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AcediaObject and AcediaActor

Acedia defines its own base classes for both actor (AcediaActor) and non-actor objects (AcediaObject), better integrated into Acedia's infrastructure. Here we will go over everything you need to understand them.Object and Actor.

Who is responsible for objects?

If you've already read safety rules (and you should have), then you already know about the importance of deallocation. But which objects exactly are you supposed to deallocate? Understanding what objects you are responsible for is likely the most important concept to get when working with Acedia. There are two main guidelines:

  • If function returns an object (as a return value or as an out argument) - then this object must be deallocated by whoever called that function. If you've called _.text.Empty(), then you must deallocate the MutableTextobject it returned. Conversely, if you are implementing function that returns an object, then you must not deallocate it yourself. In fact, you are expected not to use that object at all, since now you can't know when it will be deallocated.
  • Functions do not deallocate their arguments. If you pass an object as an argument to a function - you can expect that it won't be deallocated during that call. It might get modified, but not deallocated. And, again, when implementing your own function - you should not deallocate its arguments either.

However, these guidelines should be treated as default assumptions and not hard rules.


First guideline, for example, can be broken if returned object is supposed to be shared: _.players.GetPlayers() returns array with references to player objects (array<APLayer>) that aren't supposed to ever be deallocated. Similarly, Acedia's collections operate by different rules: they might still consider themselves responsible for objects returned with GetItem().

Second guideline can also be broken by some of the methods for the sake of convenience. If you need to turn a Text object textToConvert into a string, then you can either do:

if (textToConvert != none)
    result = textToConvert.ToPlainString();

or simply call _.text.ToString() that automatically deallocates its argument: result = _.text.ToString(textToConvert).

Any such exceptions are documented (or at least should be), so simply read the docs for functions you're using. If they don't mention anything about how their arguments or return values should be treated - assume above stated guidelines.


The majority, if not all, of the Acedia's objects you will be using are going to be created by specialized methods like _.text.FromString(), _.collections.EmptyDynamicArray() or _.time.StartTimer() and can be deallocated with self.FreeSelf() method. However, that won't be enough if you want to create and allocate your own classes, for that you'll need the help of MemoryAPI.

They are less powerful than new keyword and Spawn() function, but perform certain background work, necessary for Acedia to function and you should always use them for creating Acedia's objects. Ultimately, all Acedia's objects and actors are created with _.memory.Allocate() and "destroyed" with _.memory.Free(). For example, here is how new Parser is created with _.text.NewParser():

public final function Parser NewParser()
    return Parser(_.memory.Allocate(class'Parser'));

and self.FreeSelf() is actually defined in AcediaObject and AcediaActor as follows (ignore parts about life versions for now, they will be explained in sections below):

public final function FreeSelf(optional int lifeVersion)
    if (lifeVersion <= 0 || lifeVersion == GetLifeVersion()) {

These two functions are the most important ones in MemoryAPI, but it contains several more useful ones:

Function Description
Allocate(class<Object>, optional bool) Creates a new Object / Actor of a given class. bool argument allows to forbid reallocation, forcing creation of a new object.
LoadClass(Text) Creates a class instance from its textual representation.
AllocateByReference(Text, optional bool) Same as Allocate(), but takes textual representation of the class as an argument.
Free(Object) Deallocates provided object.
FreeMany(array<Object>) Deallocates every object inside given array.
CollectGarbage(optional bool) Forces garbage collection. By default also includes all deallocated (but not destroyed) objects. bool argument allows to skip collecting them.

NOTE: MemoryAPI can also be used for creating objects that do not derive from either AcediaObject or AcediaActor, but there is no point in using them over new or Spawn(): Acedia will not reallocate non-Acedia objects.

Constructors and finalizers

Both AcediaObject and AcediaActor support constructors and finalizers. Constructor is a method that's called on object after it's created, preparing it for use. In Acedia Finalizer is a method that's called when object is deallocated (or actor is destroyed) and can be used to clean up any used resources.

Technically, right now destructor might be a better terminology for Acedia's finalizers, but, if development is not halted, current name would eventually become a better fit.

A good and simple example is from the ATradingComponent that allocates necessary objects inside its constructor and deallocates them in its finalizer:

protected function Constructor()
    onStartSignal   = SimpleSignal(_.memory.Allocate(class'SimpleSignal'));
    onEndSignal     = SimpleSignal(_.memory.Allocate(class'SimpleSignal'));
    onTraderSelectSignal = Trading_OnSelect_Signal(

protected function Finalizer()
    onStartSignal           = none;
    onEndSignal             = none;
    onTraderSelectSignal    = none;

To use constructors and finalizers in your own classes you simply need to overload Constructor() and Finalizer() methods (they are defined in both AcediaObject and AcediaActor), just like in the example above.

