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; Every single option in this config should be considered [ADVANCED] |
[AcediaCore.BroadcastEventsObserver] |
; Acedia requires injecting it's own `BroadcastHandler` to listen to |
; the broadcasted messages. |
; It's normal for a mod to add it's own broadcast handler: broadcast handlers |
; are implemented in such a way that they form a linked list and, after |
; first (root) handler receives a message it tells about said message to |
; the next handler, which does the same, propagating messages through |
; the whole list. |
; If you do not wish Acedia to add it's own handler, you should specify `0` as |
; `usedInjectionLevel`'s value. If you want to allow it to simply add it's |
; broadcast handler to the end of the handler's linked list, as described above, |
; set it to `1`. |
; However, more information can be obtained if Acedia's broadcast handler is |
; inserted at the root of the whole chain. This is the prefered way for Acedia |
; and if you do not have a reason to forbid it, you should leave this value |
; at `2`. |
usedInjectionLevel=BHIJ_Root |
[AcediaCore.UserAPI] |
userDataDBLink="local:database/users" |
[AcediaCore.LoggerAPI] |
; Loggers, specified in `allLoggers` will log all levels of messages |
allLoggers=(name="default",cls=Class'AcediaCore.ConsoleLogger') |
; Loggers, specified in one of the arrays below will only output logs of |
; a particular level (although one can always add the same `Logger` to |
; several log levels) |
;debugLoggers= |
;infoLoggers= |
;warningLoggers= |
;errorLoggers= |
;fatalLoggers= |
; Loggers themselves must be defined in per-object-config records like these |
; that specify name and class of the logger. |
; `ConsoleLogger` is a simple logger that logs messages in the standard |
; console and logfile output using `Log()` function. |
[default ConsoleLogger] |
; Should logger display prefix indicating it's a log message from Acedia? |
acediaStamp=true |
; Should logger display time stamp prefix in front of log messages? |
timeStamp=true |
; Should logger display information about what level message was logged? |
levelStamp=true |
[default Commands] |
; This feature provides a mechanism to define commands that automatically |
; parse their arguments into standard Acedia collection. It also allows to |
; manage them (and specify limitation on how they can be called) in a |
; centralized manner. |
autoEnable=true |
[AcediaCore.AliasService] |
; Changing these allows you to change in what sources `AliasesAPI` |
; looks for weapon and color aliases. |
weaponAliasesSource=Class'WeaponAliasSource' |
colorAliasesSource=Class'ColorAliasSource' |
; How often are different alias-storing objects are allowed to record |
; their updated data into a config. |
; Negative or zero values would be reset to `0.05`. |
saveInterval=0.05 |
[AcediaCore.TestingService] |
; Allows you to run tests on server's start up. This option is to help run |
; tests quicker during development and should not be used for servers that are |
; setup for actually playing the game. |
runTestsOnStartUp=false |
; Use these flags to only run tests from particular test cases |
filterTestsByName=false |
filterTestsByGroup=false |
requiredName="" |
