Refactor Aliases subsystem
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
* A class, implementing a hash-table-based dictionary for quick access to
* aliases' values.
* It does not support dynamic hash table capacity change and
* requires to set the size upfront.
* Copyright 2020 Anton Tarasenko
* This file is part of Acedia.
* Acedia is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Acedia is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Acedia. If not, see <>.
class AliasHash extends AcediaObject
// Reasonable lower and upper limits on hash table capacity,
// that will be enforced if user requires something outside those bounds
var private config const int MINIMUM_CAPACITY;
var private config const int MAXIMUM_CAPACITY;
// Bucket of alias-value pairs, with the same alias hash.
struct PairBucket
var array<AliasSource.AliasValuePair> pairs;
var private array<PairBucket> hashTable;
* Initializes caller `AliasHash`.
* Calling this function again will clear all existing data and will create
* a brand new hash table.
* @param desiredCapacity Desired capacity of the underlying hash table.
* Will be clamped between `MINIMUM_CAPACITY` and `MAXIMUM_CAPACITY`.
* Not specifying anything as this parameter creates a hash table of
* @return A reference to a caller object to allow for function chaining.
public final function AliasHash Initialize(optional int desiredCapacity)
desiredCapacity = Clamp(desiredCapacity, MINIMUM_CAPACITY,
hashTable.length = 0;
hashTable.length = desiredCapacity;
return self;
// Helper method that is needed as a replacement for `%`, since it is
// an operation on `float`s in UnrealScript and does not have enough precision
// to work with hashes.
// Assumes positive input.
private function int Remainder(int number, int divisor)
local int quotient;
quotient = number / divisor;
return (number - quotient * divisor);
// Finds indices for:
// 1. Bucked that contains specified alias (`bucketIndex`);
// 2. Pair for specified alias in the bucket's collection (`pairIndex`).
// `bucketIndex` is always found,
// `pairIndex` is valid iff method returns `true`.
private final function bool FindPairIndices(
string alias,
out int bucketIndex,
out int pairIndex)
local int i;
local array<AliasSource.AliasValuePair> bucketPairs;
// `Locs()` is used because aliases are case-insensitive.
bucketIndex = _().text.GetHash(Locs(alias));
if (bucketIndex < 0) {
bucketIndex *= -1;
bucketIndex = Remainder(bucketIndex, hashTable.length);
// Check if bucket actually has given alias.
bucketPairs = hashTable[bucketIndex].pairs;
for (i = 0; i < bucketPairs.length; i += 1)
if (bucketPairs[i].alias ~= alias)
pairIndex = i;
return true;
return false;
* Finds a value for a given alias.
* @param alias Alias for which we need to find a value.
* Aliases are case-insensitive.
* @param value If given alias is present in caller `AliasHash`, -
* it's value will be written in this variable.
* Otherwise value is undefined.
* @return `true` if we found value, `false` otherwise.
public final function bool Find(string alias, out string value)
local int bucketIndex;
local int pairIndex;
if (FindPairIndices(alias, bucketIndex, pairIndex))
value = hashTable[bucketIndex].pairs[pairIndex].value;
return true;
return false;
* Checks if caller `AliasHash` contains given alias.
* @param alias Alias to check for belonging to caller `AliasHash`.
* Aliases are case-insensitive.
* @return `true` if caller `AliasHash` contains the value for a given alias
* and `false` otherwise.
public final function bool Contains(string alias)
local int bucketIndex;
local int pairIndex;
return FindPairIndices(alias, bucketIndex, pairIndex);
* Inserts new record for alias `alias` for value of `value`.
* If there is already a value for a given `alias` - it will be overwritten.
* @param alias Alias to insert. Aliases are case-insensitive.
* @param value Value for a given alias to store.
* @return A reference to a caller object to allow for function chaining.
public final function AliasHash Insert(string alias, string value)
local int bucketIndex;
local int pairIndex;
local AliasSource.AliasValuePair newRecord;
newRecord.value = value;
newRecord.alias = alias;
if (!FindPairIndices(alias, bucketIndex, pairIndex)) {
pairIndex = hashTable[bucketIndex].pairs.length;
hashTable[bucketIndex].pairs[pairIndex] = newRecord;
return self;
* Inserts new record for alias `alias` for value of `value`.
