Administration tools: commands and non gameplay server configuration
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[default FutilityChat]
; This feature allows to configure color of text chat messages.
; How to color text chat messages?
; 1. `CCS_DoNothing` - do not change color in any way;
; 2. `CCS_TeamColorForced` - force players' team colors for
; their messages;
; 3. `CCS_ConfigColorForced` - force `configuredColor` value for
; players' messages;
; 4. `CCS_TeamColorCustom` - use players' team colors for
; their messages by default, but allow to change color with formatted
; tags (e.g. "Stop right there, {$crimson criminal} scum!");
; 5. `CCS_ConfigColorCustom` - use `configuredColor` value for
; messages by default, but allow to change color with formatted
; tags (e.g. "Stop right there, {$crimson criminal} scum!");
; Default is `CCS_DoNothing`, corresponding to vanilla behaviour.
; Color that will be used if either of `CCS_ConfigColorForced` or
; `CCS_ConfigColorCustom` options were used in `colorSetting`.
; Default value is white: (R=255,G=255,B=255,A=255),
; has no vanilla equivalent.
; Allows to modify team color's value for the chat messages
; (if either of `CCS_TeamColorForced` or `CCS_TeamColorCustom` options
; were used) to be lighter or darker.
; This value is clamped between -1 and 1.
; * `0` means using the same color;
; * range (0; 1) - gives you lighter colors (`1` being white);
; * range (-1; 0) - gives you darker colors (`-1` being black);
; Default value is `0.6`, has no vanilla equivalent.