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2020-07-17 22:16:21 +03:00
* API that provides functions for working with text data, including
* standard `string` and Acedia's `Text` and raw string format
* `array<Text.Character>`.
* Copyright 2020 Anton Tarasenko
* This file is part of Acedia.
* Acedia is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Acedia is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Acedia. If not, see <>.
class TextAPI extends Singleton
// Escape code point is used to change output's color and is used in
// Unreal Engine's `string`s.
var private const int CODEPOINT_ESCAPE;
// Opening and closing symbols for colored blocks in formatted strings.
var private const int CODEPOINT_OPEN_FORMAT;
var private const int CODEPOINT_CLOSE_FORMAT;
// Symbol to escape any character in formatted strings,
// including above mentioned opening and closing symbols.
var private const int CODEPOINT_FORMAT_ESCAPE;
// Every formatted string essentially consists of multiple differently
// formatted (colored) parts. Such strings will be more convenient for us to
// work with if we separate them from each other.
// This structure represents one such block: maximum uninterrupted
// substring, every character of which has identical formatting.
// Do note that a single block does not define text formatting, -
// it is defined by the whole sequence of blocks before it
// (if `isOpening == false` you only know that you should change previous
// formatting, but you do not know to what).
struct FormattedBlock
// Did this block start by opening or closing formatted part?
// Ignored for the very first block without any formatting.
var bool isOpening;
// Full text inside the block, without any formatting
var array<Text.Character> contents;
// Formatting tag for this block
// (ignored for `isOpening == false`)
var string tag;
// Whitespace symbol that separates tag from the `contents`;
// For the purposes of reassembling a `string` broken into blocks.
var Text.Character delimiter;
private final function FormattedBlock CreateFormattedBlock(bool isOpening)
local FormattedBlock newBlock;
newBlock.isOpening = isOpening;
return newBlock;
// Function that breaks formatted string into array of `FormattedBlock`s.
// Returned array is guaranteed to always have at least one block.
// First block in array always corresponds to part of the input string
// (`source`) without any formatting defined, even if it's empty.
// This is to avoid `FormattedBlock` having a third option besides two defined
// by `isOpening` variable.
private final function array<FormattedBlock> DecomposeFormattedString(
string source)
local Parser parser;
local Text.Character nextCharacter;
local FormattedBlock nextBlock;
local array<FormattedBlock> result;
parser = ParseString(source, STRING_Plain);
while (!parser.HasFinished()) {
// New formatted block by "{<color>"
if (IsCodePoint(nextCharacter, CODEPOINT_OPEN_FORMAT))
result[result.length] = nextBlock;
nextBlock = CreateFormattedBlock(true);
parser.MUntil(nextBlock.tag,, true).MCharacter(nextBlock.delimiter);
if (!parser.Ok()) {
// New formatted block by "}"
if (IsCodePoint(nextCharacter, CODEPOINT_CLOSE_FORMAT))
result[result.length] = nextBlock;
nextBlock = CreateFormattedBlock(false);
// Escaped sequence
if (IsCodePoint(nextCharacter, CODEPOINT_FORMAT_ESCAPE)) {
if (!parser.Ok()) {
nextBlock.contents[nextBlock.contents.length] = nextCharacter;
// Only put in empty block if there is nothing else.
if (nextBlock.contents.length > 0 || result.length == 0) {
result[result.length] = nextBlock;
return result;
* Converts given `string` (`source`) of specified type `sourceType`
* into the "raw data", a sequence of individually colored symbols.
* @param source `string` that we want to break into a raw data.
* @param sourceType Type of the `string`, plain by default.
