|`GetKFGameRI()` | Returns current game's `GameReplicationInfo` as `KFGameReplicationInfo`. |
|`GetGameType()` | Returns current game's `GameInfo`. |
|`GetKFGameType()` | Returns current game's `GameInfo` as `KFGameType`. |
|`FindActorInstance(class<Actor>)` | Searches all `Actor`s on the level for an instance of specific class and returns it. |
|`GetLocalPlayer()` | Returns current local player's `Controller`. |
|`GetInventoryFrom(class<Inventory>, Inventory, optional bool)` | Convenience method for finding a first inventory entry of the given class in the given inventory chain. |
|`GetAllInventoryFrom(class<Inventory>, Inventory, optional bool)` | Convenience method for finding a all inventory entries of the given class in the given inventory chain. |