requiredGroup="" |
[AcediaCore.AcediaObjectPool] |
;poolSizeOverwrite=(objectClass=<class>,maxPoolSize=<desiredPoolLimit>) |
[AcediaCore.ConsoleAPI] |
; These should guarantee decent text output in console even at |
; 640x480 shit resolution |
; (and it look fine at normal resolutions as well) |
maxVisibleLineWidth=80 |
maxTotalLineWidth=108 |
[AcediaCore.ColorAPI] |
; Changing these values will alter color's definitions in `ColorAPI`, |
; changing how Acedia behaves |
TextDefault=(R=255,G=255,B=255,A=255) |
TextHeader=(R=128,G=0,B=128,A=255) |
TextSubHeader=(R=147,G=112,B=219,A=255) |
TextSubtle=(R=128,G=128,B=128,A=255) |
TextEmphasis=(R=0,G=128,B=255,A=255) |
TextOk=(R=0,G=255,B=0,A=255) |
TextWarning=(R=255,G=128,B=0,A=255) |
TextFailure=(R=255,G=0,B=0,A=255) |
TypeNumber=(R=255,G=235,B=172,A=255) |
TypeBoolean=(R=199,G=226,B=244,A=255) |
TypeString=(R=243,G=204,B=223,A=255) |
TypeLiteral=(R=194,G=239,B=235,A=255) |
TypeClass=(R=218,G=219,B=240,A=255) |
jPropertyName=(R=255,G=77,B=77,A=255) |
jObjectBraces=(R=220,G=220,B=220,A=255) |
jArrayBraces=(R=220,G=220,B=220,A=255) |
jComma=(R=220,G=220,B=220,A=255) |
jColon=(R=220,G=220,B=220,A=255) |
jNumber=(R=255,G=255,B=77,A=255) |
jBoolean=(R=38,G=139,B=210,A=255) |
jString=(R=98,G=173,B=227,A=255) |
jNull=(R=38,G=139,B=210,A=255) |
Pink=(R=255,G=192,B=203,A=255) |
LightPink=(R=255,G=182,B=193,A=255) |
HotPink=(R=255,G=105,B=180,A=255) |
DeepPink=(R=255,G=20,B=147,A=255) |
PaleVioletRed=(R=219,G=112,B=147,A=255) |
MediumVioletRed=(R=199,G=21,B=133,A=255) |
LightSalmon=(R=255,G=160,B=122,A=255) |
Salmon=(R=250,G=128,B=114,A=255) |
DarkSalmon=(R=233,G=150,B=122,A=255) |
LightCoral=(R=240,G=128,B=128,A=255) |
IndianRed=(R=205,G=92,B=92,A=255) |
Crimson=(R=220,G=20,B=60,A=255) |
Firebrick=(R=178,G=34,B=34,A=255) |
DarkRed=(R=139,G=0,B=0,A=255) |
Red=(R=255,G=0,B=0,A=255) |
OrangeRed=(R=255,G=69,B=0,A=255) |
Tomato=(R=255,G=99,B=71,A=255) |
Coral=(R=255,G=127,B=80,A=255) |
DarkOrange=(R=255,G=140,B=0,A=255) |
Orange=(R=255,G=165,B=0,A=255) |
Yellow=(R=255,G=255,B=0,A=255) |
LightYellow=(R=255,G=255,B=224,A=255) |
LemonChiffon=(R=255,G=250,B=205,A=255) |
LightGoldenrodYellow=(R=250,G=250,B=210,A=255) |
PapayaWhip=(R=255,G=239,B=213,A=255) |
Moccasin=(R=255,G=228,B=181,A=255) |
PeachPuff=(R=255,G=218,B=185,A=255) |
PaleGoldenrod=(R=238,G=232,B=170,A=255) |
Khaki=(R=240,G=230,B=140,A=255) |
DarkKhaki=(R=189,G=183,B=107,A=255) |
Gold=(R=255,G=215,B=0,A=255) |
Cornsilk=(R=255,G=248,B=220,A=255) |
BlanchedAlmond=(R=255,G=235,B=205,A=255) |
Bisque=(R=255,G=228,B=196,A=255) |
NavajoWhite=(R=255,G=222,B=173,A=255) |
Wheat=(R=245,G=222,B=179,A=255) |
Burlywood=(R=222,G=184,B=135,A=255) |
TanColor=(R=210,G=180,B=140,A=255) |
RosyBrown=(R=188,G=143,B=143,A=255) |
SandyBrown=(R=244,G=164,B=96,A=255) |
Goldenrod=(R=218,G=165,B=32,A=255) |
DarkGoldenrod=(R=184,G=134,B=11,A=255) |
Peru=(R=205,G=133,B=63,A=255) |
Chocolate=(R=210,G=105,B=30,A=255) |
SaddleBrown=(R=139,G=69,B=19,A=255) |
Sienna=(R=160,G=82,B=45,A=255) |
Brown=(R=165,G=42,B=42,A=255) |
Maroon=(R=128,G=0,B=0,A=255) |
DarkOliveGreen=(R=85,G=107,B=47,A=255) |
Olive=(R=128,G=128,B=0,A=255) |
OliveDrab=(R=107,G=142,B=35,A=255) |
YellowGreen=(R=154,G=205,B=50,A=255) |
LimeGreen=(R=50,G=205,B=50,A=255) |