* @return Raw data, corresponding to the given `string` if it's
* treated according to `sourceType`.
public final function array<Text.Character> StringToRaw(
string source,
optional Text.StringType sourceType
if (sourceType == STRING_Plain) return StoR_Plain(source);
if (sourceType == STRING_Formatted) return StoR_Formatted(source);
return StoR_Colored(source);
// Subroutine for converting plain string into raw data
private final function array<Text.Character> StoR_Plain(string source)
local int i;
local int sourceLength;
local Text.Character nextCharacter;
local array<Text.Character> result;
// Decompose `source` into integer codes
sourceLength = Len(source);
for (i = 0; i < sourceLength; i += 1)
nextCharacter.codePoint = Asc(Mid(source, i, 1));
result[result.length] = nextCharacter;
return result;
// Subroutine for converting colored string into raw data
private final function array<Text.Character> StoR_Colored(string source)
local int i;
local int sourceLength;
local array<int> sourceAsIntegers;
local Text.Character nextCharacter;
local array<Text.Character> result;
// Decompose `source` into integer codes
sourceLength = Len(source);
for (i = 0; i < sourceLength; i += 1)
sourceAsIntegers[sourceAsIntegers.length] = Asc(Mid(source, i, 1));
// Record string as array of `Character`s, parsing color tags
i = 0;
while (i < sourceLength)
if (sourceAsIntegers[i] == CODEPOINT_ESCAPE)
if (i + 3 >= sourceLength) break;
nextCharacter.colorType = STRCOLOR_Struct;
nextCharacter.color = _.color.RGB( sourceAsIntegers[i + 1],
sourceAsIntegers[i + 2],
sourceAsIntegers[i + 3]);
i += 4;
nextCharacter.codePoint = sourceAsIntegers[i];
result[result.length] = nextCharacter;
i += 1;
return result;
// Subroutine for converting formatted string into raw data
private final function array<Text.Character> StoR_Formatted(string source)
local int i, j;
local Parser parser;
local Text.Character nextCharacter;
local array<FormattedBlock> decomposedSource;
local array<Text.Character> blockContentsCopy;
local array<Text.Character> colorStack;
local array<Text.Character> result;
parser = Parser(_.memory.Borrow(class'Parser'));
nextCharacter.colorType = STRCOLOR_Default;
decomposedSource = DecomposeFormattedString(source);
// First element of `decomposedSource` is special and has
// no color information, see `DecomposeFormattedString()` for details.
result = decomposedSource[0].contents;
for (i = 1; i < decomposedSource.length; i += 1)
if (decomposedSource[i].isOpening)
nextCharacter = PushIntoColorStack(colorStack, parser);
else if (colorStack.length > 0) {
nextCharacter = PopColorStack(colorStack);
// This whole method is mostly to decide which formatting each symbol
// should have, so we only copy code points from block's `contents`.
blockContentsCopy = decomposedSource[i].contents;
for (j = 0; j < blockContentsCopy.length; j += 1)
nextCharacter.codePoint = blockContentsCopy[j].codePoint;
result[result.length] = nextCharacter;
return result;
// Following two functions are to maintain a "color stack" that will
// remember unclosed colors (new colors are obtained from a parser) defined in
// formatted string, on order.
// It is necessary to deal with possible folded formatting definitions in
// formatted strings.
// For storing the color information we simply use `Text.Character`,
// ignoring all information that is not related to colors.
private final function Text.Character PushIntoColorStack(
out array<Text.Character> stack,
Parser colorDefinitionParser)
local Text.Character coloredCharacter;
if (colorDefinitionParser.Match("$").Ok()) {
coloredCharacter.colorType = STRCOLOR_Alias;
colorDefinitionParser.MUntil(coloredCharacter.colorAlias,, true);
else {
coloredCharacter.colorType = STRCOLOR_Struct;
if (!_.color.ParseWith(colorDefinitionParser, coloredCharacter.color)) {
coloredCharacter.colorType = STRCOLOR_Default;
stack[stack.length] = coloredCharacter;
return coloredCharacter;
private final function Text.Character PopColorStack(
out array<Text.Character> stack)
local Text.Character coloredCharacter;
stack.length = Max(0, stack.length - 1);
if (stack.length > 0) {
coloredCharacter = stack[stack.length - 1];
else {
coloredCharacter.colorType = STRCOLOR_Default;
return coloredCharacter;
* Converts given "raw data" (`source`) into a `string` of a specified type
* `sourceType`.
* @param source Raw data that we want to assemble into a `string`.
* @param sourceType Type of the `string` we want to assemble,
* plain by default.