* If there is already a value for a given `alias`, - new value will be
* discarded and `AliasHash` will not be changed.
* @param alias Alias to insert. Aliases are case-insensitive.
* @param value Value for a given alias to store.
* @param existingValue Value that will correspond to a given alias after
* this method's execution. If insertion was successful - given `value`,
* otherwise (if there already was a record for an `alias`)
* it will return value that already existed in caller `AliasHash`.
* @return `true` if given alias-value pair was inserted and `false` otherwise.
public final function bool InsertIfMissing(
string alias,
string value,
out string existingValue)
local int bucketIndex;
local int pairIndex;
local AliasSource.AliasValuePair newRecord;
newRecord.value = value;
newRecord.alias = alias;
existingValue = value;
if (FindPairIndices(alias, bucketIndex, pairIndex)) {
existingValue = hashTable[bucketIndex].pairs[pairIndex].value;
return false;
pairIndex = hashTable[bucketIndex].pairs.length;
hashTable[bucketIndex].pairs[pairIndex] = newRecord;
return true;
* Removes record, corresponding to a given alias `alias`.
* @param alias Alias for which all records must be removed.
* @return `true` if record was removed, `false` if id did not
* (can only happen when `AliasHash` did not have any records for `alias`).
public final function bool Remove(string alias)
local int bucketIndex;
local int pairIndex;
if (FindPairIndices(alias, bucketIndex, pairIndex)) {
hashTable[bucketIndex].pairs.Remove(pairIndex, 1);
return true;
return false;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
* Service that handles pending saving of aliases data into configs.
* Adding aliases into `AliasSource`s causes corresponding configs to update.
* This service allows to delay and spread config rewrites over time,
* which should help in case someone dynamically adds a lot of
* different aliases.
* Copyright 2020 Anton Tarasenko
* This file is part of Acedia.
* Acedia is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Acedia is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Acedia. If not, see <>.
class AliasService extends Service
// Objects for which we are yet to write configs
var private array<AliasSource> sourcesPendingToSave;
var private array<Aliases> aliasesPendingToSave;
// How often should we do it.
// Negative or zero values would be reset to `0.05`.
var public config const float saveInterval;
// To avoid creating yet another object for aliases system we will
// keep config variable pointing to weapon, color, etc. `AliasSource`
// subclasses here. It's not the best regarding separation of responsibility,
// but should make config files less fragmented.
// Changing these allows you to change in what sources `AliasesAPI`
// looks for weapon and color aliases.
var public config const class<AliasSource> weaponAliasesSource;
var public config const class<AliasSource> colorAliasesSource;
protected function OnLaunch()
local float actualInterval;
actualInterval = saveInterval;
if (actualInterval <= 0)
actualInterval = 0.05;
SetTimer(actualInterval, true);
protected function OnShutdown()
public final function PendingSaveSource(AliasSource sourceToSave)
local int i;
if (sourceToSave == none) return;
// Starting searching from the end of an array will make situations when
// we add several aliases to a single source in a row more efficient.
for (i = sourcesPendingToSave.length - 1;i >= 0; i -= 1) {
if (sourcesPendingToSave[i] == sourceToSave) return;
sourcesPendingToSave[sourcesPendingToSave.length] = sourceToSave;
public final function PendingSaveObject(Aliases objectToSave)
local int i;
if (objectToSave == none) return;
// Starting searching from the end of an array will make situations when
// we add several aliases to a single `Aliases` object in a row
// more efficient.
for (i = aliasesPendingToSave.length - 1;i >= 0; i -= 1) {
if (aliasesPendingToSave[i] == objectToSave) return;
aliasesPendingToSave[aliasesPendingToSave.length] = objectToSave;
* Forces saving of the next object (either `AliasSource` or `Aliases`)
* in queue to the config file.
