Make events functions `OnEnabled()` and `OnEnabled()` protected rather than public. Move initialization and clean up logic into `OnCreated()` and `OnDestroyed()` event functions.
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188 lines
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* This feature fixes lags caused by a zed time that can occur
* on some maps when a lot of zeds are present at once.
* As a side effect it also fixes an issue where during zed time speed up
* 'zedTimeSlomoScale' was assumed to be default value of '0.2'.
* Now zed time will behave correctly with mods that
* change 'zedTimeSlomoScale'.
* Copyright 2020 Anton Tarasenko
* This file is part of Acedia.
* Acedia is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Acedia is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Acedia. If not, see <>.
class FixZedTimeLags extends Feature
* When zed time activates, game speed is immediately set to
* 'zedTimeSlomoScale' (0.2 by default), defined, like all other variables,
* in 'KFGameType'. Zed time lasts 'zedTimeDuration' seconds (3.0 by default),
* but during last 'zedTimeDuration * 0.166' seconds (by default 0.498)
* it starts to speed back up, causing game speed to update every tick.
* This makes animations look more smooth when exiting zed-time;
* however, updating speed every tick for that purpose seems like
* an overkill and, combined with things like
* increased tick rate, certain maps and raised zed limit,
* it can lead to noticeable lags at the end of zed time.
* To fix this issue we disable 'Tick' event in
* 'KFGameType' and then repeat that functionality in our own 'Tick' event,
* but only perform game speed updates occasionally,
* to make sure that overall amount of updates won't go over a limit,
* that can be configured via 'maxGameSpeedUpdatesAmount'
* Author's test (looking really hard on clots' animations)
* seem to suggest that there shouldn't be much visible difference if
* we limit game speed updates to about 2 or 3.
// Max amount of game speed updates during speed up phase
// (actual amount of updates can't be larger than amount of ticks).
// On servers with default 30 tick rate there's usually
// about 13 updates total on vanilla game.
// Values lower than 1 are treated like 1.
var private config const int maxGameSpeedUpdatesAmount;
// [ADVANCED] Don't change this setting unless you know what you're doing.
// Compatibility setting that allows to keep 'GameInfo' 's 'Tick' event
// from being disabled.
// Useful when running Acedia along with custom 'GameInfo'
// (that isn't 'KFGameType') that relies on 'Tick' event.
// Note, however, that in order to keep this fix working properly,
// it's on you to make sure 'KFGameType.Tick()' logic isn't executed.
var private config const bool disableTick;
// Counts how much time is left until next update
var private float updateCooldown;
// Recorded game type, to avoid constant conversions every tick
var private KFGameType gameType;
protected function OnEnabled()
gameType = KFGameType(;
if (gameType == none)
else if (disableTick)
protected function OnDisabled()
gameType = KFGameType(;
if (gameType != none && disableTick)
event Tick(float delta)
local float trueTimePassed;
if (gameType == none) return;
if (!gameType.bZEDTimeActive) return;
// Unfortunately we need to keep disabling 'Tick' probe function,
// because it constantly gets enabled back and I don't know where
// (maybe native code?); only really matters during zed time.
if (disableTick)
// How much real (not in-game) time has passed
trueTimePassed = delta * (1.1 / level.timeDilation);
gameType.currentZEDTimeDuration -= trueTimePassed;
// Handle speeding up phase
if (gameType.bSpeedingBackUp)
else if (gameType.currentZEDTimeDuration < GetSpeedupDuration())
gameType.bSpeedingBackUp = true;
updateCooldown = GetFullUpdateCooldown();
// End zed time once it's duration has passed
if (gameType.currentZEDTimeDuration <= 0)
gameType.bZEDTimeActive = false;
gameType.bSpeedingBackUp = false;
gameType.zedTimeExtensionsUsed = 0;
private final function TellClientsZedTimeEnds()
local int i;
local KFPlayerController player;
local ConnectionService service;
local array<ConnectionService.Connection> connections;
service = ConnectionService(class'ConnectionService'.static.GetInstance());
if (service == none) return;
connections = service.GetActiveConnections();
for (i = 0; i < connections.length; i += 1)
player = KFPlayerController(connections[i].controllerReference);
if (player != none)
// Play sound of leaving zed time
// This function is called every tick during speed up phase and manages
// gradual game speed increase.
private final function DoSpeedBackUp(float trueTimePassed)
// Game speed will always be updated in our 'Tick' event
// at the very end of the zed time.
// The rest of the updates will be uniformly distributed
// over the speed up duration.
local float newGameSpeed;
local float slowdownScale;
if (maxGameSpeedUpdatesAmount <= 1) return;
if (updateCooldown > 0.0)
updateCooldown -= trueTimePassed;
updateCooldown = GetFullUpdateCooldown();
slowdownScale = gameType.currentZEDTimeDuration / GetSpeedupDuration();
newGameSpeed = Lerp(slowdownScale, 1.0, gameType.zedTimeSlomoScale);
private final function float GetSpeedupDuration()
return gameType.zedTimeDuration * 0.166;
private final function float GetFullUpdateCooldown()
return GetSpeedupDuration() / maxGameSpeedUpdatesAmount;
maxGameSpeedUpdatesAmount = 3
disableTick = true
} |