* @return `string`, assembled from given "raw data" in `sourceType` format.
public final function string RawToString(
array<Text.Character> source,
optional Text.StringType sourceType,
optional Color defaultColor
if (sourceType == STRING_Plain) return RtoS_Plain(source);
if (sourceType == STRING_Formatted) return RtoS_Formatted(source);
return RtoS_Colored(source, defaultColor);
// Subroutine for converting raw data into plain `string`
private final function string RtoS_Plain(array<Text.Character> rawData)
local int i;
local string result;
for (i = 0; i < rawData.length; i += 1)
result $= Chr(rawData[i].codePoint);
return result;
// Subroutine for converting raw data into colored `string`
private final function string RtoS_Colored
array<Text.Character> rawData,
Color defaultColor
local int i;
local Color currentColor;
local Color nextColor;
local string result;
defaultColor = _.color.FixColor(defaultColor);
for (i = 0; i < rawData.length; i += 1)
// Skip any escape codepoints to avoid unnecessary colorization
if (IsCodePoint(rawData[i], CODEPOINT_ESCAPE)) continue;
// Find `nextColor` that `rawData[i]` is supposed to have
if (rawData[i].colorType != STRCOLOR_Default)
nextColor = _.color.FixColor(rawData[i].color);
nextColor = defaultColor;
// Add color tag (either initially or when color changes)
if (i == 0 || !_.color.AreEqual(nextColor, currentColor))
currentColor = nextColor;
result $= Chr(CODEPOINT_ESCAPE);
result $= Chr(currentColor.r);
result $= Chr(currentColor.g);
result $= Chr(currentColor.b);
result $= Chr(rawData[i].codePoint);
return result;
// Subroutine for converting raw data into formatted `string`
private final function string RtoS_Formatted(array<Text.Character> rawData)
local int i;
local bool isColorChange;
local Text.Character previousCharacter;
local string result;
previousCharacter.colorType = STRCOLOR_Default;
for (i = 0; i < rawData.length; i += 1)
isColorChange = rawData[i].colorType != previousCharacter.colorType;
if (!isColorChange && rawData[i].colorType != STRCOLOR_Default)
isColorChange = !_.color.AreEqual( rawData[i].color,
if (isColorChange)
if (previousCharacter.colorType != STRCOLOR_Default) {
result $= "}";
if (rawData[i].colorType == STRCOLOR_Struct) {
result $= "{" $ _.color.ToString(rawData[i].color) $ " ";
if (rawData[i].colorType == STRCOLOR_Alias) {
result $= "{" $ "$" $ rawData[i].colorAlias $ " ";
if ( IsCodePoint(rawData[i], CODEPOINT_OPEN_FORMAT)
|| IsCodePoint(rawData[i], CODEPOINT_CLOSE_FORMAT)) {
result $= "&";
result $= Chr(rawData[i].codePoint);
previousCharacter = rawData[i];
if (previousCharacter.colorType != STRCOLOR_Default) {
result $= "}";
return result;
* Converts between three different types of `string`.
* @param input `string` to convers
* @param currentType Current type of the given `string`.
* @param newType Type to which given `string` must be converted to.
* @param defaultColor In case `input` is being converted into a
* `STRING_Colored` type, this color will be used for characters
* without one. Otherwise unused.
public final function string ConvertString(
string input,
Text.StringType currentType,
Text.StringType newType,
optional Color defaultColor)
local array<Text.Character> rawData;
if (currentType == newType) return input;
rawData = StringToRaw(input, currentType);
return RawToString(rawData, newType, defaultColor);
* Checks if given character is lower case.
* Result of this method describes whether character is
* precisely "lower case", instead of just "not being upper of title case".
* That is, this method will return `true` for characters that aren't
* considered either lowercase or uppercase (like "#", "@" or "&").
* @param character Character to test for lower case.
* @return `true` if given character is lower case.
public final function bool IsLower(Text.Character character)
// Small Latin letters
if (character.codePoint >= 97 && character.codePoint <= 122) {
return true;
// Small Cyrillic (Russian) letters
if (character.codePoint >= 1072 && character.codePoint <= 1103) {
return true;
// `ё`
if (character.codePoint == 1105) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if given `string` is in lower case.