* Does not reset the timer until next saving.
private final function DoSaveNextPendingObject()
if (sourcesPendingToSave.length > 0)
if (sourcesPendingToSave[0] != none) {
sourcesPendingToSave.Remove(0, 1);
if (aliasesPendingToSave.length > 0)
aliasesPendingToSave.Remove(0, 1);
* Forces saving of all objects (both `AliasSource`s or `Aliases`s) in queue
* to their config files.
private final function SaveAllPendingObjects()
local int i;
for (i = 0; i < sourcesPendingToSave.length; i += 1) {
if (sourcesPendingToSave[i] == none) continue;
for (i = 0; i < aliasesPendingToSave.length; i += 1) {
sourcesPendingToSave.length = 0;
aliasesPendingToSave.length = 0;
event Timer()
saveInterval = 0.05
weaponAliasesSource = class'WeaponAliasSource'
colorAliasesSource = class'ColorAliasSource'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
* Aliases allow users to define human-readable and easier to use
* "synonyms" to some symbol sequences (mainly names of UnrealScript classes).
* This class implements an alias database that stores aliases inside
* standard config ini-files.
* Several `AliasSource`s are supposed to exist separately, each storing
* aliases of particular kind: for weapon, zeds, colors, etc..
* Copyright 2020 Anton Tarasenko
* This file is part of Acedia.
* Acedia is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Acedia is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Acedia. If not, see <>.
class AliasSource extends Singleton
// Name of the configurational file (without extension) where
// this `AliasSource`'s data will be stored.
var private const string configName;
// (Sub-)class of `Aliases` objects that this `AliasSource` uses to store
// aliases in per-object-config manner.
// Leaving this variable `none` will produce an `AliasSource` that can
// only store aliases in form of `record=(alias="...",value="...")`.
var public const class<Aliases> aliasesClass;
// Storage for all objects of `aliasesClass` class in the config.
// Exists after `OnCreated()` event and is maintained up-to-date at all times.
var private array<Aliases> loadedAliasObjects;
// Links alias to a value.
// An array of these structures (without duplicate `alias` records) defines
// a function from the space of aliases to the space of values.
struct AliasValuePair
var string alias;
var string value;
// Aliases data for saving and loading on a disk (ini-file).
// Name is chosen to make configurational files more readable.
var private config array<AliasValuePair> record;
// Hash table for a faster access to value by alias' name.
// It contains same records as `record` array + aliases from
// `loadedAliasObjects` objects when there are no duplicate aliases.
// Otherwise only stores first loaded alias.
var private AliasHash hash;
// How many times bigger capacity of `hash` should be, compared to amount of
// initially loaded data from a config.
var private const float HASH_TABLE_SCALE;
// Load and hash all the data `AliasSource` creation.
protected function OnCreated()
local int entriesAmount;
if (!AssertAliasesClassIsOwnedByMe()) {
// Load and hash
entriesAmount = LoadData();
hash = AliasHash(_.memory.Allocate(class'AliasHash'));
hash.Initialize(int(entriesAmount * HASH_TABLE_SCALE));
// Ensures invariant of our `Aliases` class only belonging to us by
// itself ourselves otherwise.
private final function bool AssertAliasesClassIsOwnedByMe()
if (aliasesClass == none) return true;
if (aliasesClass.default.sourceClass == class) return true;
_.logger.Failure("`AliasSource`-`Aliases` class pair is incorrectly"
@ "setup for source `" $ string(class) $ "`. Omitting it.");
return false;
// This method loads all the defined aliases from the config file and
// returns how many entries are there are total.
// Does not change data, including fixing duplicates.
private final function int LoadData()
local int i;
local int entriesAmount;
local array<string> objectNames;
entriesAmount = record.length;
if (aliasesClass == none) {
return entriesAmount;
objectNames =
GetPerObjectNames(configName, string(, MaxInt);
loadedAliasObjects.length = objectNames.length;
for (i = 0; i < objectNames.length; i += 1)
loadedAliasObjects[i] = new(none, objectNames[i]) aliasesClass;
entriesAmount += loadedAliasObjects[i].GetAliases().length;
return entriesAmount;
* Simply checks if given alias is present in caller `AliasSource`.
* @param alias Alias to check, case-insensitive.