Acedia's constructors do not take parameters and because of that some classes also define Initialize() method that is required to be used right after an object was allocated.

Object equality and object hash

Comparing object variable with == operator simply checks if they refer to the exact same object. But sometimes we want a comparison that compares the content of two objects instead: like checking that two different Texts store the exact same data. Acedia provides an alternative way to compare two objects - IsEqual() method. Its default implementation corresponds to that of == operator:

public function bool IsEqual(Object other)
    return (self == other);

but can be redefined, as long as it obeys following rules:

  • a.IsEqual(a) == true;
  • a.IsEqual(b) if and only if b.IsEqual(a);
  • Result of a.IsEqual(b) does not change unless one of the objects gets deallocated.

Because of last rule two MutableTexts cannot be compared base on their content since their contents can change without deallocation.

Reimplementing IsEqual() method also requires you to reimplement how object's hash value is calculated. Hash value is a an int associated with an object. Several different objects can have the same hash value and equal objects must have the same hash value.

By default, Acedia's objects simply use randomly generated value as their hash. This can be changed by reimplementing CalculateHashCode() method. Every object will only call it once to cache it for GetHashCode():

public final function int GetHashCode()
    if (_hashCodeWasCached) {
        return _cachedHashCode;
    _hashCodeWasCached = true;
    _cachedHashCode = CalculateHashCode();
    return _cachedHashCode;

As an example, here is Text's definition that calculates hash based on the contents:

protected function int CalculateHashCode()
    local int i;
    local int hash;
    hash = 5381;
    for (i = 0; i < codePoints.length; i += 1)
        //  hash * 33 + codePoints[i]
        hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + codePoints[i];
    return hash;


Last important topic to go over is boxing, a process of turning primitive types such as bool, byte, int or float into objects. The concept is very simple - we create a box object, which is just an object that stores a single primitive value and could be implemented kind of like that:

class MyBox extends Object;
var float value;

Except Acedia's boxes are immutable - their value cannot change once the box was created.

Boxes were introduced because they allowed creation of general collections: Acedia's collections can only store AcediaObject, but thanks to boxing any value can be turned into AcediaObject and stored in the collection. For native primitive types they can be created with either BoxAPI or manually:

local IntBox    box1;
local FloatBox  box2;
//  Created with `BoxAPI`
box1 = _.box.int(7);
//  Allocated and initialized manually
box2 = FloatBox(_.memory.Allocate(class'FloatBox'));
box2.Initialize(-2.48); // Must be done immediately after allocation!
//  Works the same
Log("Int value:" @ box1.Get());     // Int value: 7
Log("Float value:" @ box2.Get());   // Float value: -2.48

Immutable boxes also have a counterpart - mutable references that also provide Set() method:

local IntRef    ref1;
local FloatRef  ref2;
//  Created with `BoxAPI`
ref1 = _.ref.int(7);
//  Allocated and initialized manually
ref2 = FloatRef(_.memory.Allocate(class'FloatRef'));
ref2.Initialize(-2.48); // Must be done immediately after allocation!
//  Change values
Log("Int value:" @ ref1.Get());     // Int value: -89
Log("Float value:" @ ref2.Get());   // Float value: 0.56

The most important difference between boxes and references concerns how their IsEqual() and GetHash() are implemented:

  • Since boxes redefine IsEqual() and GetHash() to depend on the stored value. Since value inside the box cannot change, then there is no problem to base equality and hash on it.
  • References do not redefine IsEqual() / GetHash() and behave like any other object - their hash is random and they are only equal to themselves.
local ByteBox box1, box2;
local ByteRef ref1, ref2;
box1 = _.box.byte(56);
box2 = _.box.byte(56);
ref1 = _.ref.byte(247);
ref2 = _.ref.byte(247);
// Boxes equality: true
Log("Boxes equality:" @ (box1.IsEqual(box2)));
// Boxes hash equality: true
Log("Boxes hash equality:" @ (box1.GetHash() == box2.GetHash()));
// Refs equality: false
Log("Refs equality:" @ (ref1.IsEqual(ref2)));
// Refs hash equality: false
// (that's the most likely result, but it can actually be `true` by pure chance)
Log("Refs hash equality:" @ (ref1.GetHash() == ref2.GetHash()));

NOTE: For strings the role of boxes and references is performed by Text and MutableText classes that are discussed separately.