* This function returns `true` as long as it's equal to it's own
* `ToLowerString()` folding.
* This means that it can contain symbols that neither lower or upper case, or
* upper case symbols that don't have a lower case folding.
* To check whether a symbol is lower cased, use a combination of
* `GetCharacter()` and `IsLower()`.
* @param source `string` to check for being in lower case.
* @param sourceType Type of the `string` to check; default is plain string.
* @return `true` if `string` is equal to it's own lower folding,
* (per character given by `ToLower()` method).
public final function bool IsLowerString
string source,
optional Text.StringType sourceType
local int i;
local array<Text.Character> rawData;
rawData = StringToRaw(source, sourceType);
for (i = 0; i < rawData.length; i += 1)
if (rawData[i] != ToLower(rawData[i])) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks if given character is upper case.
* Result of this method describes whether character is
* precisely "upper case", instead of just "not being upper of title case".
* That is, this method will return `true` for characters that aren't
* considered either uppercase or uppercase (like "#", "@" or "&").
* @param character Character to test for upper case.
* @return `true` if given character is upper case.
public final function bool IsUpper(Text.Character character)
// Capital Latin letters
if (character.codePoint >= 65 && character.codePoint <= 90) {
return true;
// Capital Cyrillic (Russian) letters
if (character.codePoint >= 1040 && character.codePoint <= 1071) {
return true;
// `Ё`
if (character.codePoint == 1025) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if given `string` is in upper case.
* This function returns `true` as long as it's equal to it's own
* `ToUpperString()` folding.
* This means that it can contain symbols that neither lower or upper case, or
* lower case symbols that don't have an upper case folding.
* To check whether a symbol is upper cased, use a combination of
* `GetCharacter()` and `IsUpper()`.
* @param source `string` to check for being in upper case.
* @param sourceType Type of the `string` to check; default is plain string.
* @return `true` if `string` is equal to it's own upper folding,
* (per character given by `ToUpper()` method).
public final function bool IsUpperString
string source,
optional Text.StringType sourceType
local int i;
local array<Text.Character> rawData;
rawData = StringToRaw(source, sourceType);
for (i = 0; i < rawData.length; i += 1)
if (rawData[i] != ToUpper(rawData[i])) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks if given character corresponds to a digit.
* @param codePoint Unicode code point to check for being a digit.
* @return `true` if given Unicode code point is a digit, `false` otherwise.
public final function bool IsDigit(Text.Character character)
if (character.codePoint >= 48 && character.codePoint <= 57) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if given character is an ASCII character.
* @param character Character to check for being a digit.
* @return `true` if given character is a digit, `false` otherwise.
public final function bool IsASCII(Text.Character character)
if (character.codePoint >= 0 && character.codePoint <= 127) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if given `string` consists only from ASCII characters
* (ignoring characters in 4-byte color change sequences in colored strings).
* @param source `string` to test for being ASCII-only.
* @param sourceType Type of the passed `string`.
* @return `true` if passed `string` contains only ASCII characters.
public final function bool IsASCIIString
string source,
optional Text.StringType sourceType
local int i;
local array<Text.Character> rawData;
rawData = StringToRaw(source, sourceType);
for (i = 0; i < rawData.length; i += 1)
if (!IsASCII(rawData[i])) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks if given character represents some kind of white space
* symbol (like space ~ 0x0020, tab ~ 0x0009, etc.),
* according to either Unicode or a more classic space symbol definition,
* that includes:
* whitespace, tab, line feed, line tabulation, form feed, carriage return.
* @param character Character to check for being a whitespace.
