID `steamID64`.
public static final function SteamID GetSteamIDFromIDHash(
string steamID64)
local int i;
local SteamID newSteamID;
local array characters;
local array digits;
characters = _().text.StringToRaw(steamID64);
for (i = 0; i < characters.length; i += 1) {
digits[digits.length] = _().text.CharacterToInt(characters[i]);
newSteamID.steamID64 = steamID64;
// Refer to https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamID
// The lowest bit represents Y.
// The next 31 bits represents the account number.
// ^ these two can be combined into a "SteamID32".
newSteamID.steamID32 = ReadBitsFromDigitArray(digits, 32);
// The next 20 bits represents the instance of the account.
newSteamID.instance = ReadBitsFromDigitArray(digits, 20);
// The next 4 bits represents the type of account.
newSteamID.accountType = ReadBitsFromDigitArray(digits, 4);
// The next 8 bits represents the "Universe" the steam account belongs to.
newSteamID.universe = ReadBitsFromDigitArray(digits, 8);
return newSteamID;
* Initializes caller `UserID` from a given `string` ID.
* Each `UserID` can only be initialized once and becomes immutable
* afterwards.
* @param steamID64 `string` with unique ID, provided by the game
* (Steam64 ID used in profile permalink,
* like http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198025127722)
* @return `true` if initialization was successful and `false` otherwise
* (can only happen if caller `UserID` was already initialized).
public final function bool Initialize(string steamID64)
if (initialized) {
return false;
initializedData = GetSteamIDFromIDHash(steamID64);
initialized = true;
return true;
* Initializes caller `UserID` from a given `SteamID` structure.
* Each `UserID` can only be initialized once and becomes immutable
* afterwards.
* @param steamID Valid `SteamID` structure that caller `UserID` will
* represent.
* @return `true` if initialization was successful and `false` otherwise
* (can only happen if caller `UserID` was already initialized).
public final function bool InitializeWithSteamID(SteamID steamID)
if (initialized) {
return false;
initializedData = steamID;
initialized = true;
return true;
* Checks if caller `UserID` was already initialized
* (and is, therefore, immutable).
* @return `true` if it was initialized and `false` otherwise.
public final function bool IsInitialized()
return initialized;
* Returns steam data (see `UserID.SteamID`) of the caller `UserID`.
* Only returns a valid value if caller `UserID` was already initialized.
* @return `UserID.SteamID` of a caller `UserID`;
* structure will be filled with default values if caller `UserID`
* was not initialized.
public final function SteamID GetSteamID()
return initializedData;
* Checks if two `UserID`s are the same.
* @param otherID `UserID` to compare caller object to.
* @return `true` if caller `UserID` is identical to `otherID` and
* `false` otherwise. If at least one of the `UserID`s being compared is
* uninitialized, the result will be `false`.
public final function bool IsEqualTo(UserID otherID)
if (!IsInitialized()) return false;
if (!otherID.IsInitialized()) return false;
return (initializedData.steamID32 == otherID.initializedData.steamID32);
* Checks if caller `UserID`s is the same as what's described by
* given `SteamID`.
* NOTE: only part of the `otherSteamID` might be used for comparison.
* It is up to user to ensure that given `otherSteamID` is valid.
* @param otherSteamID `SteamID` to compare caller `UserID` to.
* @return `true` if caller `UserID` is identical to ID described by
* `otherSteamID` and `false` otherwise.
* If caller `UserID` is uninitialized, the result will be `false`.
public final function bool IsEqualToSteamID(SteamID otherSteamID)
if (!IsInitialized()) {
return false;
return (initializedData.steamID32 == otherSteamID.steamID32);
* Returns unique string representation of the caller `UserID`.
* Only returns a valid value if caller `UserID` was already initialized.
* @return Unique string representation of the caller `UserID`
* if it was initialized and `false` otherwise.
public final function string GetUniqueID()
if (!IsInitialized()) return "";
return initializedData.steamID64;
* Returns string representation of the caller `UserID` in
* following format: "STEAM_X:Y:Z".
* Only returns a valid value if caller `UserID` was already initialized.
* @return String representation of the caller `UserID` in
* form "STEAM_X:Y:Z" if it was initialized and empty `string` otherwise.
public final function string GetSteamIDString()
local int Y, Z;
Y = 0;
Z = initializedData.steamID32;
if (Z % 2 == 1)
Y = 1;
Z -= 1;
Z = Z / 2;
return ("STEAM_" $ initializedData.universe $ ":" $ Y $ ":" $ Z);
* Returns string representation of the caller `UserID` in
* following format: "C:U:A", where
* C is character representation of Account Type;
* U is "Universe" steam account belongs to;
* A is account ID.
* Only returns a valid value if caller `UserID` was already initialized.
* @return String representation of the caller `UserID` in
* form "C:U:A" if it was initialized and empty `string` otherwise.
public final function string GetSteamID3String()
return (GetSteamAccountTypeCharacter()
$ ":" $ initializedData.universe
$ ":" $ initializedData.steamID32);
* Returns Steam32 ID for the caller `UserID`. It is a lowest 32 bits of
* the full Steam64 ID.
* Only returns a valid value if caller `UserID` was already initialized.
* @return Unique `int` representation of the caller `UserID`
* if it was initialized and `-1` otherwise.
public final function int GetSteamID32String()
if (!IsInitialized()) return -1;
return initializedData.steamID32;
* Returns Steam64 ID for the caller `UserID`.
* Only returns a valid value if caller `UserID` was already initialized.
* Since UnrealEngine 2 does not support 64-bit integer values, it is returned
* simply as a decimal representation of a whole Steam64 ID
* (Steam64 ID used in profile permalink,
* like http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198025127722).
* @return String representation of the Steam64 ID of the caller `UserID`
* if it was initialized and empty `string` otherwise.
public final function string GetSteamID64String()
if (!IsInitialized()) return "";
return initializedData.steamID64;