Actor references with NativeActorRef

As was explained in safety rules, storing references to actors inside objects is a bad idea. Actor boxes and references provide us with a safe way to do that:

class MyObject extends AcediaObject;

var NativeActorRef pawnReference;
// ...

protected function Finalizer()
    _.memory.Free(pawnReference); // This does not destroy stored pawn!
    pawnReference = none;

function Pawn GetMyPawn()
    if (pawnReference == none) {
        return none;
    return Pawn(pawnReference.Get());

function SetMyPawn(Pawn newPawn)
    if (pawnReference == none)
        //  `UnrealAPI` deals with storing non-Acedia actors such as `Pawn`.
        //  For `AcediaActor`s you can also use `_.ref.Actor()`.
        pawnReference = _.unreal.ActorRef(newPawn);
    else {

function DoWork()
    local Pawn myPawn;
    myPawn = GetMyPawn();
    if (myPawn == none) {
    // <Some code that might `Destroy()` our pawn>
    // ^ After destroying a pawn,
    //  `myPawn` local variable might go "bad" and cause crashes,
    //  so it's a good idea to update it from safe `pawnReference`:
    myPawn = GetMyPawn();
    myPawn.health += 10;

Actor boxes do not exist, since we cannot guarantee that value stored inside them will never change - destroying stored actor will always reset it to none.

Array boxes and references

If necessary, box and reference classes can be manually created for any type of value, including array<...>s and structs. Acedia provides such classes for arrays of primitive types out of the box. They can be useful for passing huge arrays between objects and functions by reference, without copying their entire data every time. They also provide quite a few several convenience methods. Here is a list for FloatArrayRef as an example:

Method Description
Get() Returns the whole stored array as array<float>.
Set(array<float>) Sets the whole array value.
GetItem(int, optional float) Returns item at specified index. If index is invalid, returns passed default value.
SetItem(int, float) Changes array's value at specified index.
GetLength() Returns length of the array. ref.GetLength() is faster than ref.Get().length, since latter will make a copy of the whole array first
SetLength(int) Resizes stored array, doing nothing on negative input.
Empty() Empties stored array.
Add(int) Increases length of the array by adding specified amount of new elements at the end.
Insert(int index, int count) Inserts count empty elements into the array at specified position. The indices of the following elements are increased by count in order to make room for the new elements.
Remove(int index, int count) Removes number elements from the array, starting at index. All elements before position and from index + count on are not changed, but the element indices change, - they shift to close the gap, created by removed elements.
RemoveIndex(int) Removes value at a given index, shifting all the elements that come after one place backwards.
AddItem(float) Adds given float at the end of the array, expanding it by 1 element.
InsertItem(int, float) Inserts given item at index of the array, shifting all the elements starting from index one position to the right.
AddArray(array<float>) / AddArrayRef(FloatArrayRef) Adds given array of items at the end of the array, expanding it by inserted amount.
InsertArray(array<float>) / InsertArrayRef(FloatArrayRef) Inserts items array at specified index of the array, shifting all the elements starting from index by inserted amount to the right.
RemoveItem(float, bool) Returns all occurrences of item in the caller float (optionally only first one).
Find(float) Finds first occurrence of specified item in caller FloatArrayRef and returns its index.
Replace(float search, float replacement) Replaces any occurrence of search with replacement.
Sort(optional bool descending) Sorts array in either ascending or descending order.

[Advanced] Static constructors and finalizers

Acedia also supports a notion of static constructors and finalizers.

Static constructor is called for each class only once:

  • Whenever first object of such class is created, before its constructor is called;
  • If you want static initialization to be done earlier, it is allowed to call static constructor manually: class'...'.static.StaticConstructor().

NOTE: Static constructor being called for your class does not guarantee it being called for its parent class. They are considered independently.

Right now relying on static constructors in not advised, but if you are sure you need them, you can define them like this:

public static function StaticConstructor()
    // This condition is necessary, DO NOT remove it, leave it AS IS
    if (StaticConstructorGuard()) {
    // Place your logic here
    // ...