* @return `true` if given character is a whitespace, `false` otherwise.
public final function bool IsWhitespace(Text.Character character)
switch (character.codePoint)
// Classic whitespaces
case 0x0020: // Whitespace
case 0x0009: // Tab
case 0x000A: // Line feed
case 0x000B: // Line tabulation
case 0x000C: // Form feed
case 0x000D: // Carriage return
// Unicode Characters in the 'Separator, Space' Category
case 0x00A0: // No-break space
case 0x1680: // Ogham space mark
case 0x2000: // En quad
case 0x2001: // Em quad
case 0x2002: // En space
case 0x2003: // Em space
case 0x2004: // Three-per-em space
case 0x2005: // Four-per-em space
case 0x2006: // Six-per-em space
case 0x2007: // Figure space
case 0x2008: // Punctuation space
case 0x2009: // Thin space
case 0x200A: // Hair space
case 0x202F: // Narrow no-break space
case 0x205F: // Medium mathematical space
case 0x3000: // Ideographic space
return true;
return false;
return false;
* Checks if passed character is one of the following quotation mark symbols:
* `"`, `'`, `\``.
* @param character Character to check for being a quotation mark.
* @return `true` if given Unicode code point denotes one of the recognized
* quote symbols, `false` otherwise.
public final function bool IsQuotationMark(Text.Character character)
if (character.codePoint == 0x0022) return true;
if (character.codePoint == 0x0027) return true;
if (character.codePoint == 0x0060) return true;
return false;
* Converts given character into a number it represents in some base
* (from 2 to 36), i.e.:
* 1 -> 1
* 7 -> 7
* a -> 10
* e -> 14
* z -> 35
* @param character Character to convert into integer.
* Case does not matter, i.e. "a" and "A" will be treated the same.
* @param base Base to use for conversion.
* Valid values are from `2` to `36` (inclusive);
* If invalid value was specified (such as default `0`),
* the base of `36` is assumed, since that would allow for all possible
* characters to be converted.
* @return Positive integer value that is denoted by
* given character in given base;
* `-1` if given character does not represent anything in the given base.
public final function int CharacterToInt
Text.Character character,
optional int base
local int number;
if (base < 2 || base > 36) {
base = 36;
character = ToLower(character);
// digits
if (character.codePoint >= 0x0030 && character.codePoint <= 0x0039) {
number = character.codePoint - 0x0030;
// a-z
else if (character.codePoint >= 0x0061 && character.codePoint <= 0x007a) {
number = character.codePoint - 0x0061 + 10;
else {
return -1;
if (number >= base) {
return -1;
return number;
* Checks if given `character` can be represented by a given `codePoint` in
* Unicode standard.
* @param character Character to check.
* @param codePoint Code point to check.
* @return `true` if given character can be represented by a given code point
* and `false` otherwise.
public final function bool IsCodePoint(Text.Character character, int codePoint)
return (character.codePoint == codePoint);
* Returns a particular character from a given `string`, of a given type,
* with preserved color information.
* @param source String, from which to fetch the character.
* @param position Which, in order, character to fetch
* (starting counting from '0').
* By default returns first (`0`th) character.
* @param sourceType Type of the given `source` `string`.
* @return Character from a `source` at a given position `position`.
* If given position is out-of-bounds for a given `string`
* (it is either negative or at least the same as a total character count),
* - returns invalid character.
public final function Text.Character GetCharacter
string source,
optional int position,
optional Text.StringType sourceType
local Text.Character resultCharacter;
local array<Text.Character> rawData;
if (position < 0) return GetInvalidCharacter();
// `STRING_Plain` is the only type where we do not need to do any parsing
// and get just fetch a character, so handle it separately.
if (sourceType == STRING_Plain)
if (position >= Len(source)) {
return GetInvalidCharacter();
resultCharacter.codePoint = Asc(Mid(source, position, 1));
return resultCharacter;
rawData = StringToRaw(source, sourceType);
if (position >= rawData.length) {
return GetInvalidCharacter();
return rawData[position];
* Returns color of a given `Character` with set default color.
* `Character`s can have their color set to "default", meaning they would use
* whatever considered default color in the context.
* @param character `Character`, which color to return.
* @param defaultColor Color, considered default.
* @return Supposed color of a given `Character`, assuming default color is
* `defaultColor`.
public final function Color GetCharacterColor(
Text.Character character,
Color defaultColor)
if (character.colorType == STRCOLOR_Default) {
return defaultColor;
return character.color;
* Returns character that is considered invalid.
* It is not unique, there can be different invalid characters.
* @return Invalid character instance.
public final function Text.Character GetInvalidCharacter()
local Text.Character result;
result.codePoint = -1;
return result;
* Checks if given character is invalid.