* @return `true` if present, `false` otherwise.
public function bool ContainsAlias(string alias)
return hash.Contains(alias);
* Tries to look up a value, stored for given alias in caller `AliasSource` and
* reports error upon failure.
* Also see `Try()` method.
* @param alias Alias, for which method will attempt to look up a value.
* Case-insensitive.
* @param value If passed `alias` was recorded in caller `AliasSource`,
* it's corresponding value will be written in this variable.
* Otherwise value is undefined.
* @return `true` if lookup was successful (alias present in 'AliasSource`)
* and correct value was written into `value`, `false` otherwise.
public function bool Resolve(string alias, out string value)
return hash.Find(alias, value);
* Tries to look up a value, stored for given alias in caller `AliasSource` and
* silently returns given `alias` value upon failure.
* Also see `Resolve()` method.
* @param alias Alias, for which method will attempt to look up a value.
* Case-insensitive.
* @return Value corresponding to a given alias, if it was present in
* caller `AliasSource` and value of `alias` parameter instead.
public function string Try(string alias)
local string result;
if (hash.Find(alias, result)) {
return result;
return alias;
* Adds another alias to the caller `AliasSource`.
* If alias with the same name as `aliasToAdd` already exists, -
* method overwrites it.
* Can fail iff `aliasToAdd` is an invalid alias.
* When adding alias to an object (`saveInObject == true`) alias `aliasToAdd`
* will be altered by changing any ':' inside it into a '.'.
* This is a necessary measure to allow storing class names in
* config files via per-object-config.
* NOTE: This call will cause update of an ini-file. That update can be
* slightly delayed, so do not make assumptions about it's immediacy.
* NOTE #2: Removing alias would require this method to go through the
* whole `AliasSource` to remove possible duplicates.
* This means that unless you can guarantee that there is no duplicates, -
* performing a lot of alias additions during run-time can be costly.
* @param aliasToAdd Alias that you want to add to caller source.
* Alias names are case-insensitive.
* @param aliasValue Intended value of this alias.
* @param saveInObject Setting this to `true` will make `AliasSource` save
* given alias in per-object-config storage, while keeping it at default
* `false` will just add alias to the `record=` storage.
* If caller `AliasSource` does not support per-object-config storage, -
* this flag will be ignores.
* @return `true` if alias was added and `false` otherwise (alias was invalid).
public final function bool AddAlias(
string aliasToAdd,
string aliasValue,
optional bool saveInObject)
local AliasValuePair newPair;
if (_.alias.IsAliasValid(aliasToAdd)) {
return false;
if (hash.Contains(aliasToAdd)) {
// We might not be able to use per-object-config storage
if (saveInObject && aliasesClass == none) {
saveInObject = false;
_.logger.Warning("Cannot save alias in object for source `"
$ string(class)
$ "`, because it does not have appropriate `Aliases` class setup.");
// Save
if (saveInObject) {
newPair.alias = aliasToAdd;
newPair.value = aliasValue;
record[record.length] = newPair;
hash.Insert(aliasToAdd, aliasValue);
return true;
* Removes alias (all records with it, in case of duplicates) from
* the caller `AliasSource`.
* Cannot fail.
* NOTE: This call will cause update of an ini-file. That update can be
* slightly delayed, so do not make assumptions about it's immediacy.
* NOTE #2: removing alias requires this method to go through the
* whole `AliasSource` to remove possible duplicates, which can make
* performing a lot of alias removal during run-time costly.
* @param aliasToRemove Alias that you want to remove from caller source.
public final function RemoveAlias(string aliasToRemove)
local int i;
local bool removedAliasFromRecord;
while (i < record.length)
if (record[i].alias ~= aliasToRemove)
record.Remove(i, 1);
removedAliasFromRecord = true;
else {
i += 1;
for (i = 0; i < loadedAliasObjects.length; i += 1) {
if (removedAliasFromRecord)
// Performs initial hashing of every record with valid alias.