Static finalizers, however, are more important. They are called during Acedia's shutdown for any class that had its static constructor invoked (including for any Acedia class that was allocated). It can be used to "clean up" after yourself. To have a clean level change it is important that you undo as many changes to game's objects as you reasonably can. It is especially important to reset default values, unless their change is deliberate. Here is an example used in the base AcediaObject class at some point:

protected static function StaticFinalizer()
    //  Not cleaning object references in `default` values will interfere
    //  with garbage collection
    default._textCache  = none;
    default._objectPool = none;
    //  Not cleaning this value will prevent static constructors
    //  (and a whole bunch of other code) from being called after the map change
    default._staticConstructorWasCalled = false;

[Advanced] Technical details

How allocation and deallocation works

UnrealScript lacks any practical way to destroy objects on demand: the best one can do is remove any references to the object and wait for garbage collection. But garbage collection itself is too slow and causes noticeable lag spikes for players, making it suitable only for cleaning objects when switching levels. To alleviate this problem, there exists a standard class ObjectPool that stores unused objects inside dynamic array until they are needed.

Unfortunately, using a single ObjectPool for a large volume of objects is impractical from performance perspective, since it stores objects of all classes together and each object allocation from the pool can potentially require going through the whole array:

simulated function Object AllocateObject(class ObjectClass)
    local Object    Result;
    local int        ObjectIndex;

    for(ObjectIndex = 0;ObjectIndex < Objects.Length;ObjectIndex++)
        if(Objects[ObjectIndex].Class == ObjectClass)
            Result = Objects[ObjectIndex];

    if(Result == None)
        Result = new(Outer) ObjectClass;

    return Result;

Acedia uses a separate object pool (implemented by AcediaObjectPool) for every single class, making object allocation as trivial as grabbing the last stored object from AcediaObjectPool's internal dynamic array:

//  From `AcediaObjectPool` sources
public final function AcediaObject Fetch()
    local AcediaObject result;
    if (storedClass == none)    return none;
    if (objectPool.length <= 0) return none;

    result = objectPool[objectPool.length - 1];
    objectPool.length = objectPool.length - 1;
    return result;

New pool is prepared for every class you create, as long as it is inherited from AcediaObject. AcediaActors do not use object pools and are simply Destroy()ed.

Detecting deallocated objects

Deallocated objects are not destroyed, but simply stored inside a special pool to be later reused. Problems can arise if some function deallocates your object without telling you. If you suspect this might be the case or just want to make extra sure your object is intact, then there are ways to confirm it.

First relevant method is defined in any class derived from AcediaObject or AcediaActor: IsAllocated() that returns true for objects that are currently allocated and false otherwise. However, this method is not enough, since your object might be reallocated: first deallocated and then allocated again by some other code. Then IsAllocate() will return true even though your reference is no longer valid.

This issue can be solved with life version - int value that changes each time object is reallocated:

local int lifeVersion;
local Text originalObject, newObject;
//  Get object and remember its life version
originalObject = _.text.FromString("My string");
lifeVersion = originalObject.GetLifeVersion();
//  Allocated objects always have positive life version
//  and it won't change until they get deallocated
Log(originalObject.IsAllocated());                      // true
Log(originalObject.GetLifeVersion() > 0);               // true
Log(originalObject.GetLifeVersion() == lifeVersion);    // true
//  But after deallocation, life version will change and become negative
Log(originalObject.IsAllocated());                      // false
Log(originalObject.GetLifeVersion() > 0);               // false
Log(originalObject.GetLifeVersion() == lifeVersion);    // false
//  This will reallocate object we've just deallocated
//  and it will have different (positive) life version
newObject = _.text.FromString("New string!");
Log(originalObject == newObject);                       // true
Log(originalObject.IsAllocated());                      // true
Log(originalObject.GetLifeVersion() > 0);               // true
Log(originalObject.GetLifeVersion() == lifeVersion);    // false

Summarizing, to detect whether your object was reallocated - remember its life version value right after allocation and then compare it to the GetLifeVersion()'s result. Value returned by GetLifeVersion() changes after each reallocation and won't repeat for the same object. The only guarantee about life versions of deallocated objects is that they will be negative.

Customizing object pools for your classes

Object pool usage can be disabled completely for your class by setting usesObjectPool = false in defaultproperties block. Without object pools _.memory.Allocate() will create a new instance of your class every single time.

You can also set a limit to how many objects will be stored in an object pool with defaultMaxPoolSize variable. Negative number (default for AcediaObject) means that object pool can grow without a limit. 0 effectively disables object pool, similar to setting usesObjectPool = false. However, this can be overwritten by server's settings (see AcediaSystem.ini: AcediaObjectPool).