* @param character Character to check.
* @return `true` if passed character is valid and `false` otherwise.
public final function bool IsValidCharacter(Text.Character character)
return (character.codePoint >= 0);
* Checks if given characters are equal, with or without accounting
* for their case.
* @param codePoint1 Character to compare.
* @param codePoint2 Character to compare.
* @param caseInsensitive Optional parameter,
* if `false` we will require characters to be exactly the same,
* if `true` we will also consider characters equal if they
* only differ by case.
* @return `true` if given characters are considered equal,
* `false` otherwise.
public final function bool AreEqual(
Text.Character character1,
Text.Character character2,
optional bool caseInsensitive
if (character1.codePoint == character2.codePoint) return true;
if (character1.codePoint < 0 && character2.codePoint < 0) return true;
if (caseInsensitive)
character1 = ToLower(character1);
character2 = ToLower(character2);
return (character1.codePoint == character2.codePoint);
* Checks if given `string`s are equal to each other, with or without
* accounting for their case.
* @param string1 `string` to compare.
* @param string2 `string` to compare.
* @param caseInsensitive Optional parameter,
* if `false` we will require `string`s to be exactly the same,
* if `true` we will also consider `string`s equal if their corresponding
* characters only differ by case.
* @return `true` if given `string`s are considered equal, `false` otherwise.
public final function bool AreEqualStrings(
string string1,
string string2,
optional bool caseInsensitive
local int i;
local array<Text.Character> rawData1, rawData2;
rawData1 = StringToRaw(string1);
rawData2 = StringToRaw(string2);
if (rawData1.length != rawData2.length) return false;
for (i = 0; i < rawData1.length; i += 1)
if (!AreEqual(rawData1[i], rawData2[i], caseInsensitive)) return false;
return true;
* Converts Unicode code point into it's lower case folding,
* as defined by Unicode standard.
* @param codePoint Code point to convert into lower case.
* @return Lower case folding of the given code point. If Unicode standard does
* not define any lower case folding (like "&" or "!") for given code point, -
* function returns given code point unchanged.
public final function Text.Character ToLower(Text.Character character)
local int newCodePoint;
newCodePoint =
if (newCodePoint >= 0) {
character.codePoint = newCodePoint;
return character;
* Converts Unicode code point into it's upper case version,
* as defined by Unicode standard.
* @param codePoint Code point to convert into upper case.
* @return Upper case version of the given code point. If Unicode standard does
* not define any upper case version (like "&" or "!") for given code point, -
* function returns given code point unchanged.
public final function Text.Character ToUpper(Text.Character character)
local int newCodePoint;
newCodePoint =
if (newCodePoint >= 0) {
character.codePoint = newCodePoint;
return character;
* Converts `string` to lower case.
* Changes every symbol in the `string` to their lower case folding.
* Characters without lower case folding (like "&" or "!") are left unchanged.
* @param source `string` that will be converted into a lower case.
* @return Lower case folding of a given `string`.
public final function string ToLowerString(
string source,
optional Text.StringType sourceType
if (sourceType == STRING_Plain) {
return ConvertCaseForString_Plain(source, LCASE_Lower);
if (sourceType == STRING_Formatted) {
return ConvertCaseForString_Formatted(source, LCASE_Lower);
return ConvertCaseForString_Colored(source, LCASE_Lower);
* Converts `string` to upper case.
* Changes every symbol in the `string` to their upper case folding.
* Characters without upper case folding (like "&" or "!") are left unchanged.
* @param source `string` that will be converted into an upper case.