// In case of duplicate or invalid aliases - method will skip them
// and log warnings.
private final function HashValidAliases()
if (hash == none) {
_.logger.Warning("Alias source `" $ string(class) $ "` called"
$ "`HashValidAliases()` function without creating an `AliasHasher`"
$ "instance first. This should not have happened.");
private final function LogDuplicateAliasWarning(
string alias,
string existingValue)
_.logger.Warning("Alias source `" $ string(class)
$ "` has duplicate record for alias \"" $ alias
$ "\". This is likely due to an erroneous config. \"" $ existingValue
$ "\" value will be used.");
private final function LogInvalidAliasWarning(string invalidAlias)
_.logger.Warning("Alias source `" $ string(class)
$ "` contains invalid alias name \"" $ invalidAlias
$ "\". This alias will not be loaded.");
private final function HashValidAliasesFromRecord()
local int i;
local bool isDuplicate;
local string existingValue;
for (i = 0; i < record.length; i += 1)
if (!_.alias.IsAliasValid(record[i].alias))
isDuplicate = !hash.InsertIfMissing(record[i].alias, record[i].value,
if (isDuplicate) {
LogDuplicateAliasWarning(record[i].alias, existingValue);
private final function HashValidAliasesFromPerObjectConfig()
local int i, j;
local bool isDuplicate;
local string existingValue;
local string objectValue;
local array<string> objectAliases;
for (i = 0; i < loadedAliasObjects.length; i += 1)
objectValue = loadedAliasObjects[i].GetValue();
objectAliases = loadedAliasObjects[i].GetAliases();
for (j = 0; j < objectAliases.length; j += 1)
if (!_.alias.IsAliasValid(objectAliases[j]))
isDuplicate = !hash.InsertIfMissing(objectAliases[j], objectValue,
if (isDuplicate) {
LogDuplicateAliasWarning(objectAliases[j], existingValue);
// Tries to find a loaded `Aliases` config object that stores aliases for
// the given value. If such object does not exists - creates a new one.
private final function Aliases GetAliasesObjectWithValue(string value)
local int i;
local Aliases newAliasesObject;
// This method only makes sense if this `AliasSource` supports
// per-object-config storage.
if (aliasesClass == none)
_.logger.Warning("`GetAliasesObjectForValue()` function was called for "
$ "alias source with `aliasesClass == none`."
$ "This should not happen.");
return none;
for (i = 0; i < loadedAliasObjects.length; i += 1)
if (loadedAliasObjects[i].GetValue() ~= value) {
return loadedAliasObjects[i];
newAliasesObject = new(none, value) aliasesClass;
loadedAliasObjects[loadedAliasObjects.length] = newAliasesObject;
return newAliasesObject;
// Source main parameters
configName = "AcediaAliases"
aliasesClass = class'Aliases'
// HashTable twice the size of data entries should do it
@ -1,20 +1,14 @@
* Aliases allow users to define human-readable and easier to use
* "synonyms" to some symbol sequences (mainly names of UnrealScript classes).
* Due to how aliases are stored, there is a limitation on original
* values to which aliases refer: it must be a valid object name to store via
* `perObjectConfig`. For example it cannot contain `]` or a dot `.`
* (use `:` as a delimiter for class names: `KFMod:M14EBRBattleRifle`).
* Aliases can be grouped into categories: "weapons", "test", "maps", etc.
* Aliases can be configured in `AcediaAliases` in form:
* ________________________________________________________________________
* | [<groupName>/<aliasesValue> Aliases]
* | Alias="<alias1>"
* | Alias="<alias2>"
* | ...
* |_______________________________________________________________________
* where <groupName>, <aliasesValue>, <alias1>, ... can be replaced with
* desired values.
* This is a simple helper object for `AliasSource` that can store
* an array of aliases in config files in a per-object-config manner.
* One `Aliases` object can store several aliases for a single value.
* It is recommended that you do not try to access these objects directly.
* Class name `Aliases` is chosen to make configuration files
* more readable.
* It's only interesting function is storing '.'s as ':' in it's config,
* which is necessary to allow storing aliases for class names via
* these objects (since UnrealScript's cannot handle '.'s in object's names
* in it's configs).
* Copyright 2020 Anton Tarasenko
* This file is part of Acedia.
@ -36,105 +30,113 @@ class Aliases extends AcediaObject
// Link to the `AliasSource` that uses `Aliases` objects of this class.