Lime=(R=0,G=255,B=0,A=255) |
LawnGreen=(R=124,G=252,B=0,A=255) |
Chartreuse=(R=127,G=255,B=0,A=255) |
GreenYellow=(R=173,G=255,B=47,A=255) |
SpringGreen=(R=0,G=255,B=127,A=255) |
MediumSpringGreen=(R=0,G=250,B=154,A=255) |
LightGreen=(R=144,G=238,B=144,A=255) |
PaleGreen=(R=152,G=251,B=152,A=255) |
DarkSeaGreen=(R=143,G=188,B=143,A=255) |
MediumAquamarine=(R=102,G=205,B=170,A=255) |
MediumSeaGreen=(R=60,G=179,B=113,A=255) |
SeaGreen=(R=46,G=139,B=87,A=255) |
ForestGreen=(R=34,G=139,B=34,A=255) |
Green=(R=0,G=128,B=0,A=255) |
DarkGreen=(R=0,G=100,B=0,A=255) |
Aqua=(R=0,G=255,B=255,A=255) |
Cyan=(R=0,G=255,B=255,A=255) |
LightCyan=(R=224,G=255,B=255,A=255) |
PaleTurquoise=(R=175,G=238,B=238,A=255) |
Aquamarine=(R=127,G=255,B=212,A=255) |
Turquoise=(R=64,G=224,B=208,A=255) |
MediumTurquoise=(R=72,G=209,B=204,A=255) |
DarkTurquoise=(R=0,G=206,B=209,A=255) |
LightSeaGreen=(R=32,G=178,B=170,A=255) |
CadetBlue=(R=95,G=158,B=160,A=255) |
DarkCyan=(R=0,G=139,B=139,A=255) |
Teal=(R=0,G=128,B=128,A=255) |
LightSteelBlue=(R=176,G=196,B=222,A=255) |
PowderBlue=(R=176,G=224,B=230,A=255) |
LightBlue=(R=173,G=216,B=230,A=255) |
SkyBlue=(R=135,G=206,B=235,A=255) |
LightSkyBlue=(R=135,G=206,B=250,A=255) |
DeepSkyBlue=(R=0,G=191,B=255,A=255) |
DodgerBlue=(R=30,G=144,B=255,A=255) |
CornflowerBlue=(R=100,G=149,B=237,A=255) |
SteelBlue=(R=70,G=130,B=180,A=255) |
RoyalBlue=(R=65,G=105,B=225,A=255) |
Blue=(R=0,G=0,B=255,A=255) |
MediumBlue=(R=0,G=0,B=205,A=255) |
DarkBlue=(R=0,G=0,B=139,A=255) |
Navy=(R=0,G=0,B=128,A=255) |
MidnightBlue=(R=25,G=25,B=112,A=255) |
Lavender=(R=230,G=230,B=250,A=255) |
Thistle=(R=216,G=191,B=216,A=255) |
Plum=(R=221,G=160,B=221,A=255) |
Violet=(R=238,G=130,B=238,A=255) |
Orchid=(R=218,G=112,B=214,A=255) |
Fuchsia=(R=255,G=0,B=255,A=255) |
Magenta=(R=255,G=0,B=255,A=255) |
MediumOrchid=(R=186,G=85,B=211,A=255) |
MediumPurple=(R=147,G=112,B=219,A=255) |
BlueViolet=(R=138,G=43,B=226,A=255) |
DarkViolet=(R=148,G=0,B=211,A=255) |
DarkOrchid=(R=153,G=50,B=204,A=255) |
DarkMagenta=(R=139,G=0,B=139,A=255) |
Purple=(R=128,G=0,B=128,A=255) |
Indigo=(R=75,G=0,B=130,A=255) |
DarkSlateBlue=(R=72,G=61,B=139,A=255) |
SlateBlue=(R=106,G=90,B=205,A=255) |
MediumSlateBlue=(R=123,G=104,B=238,A=255) |
White=(R=255,G=255,B=255,A=255) |
Snow=(R=255,G=250,B=250,A=255) |
Honeydew=(R=240,G=255,B=240,A=255) |
MintCream=(R=245,G=255,B=250,A=255) |
Azure=(R=240,G=255,B=255,A=255) |
AliceBlue=(R=240,G=248,B=255,A=255) |
GhostWhite=(R=248,G=248,B=255,A=255) |
WhiteSmoke=(R=245,G=245,B=245,A=255) |
Seashell=(R=255,G=245,B=238,A=255) |
Beige=(R=245,G=245,B=220,A=255) |
OldLace=(R=253,G=245,B=230,A=255) |
FloralWhite=(R=255,G=250,B=240,A=255) |
Ivory=(R=255,G=255,B=240,A=255) |
AntiqueWhite=(R=250,G=235,B=215,A=255) |
Linen=(R=250,G=240,B=230,A=255) |
LavenderBlush=(R=255,G=240,B=245,A=255) |
MistyRose=(R=255,G=228,B=225,A=255) |
Gainsboro=(R=220,G=220,B=220,A=255) |
LightGray=(R=211,G=211,B=211,A=255) |
Silver=(R=192,G=192,B=192,A=255) |
DarkGray=(R=169,G=169,B=169,A=255) |
Gray=(R=128,G=128,B=128,A=255) |
DimGray=(R=105,G=105,B=105,A=255) |
LightSlateGray=(R=119,G=136,B=153,A=255) |
SlateGray=(R=112,G=128,B=144,A=255) |
DarkSlateGray=(R=47,G=79,B=79,A=255) |
Eigengrau=(R=22,G=22,B=29,A=255) |
Black=(R=0,G=0,B=0,A=255) |