* @return Upper case folding of a given `string`.
public final function string ToUpperString(
string source,
optional Text.StringType sourceType
if (sourceType == STRING_Plain) {
return ConvertCaseForString_Plain(source, LCASE_Upper);
if (sourceType == STRING_Formatted) {
return ConvertCaseForString_Formatted(source, LCASE_Upper);
return ConvertCaseForString_Colored(source, LCASE_Upper);
private final function string ConvertCaseForString_Plain
string source,
Text.LetterCase targetCase
local int i;
local array<Text.Character> rawData;
rawData = StringToRaw(source, STRING_Plain);
for (i = 0; i < rawData.length; i += 1)
if (targetCase == LCASE_Lower) {
rawData[i] = ToLower(rawData[i]);
else {
rawData[i] = ToUpper(rawData[i]);
return RawToString(rawData, STRING_Plain);
private final function string ConvertCaseForString_Colored
string source,
Text.LetterCase targetCase
local int i;
local string result;
local array<Text.Character> rawData;
rawData = StringToRaw(source, STRING_Colored);
for (i = 0; i < rawData.length; i += 1)
if (targetCase == LCASE_Lower) {
rawData[i] = ToLower(rawData[i]);
else {
rawData[i] = ToUpper(rawData[i]);
result = RawToString(rawData, STRING_Colored);
if (rawData.length > 0 && rawData[0].colorType == STRCOLOR_Default) {
result = Mid(result, 4);
return result;
private final function string ConvertCaseForString_Formatted
string source,
Text.LetterCase targetCase
// TODO: finish it later, no one needs it right now,
// no idea wtf I even bothered with these functions
return source;
* Returns hash for a raw `string` data.
* Uses djb2 algorithm, somewhat adapted to make use of formatting
* (color) information. Hopefully it did not broke horribly.
* @param rawData Data to calculate hash of.
* @return Hash of the given data.
public final function int GetHashRaw(array<Text.Character> rawData) {
local int i;
local int colorInt;
local int hash;
hash = 5381;
for (i = 0; i < rawData.length; i += 1) {
// hash * 33 + rawData[i].codePoint
hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + rawData[i].codePoint;
if (rawData[i].colorType != STRCOLOR_Default) {
colorInt = rawData[i].color.r
+ rawData[i].color.g * 0x00ff
+ rawData[i].color.b * 0xffff;
hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + colorInt;
return hash;
* Returns hash for a `string` data.
* Uses djb2 algorithm, somewhat adapted to make use of formatting
* (color) information. Hopefully it did not broke horribly.
* @param rawData `string` to calculate hash of.
* @param sourceType Type of the `string`, in case you want has to be more
* formatting-independent. Leaving default value (`STRING_Plain`) should be
* fine for almost any use case.
* @return Hash of the given data.
public final function int GetHash(
string source,
optional Text.StringType sourceType) {
return GetHashRaw(StringToRaw(source, sourceType));
* Creates a new, empty `Text`.
* This is a shortcut, same result cam be achieved by `new class'Text'`.
* @return Brand new, empty instance of `Text`.
public final function Text Empty()
local Text newText;
newText = new class'Text';
return newText;
* Creates a `Text` that will contain a given `string`. Parameter made optional
* to enable easier way of creating empty `Text`.
* @param source `string` that will be copied into returned `Text`.
* @return New instance (not taken from the object pool) of `Text` that
* will contain passed `string`.
public final function Text FromString(optional string source)
local Text newText;
newText = new class'Text';
return newText;
* Creates a `Text` that will contain `string` with characters recorded in the
* given array. Parameter made optional to enable easier way of
* creating empty `Text`.
* @param rawData Sequence of characters that will be copied into
* returned `Text`.
* @return New instance (not taken from the object pool) of `Text` that
* will contain passed sequence of Unicode code points.
public final function Text FromRaw(array<Text.Character> rawData)
local Text newText;
newText = new class'Text';
return newText;
* Method for creating a new, uninitialized parser object.
* Always creates a new parser. This method should be used when you plan to
* store created `Parser` and reuse later.
* To parse something once it's advised to use
* `Parse()`, `ParseString()` or `ParseRaw()` instead.
* It is a good practice to free created `Parser` once you don't need it.
* @see `Parser`
* @return Guaranteed to be new, uninitialized `Parser`.
public final function Parser NewParser()
return (new class'Parser');
* Method for creating a new parser, initialized with contents of given `Text`.
* Always creates a new parser. This method should be used when you plan to
* store created `Parser` and reuse later.
* To parse something once it's advised to use `Parse()` instead.
* It is a good practice to free created `Parser` once you don't need it.
* @see `Parser`
* @param source Returned `Parser` will be setup to parse the contents of
* the passed `Text`.