// To ensure that any `Aliases` sub-class only belongs to one `AliasSource`.
var public const class<AliasSource> sourceClass;
// Aliases, recorded by this `Aliases` object that all mean the same value,
// defined by this object's name `string(`.
var protected config array<string> alias;
// Since '.'s in values are converted into ':' for storage purposes,
// we need methods to convert between "storage" and "actual" value version.
// `ToStorageVersion()` and `ToActualVersion()` do that.
private final function string ToStorageVersion(string actualValue)
return Repl(actualValue, ".", ":");
private final function string ToActualVersion(string storageValue)
return Repl(storageValue, ":", ".");
* All data is stored in config as a bunch of named `Aliases` objects
* (via `perObjectConfig`). Name of each object records both aliases group and
* value (see class description for details).
* Aliases themselves are recorded into the `alias` array.
* Returns value that caller's `Aliases` object's aliases point to.
* @return Value, stored by this object.
// Stores name of the configuration file.
var private const string configName;
// Both value
// Symbol (or symbol sequence) that separates value from the group in
// `[<groupName>/<aliasesValue> Aliases]`.
var private const string delimiter;
// Set once to prevent more than one object loading.
var private bool initialized;
// All aliases objects, specified by the configuration file.
var private array<Aliases> availableRecords;
// Data loaded from the configuration file into the `Aliases` object.
// Value to which all aliases refer to.
var private string originalValue;
// Group to which this object's aliases belong to.
var private string groupName;
// Recorded aliases ("synonyms") for the `originalValue`.
var public config array<string> alias;
// Initializes data that we can not directly read from the configuration file.
private final function Initialize()
public final function string GetValue()
if (initialized) return;
availableRecords.length = 0;
initialized = true;
return ToActualVersion(string(;
private final function ParseObjectName(string configName)
* Returns array of aliases that caller `Aliases` tells us point to it's value.
* @return Array of all aliases, stored by caller `Aliases` object.
public final function array<string> GetAliases()
local int i;
local array<string> splitName;
Split(configName, "/", splitName);
groupName = splitName[0];
originalValue = "";
for (i = 1; i < splitName.length; i += 1)
originalValue $= splitName[i];
return alias;
* [For inner use by `AliasSource`] Adds new alias to this object.
* Does no duplicates checks through for it's `AliasSource` and
* neither it updates relevant `AliasHash`,
* but will prevent adding duplicate records inside it's own storage.
* @param aliasToAdd Alias to add to caller `Aliases` object.
public final function AddAlias(string aliasToAdd)
local int i;
for (i = 0; i < alias.length; i += 1) {
if (alias[i] ~= aliasToAdd) return;
alias[alias.length] = ToStorageVersion(aliasToAdd);
// This function loads all the defined aliases from the config file.
// Need to only be called once, further calls do nothing.
public static final function LoadAliases()
* [For inner use by `AliasSource`] Removes alias from this object.
* Does not update relevant `AliasHash`.
* Will prevent adding duplicate records inside it's own storage.
* @param aliasToRemove Alias to remove from caller `Aliases` object.
public final function RemoveAlias(string aliasToRemove)
local int i;
local array<string> recordNames;
if (default.initialized) return;
recordNames =
GetPerObjectNames(default.configName, string(class'Aliases'.name));
for (i = 0; i < recordNames.length; i += 1)
local int i;
local bool removedAlias;
while (i < alias.length)
default.availableRecords[i] = new(none, recordNames[i]) class'Aliases';
if (default.availableRecords[i] != none)
if (alias[i] ~= aliasToRemove)
alias.Remove(i, 1);
removedAlias = true;
else {
i += 1;
default.initialized = true;
if (removedAlias)
// Tries to find original value for a given alias in a given group.
public static final function bool ResolveAlias
string group,
string alias,
out string result
* If this object still has any alias records, - forces a rewrite of it's data
* into the config file, otherwise - removes it's record entirely.
public final function SaveOrClear()
local int i, j;
if (!default.initialized) return false;
for (i = 0; i < default.availableRecords.length; i += 1)
if (!(default.availableRecords[i].groupName ~= group)) continue;
for (j = 0; j < default.availableRecords[i].alias.length; j += 1)
if (default.availableRecords[i].alias[j] ~= alias)
result = default.availableRecords[i].originalValue;
return true;
if (alias.length <= 0) {
else {
return false;
initialized = false
configName = "AcediaAliases"
delimiter = "/"
sourceClass = class'AliasSource'
@ -19,21 +19,211 @@
class AliasesAPI extends Singleton;
// Resolves original value for given alias and it's group.
// Returns `false` if there no such alias and `true` if there is.
public function bool Resolve(string group, string alias, out string result)
* Checks that passed value is a valid alias name.
* A valid name is any name consisting out of 128 ASCII symbols.
* @param aliasToCheck Alias to check for validity.
* @return `true` if `aliasToCheck` is a valid alias and `false` otherwise.
public final function bool IsAliasValid(string aliasToCheck)
return class'Aliases'.static.ResolveAlias(group, alias, result);
return _.text.IsASCIIString(aliasToCheck);
// Tries to resolve given alias.
// If fails - returns passed `alias` value back.
public function string Try(string group, string alias)
* Provides an easier access to the instance of the `AliasSource` of
* the given class.
* Can fail if `customSourceClass` is incorrectly defined.
* @param customSourceClass Class of the source we want.
* @return Instance of the requested `AliasSource`,
* `none` if `customSourceClass` is incorrectly defined.
public final function AliasSource GetCustomSource(
class<AliasSource> customSourceClass)
local string result;
if (class'Aliases'.static.ResolveAlias(group, alias, result))
return result;
return AliasSource(customSourceClass.static.GetInstance(true));
* Returns `AliasSource` that is designated in configuration files as
* a source for weapon aliases.
* NOTE: while by default weapon aliases source will contain only weapon
* aliases, you should not assume that. Acedia allows admins to store all
* the aliases in the same config.
* @return Reference to the `AliasSource` that contains weapon aliases.
* Can return `none` if no source for weapons was configured or
* the configured source is incorrectly defined.
public final function AliasSource GetWeaponSource()
local AliasSource weaponSource;
local class<AliasSource> sourceClass;
sourceClass = class'AliasService'.default.weaponAliasesSource;
if (sourceClass == none) {
_.logger.Failure("No weapon aliases source configured for Acedia's"
@ "alias API. Error is most likely cause by erroneous config.");
return none;
weaponSource = AliasSource(sourceClass.static.GetInstance(true));
if (weaponSource == none) {
_.logger.Failure("`AliasSource` class `" $ string(sourceClass) $ "` is"
@ "configured to store weapon aliases, but it seems to be invalid."
@ "This is a bug and not configuration file problem, but issue"
@ "might be avoided by using a different `AliasSource`.");
return none;
return weaponSource;
* Returns `AliasSource` that is designated in configuration files as
* a source for color aliases.
* NOTE: while by default color aliases source will contain only color aliases,
* you should not assume that. Acedia allows admins to store all the aliases
* in the same config.
* @return Reference to the `AliasSource` that contains color aliases.
* Can return `none` if no source for colors was configured or
* the configured source is incorrectly defined.
public final function AliasSource GetColorSource()
local AliasSource colorSource;
local class<AliasSource> sourceClass;
sourceClass = class'AliasService'.default.colorAliasesSource;
if (sourceClass == none) {
_.logger.Failure("No color aliases source configured for Acedia's"
@ "alias API. Error is most likely cause by erroneous config.");
return none;
colorSource = AliasSource(sourceClass.static.GetInstance(true));
if (colorSource == none) {
_.logger.Failure("`AliasSource` class `" $ string(sourceClass) $ "` is"
@ "configured to store color aliases, but it seems to be invalid."
@ "This is a bug and not configuration file problem, but issue"
@ "might be avoided by using a different `AliasSource`.");
return none;
return colorSource;
* Tries to look up a value, stored for given alias in an `AliasSource`
* configured to store weapon aliases. Reports error on failure.
* Lookup of alias can fail if either alias does not exist in weapon alias
* source or weapon alias source itself does not exist
* (due to either faulty configuration or incorrect definition).