* If `none` value is passed, - parser won't be initialized.
* @return Guaranteed to be new `Parser`,
* initialized with contents of `source`.
public final function Parser NewParserFromText(Text source)
local Parser parser;
parser = new class'Parser';
return parser;
* Method for creating a new parser, initialized with a given `string`.
* Always creates a new parser. This method should be used when you plan to
* store created `Parser` and reuse later.
* To parse something once it's advised to use `ParseString()` instead.
* It is a good practice to free created `Parser` once you don't need it.
* @see `Parser`
* @param source Returned `Parser` will be setup to parse the `source`.
* @return Guaranteed to be new `Parser`, initialized with given `string`.
public final function Parser NewParserFromString(string source)
local Parser parser;
parser = new class'Parser';
return parser;
* Method for creating a new parser, initialized with a given sequence of
* characters.
* Always creates a new parser. This method should be used when you plan to
* store created `Parser` and reuse later.
* To parse something once it's advised to use `ParseRaw()` instead.
* It is a good practice to free created `Parser` once you don't need it.
* @see `Parser`
* @param source Returned `Parser` will be setup to parse passed
* characters sequence.
* @return Guaranteed to be new `Parser`, initialized with given
* characters sequence.
public final function Parser NewParserFromRaw(array<Text.Character> source)
local Parser parser;
parser = new class'Parser';
return parser;
* Returns "temporary" `Parser` that can be used for one-time parsing,
* initialized with a given sequence of characters.
* It will be automatically freed to be reused again after
* current tick ends.
* Returned `Parser` does not have to be a new object and
* it is possible that it is still referenced by some buggy or malicious code.
* To ensure that no problem arises:
* 1. Re-initialize returned `Parser` after executing any piece of
* code that you do not trust to misuse `Parser`s;
* 2. Do not use obtained reference after current tick ends or
* calling `FreeParser()` on it.
* For more details @see `Parser`.
* @param source Returned `Parser` will be setup to parse passed
* characters sequence.
* @return Temporary `Parser`, initialized with given
* characters sequence.
public final function Parser ParseRaw(array<Text.Character> source)
local Parser parser;
parser = Parser(_.memory.Borrow(class'Parser'));
if (parser != none)
return parser;
return none;
* Returns "temporary" `Parser` that can be used for one-time parsing,
* initialized with contents of given `Text`.
* It will be automatically freed to be reused again after
* current tick ends.
* Returned `Parser` does not have to be a new object and
* it is possible that it is still referenced by some buggy or malicious code.
* To ensure that no problem arises:
* 1. Re-initialize returned `Parser` after executing any piece of
* code that you do not trust to misuse `Parser`s;
* 2. Do not use obtained reference after current tick ends or
* calling `FreeParser()` on it.
* For more details @see `Parser`.
* @param source Returned `Parser` will be setup to parse the contents of
* the passed `Text`.
* @return Temporary `Parser`, initialized with contents of the given `Text`.
public final function Parser Parse(Text source)
local Parser parser;
if (source == none) return NewParser();
parser = Parser(_.memory.Borrow(class'Parser'));
if (parser != none)
return parser;
return none;
* Returns "temporary" `Parser` that can be used for one-time parsing,
* initialized `string`.
* It will be automatically freed to be reused again after
* current tick ends.
* Returned `Parser` does not have to be a new object and
* it is possible that it is still referenced by some buggy or malicious code.
* To ensure that no problem arises:
* 1. Re-initialize returned `Parser` after executing any piece of
* code that you do not trust to misuse `Parser`s;
* 2. Do not use obtained reference after current tick ends or
* calling `FreeParser()` on it.
* For more details @see `Parser`.
* @param source Returned `Parser` will be setup to parse `source`.
* @return Temporary `Parser`, initialized with the given `string`.
public final function Parser ParseString (
string source,
optional Text.StringType sourceType) {
local Parser parser;
parser = Parser(_.memory.Borrow(class'Parser'));
if (parser != none) {
parser.Initialize(source, sourceType);
return parser;
return none;
CODEPOINT_ESCAPE = 27 // ANSI escape code