* To determine if weapon alias source exists you can check
* `_.alias.GetWeaponSource()` value.
* Also see `TryWeapon()` method.
* @param alias Alias, for which method will attempt to look up a value.
* Case-insensitive.
* @param value If passed `alias` was recorded as a weapon alias,
* it's corresponding value will be written in this variable.
* Otherwise value is undefined.
* @return `true` if lookup was successful and `false` otherwise.
public final function bool ResolveWeapon(string alias, out string result)
local AliasSource source;
source = GetWeaponSource();
if (source != none) {
return source.Resolve(alias, result);
return false;
* Tries to look up a value, stored for given alias in an `AliasSource`
* configured to store weapon aliases and silently returns given `alias`
* value upon failure.
* Lookup of alias can fail if either alias does not exist in weapon alias
* source or weapon alias source itself does not exist
* (due to either faulty configuration or incorrect definition).
* To determine if weapon alias source exists you can check
* `_.alias.GetWeaponSource()` value.
* Also see `ResolveWeapon()` method.
* @param alias Alias, for which method will attempt to look up a value.
* Case-insensitive.
* @return Weapon value corresponding to a given alias, if it was present in
* the weapon alias source and value of `alias` parameter instead.
public function string TryWeapon(string alias)
local AliasSource source;
source = GetWeaponSource();
if (source != none) {
return source.Try(alias);
return alias;
* Tries to look up a value, stored for given alias in an `AliasSource`
* configured to store color aliases. Reports error on failure.
* Lookup of alias can fail if either alias does not exist in color alias
* source or color alias source itself does not exist
* (due to either faulty configuration or incorrect definition).
* To determine if color alias source exists you can check
* `_.alias.GetColorSource()` value.
* Also see `TryColor()` method.
* @param alias Alias, for which method will attempt to look up a value.
* Case-insensitive.
* @param value If passed `alias` was recorded as a color alias,
* it's corresponding value will be written in this variable.
* Otherwise value is undefined.
* @return `true` if lookup was successful and `false` otherwise.
public final function bool ResolveColor(string alias, out string result)
local AliasSource source;
source = GetColorSource();
if (source != none) {
return source.Resolve(alias, result);
return false;
* Tries to look up a value, stored for given alias in an `AliasSource`
* configured to store color aliases and silently returns given `alias`
* value upon failure.
* Lookup of alias can fail if either alias does not exist in color alias
* source or color alias source itself does not exist
* (due to either faulty configuration or incorrect definition).
* To determine if color alias source exists you can check
* `_.alias.GetColorSource()` value.
* Also see `ResolveColor()` method.
* @param alias Alias, for which method will attempt to look up a value.
* Case-insensitive.
* @return Color value corresponding to a given alias, if it was present in
* the color alias source and value of `alias` parameter instead.
public function string TryColor(string alias)
local AliasSource source;
source = GetColorSource();
if (source != none) {
return source.Try(alias);
return alias;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Source intended for color aliases.
* Copyright 2020 Anton Tarasenko
* This file is part of Acedia.
* Acedia is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Acedia is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Acedia. If not, see <>.
class ColorAliasSource extends AliasSource
configName = "AcediaAliases_Colors"
aliasesClass = class'ColorAliases'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Per-object-configuration intended for color aliases.
* Copyright 2020 Anton Tarasenko
* This file is part of Acedia.
* Acedia is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Acedia is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Acedia. If not, see <>.
class ColorAliases extends Aliases
sourceClass = class'ColorAliasSource'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Source intended for weapon aliases.
* Copyright 2020 Anton Tarasenko
* This file is part of Acedia.
* Acedia is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Acedia is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Acedia. If not, see <>.
class WeaponAliasSource extends AliasSource
configName = "AcediaAliases_Weapons"
aliasesClass = class'WeaponAliases'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* Per-object-configuration intended for weapon aliases.
* Copyright 2020 Anton Tarasenko
* This file is part of Acedia.
* Acedia is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Acedia is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Acedia. If not, see <>.
class WeaponAliases extends Aliases
sourceClass = class'WeaponAliasSource'
Reference in New Issue
Block a user