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* Class that allows to work with simple text templates in the form of
* "Template example, following can be replaced: %1, %2, %3 or %4" or
* "%%instigator%% {%%rage_color%% raged} %%target_zed%%!".
* Part noted by '%' characters can be replaced with arbitrary values.
* It should be more efficient that simply repeatedly calling
* `MutableText.Replace()` method.
* Copyright 2022 Anton Tarasenko
* This file is part of Acedia.
* Acedia is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Acedia is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Acedia. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
class TextTemplate extends AcediaObject;
* # `TextTemplate`
* This class allows to do more efficient replacements in the templates of
* form "Template example, following can be replaced: %1, %2, %3 or %4" or
* "%%instigator%% {%%rage_color%% raged} %%target_zed%%!" that simple
* repeating of `MutableText.Replace()` method would allow.
* ## Usage
* All `TextTemplate`s must be initialized before they can be used.
* `_.text.MakeTemplate()` method is considered a recommended way to create
* a new `TextTemplate` and will initialize it for you. In case you have
* manually allocated `TextTemplate` you need to simply call
* `TextTemplate.Initialize()` method and provide is with a template source
* with designated replaceable part (called *labels*). Any label is designated
* by either:
* * Specifying a number after a single '%' character (numeric labels);
* * Or specifying a textual value in between double percent sequence "%%".
* Numeric labels can then be replaced with user values by various provided
* `Arg...()` methods and text labels by `TextArg...()` methods. To reuse
* template with another values replacing specified labels, simply call
* `TextTemplate.Reset()` method and fill labels anew.
* ### Escaped sequences
* `TextTemplate` allows for the escaped sequences in the style of
* formatted strings: the ones based on the '&' character. More precisely, if
* you wish to enter actual '%' character in the template, you can escape it
* with "&%" and it will be treaded as simply '%' character and not a part of
* label definition.
* NOTE: any other escaped sequences will be ignored and translated
* one-to-one. For example, "{%%color%% &{...&}&%!}", if specified that
* "color" -> "$red", will be translated into "{$red &{...&}%!}". This allows
* to use `TextTemplate`s to prepare formatted strings in a more convenient
* fashion.
* ### Error handling
* `TextTemplate` lack any means of reporting errors in template's formatting
* and tries to correct as many errors as possible.
* 1. If after the single '%' character follows not a number, but another
* character - that '%' will be ignored and thrown away;
* 2. After opening text label with double percent "%%" to stop specifying
* the text label it is sufficient to type a single '%' character.
* ### Numeric labels values
* You can specify any values for numeric labels and they will be filled in
* order. However the proper notation is to start with `1` and then use
* following natural numbers in order (e.g. "%1", "%2", "%3", etc.).
* ### Text labels duplicates
* It is allowed for the same text label to appear several times in a template
* and each entry will be replaced with a specified user value.
* ### Unspecified arguments
* If no argument was given for some label - it will simply be replaced with
* empty text.
// *Labels* will be an internal name for the parts of the template that is
// supposed to be replaced. This struct describes one such part.
struct Label
// If Label starts with two percent characters ("%%"), then it is
// a text Label and we will remember contents within "%%...%%" in this
// field (`textLabel != none`).
// Otherwise it is a numeric Label and `textLabel` will be set
// to `none`.
var MutableText textLabel;
// For numeric labels - number after that percent character '%'.
// In case numeric labels were specified incorrectly, these values will
// be normalized to start from `1` and increase by +1, while preserving
// their order.
var int numberLabel;
// Before which part (from `parts`) to insert this Label?
var int insertionIndex;
var private bool initialized;
// Remembers amount of numeric labels in the template
var private int numericLabelsAmount;
// Arrays of labels and parts in between that template got broken into
// during initialization
var private array<Label> labels;
var private array<MutableText> parts;
// Values user specified as replacements to the labels
var private array<Text> numericArguments;
// Fort text arguments we keep two arrays of equal size: `textLabels` records
// what text Label is replaced and `textArguments` (at the same index)
// records with what it needs to be replaced
var private array<Text> textLabels;
var private array<Text> textArguments;
var private const int TPERCENT, TAMPERSAND;
const CODEPOINT_PERCENT = 37; // '%'
const CODEPOINT_AMPERSAND = 38; // '&'
protected function Finalizer()
local int i;
// Clear user input
// Clear numeric labels
numericLabelsAmount = 0;
// Clear text Labels
parts.length = 0;
for (i = 0; i < Labels.length; i += 1) {
labels.length = 0;
// Now we can safely mark caller template as not initialized
initialized = false;
* Checks if caller `TextTemplate` was already initialized.
* If you use recommended means of creating `TextTemplate`s (`MakeTemplate` and
* `MakeTemplate_S`), then all your templates for not `none` arguments will be
* initialized.
* @return `true` if it was initialized and `false` otherwise.
public final function bool IsInitialized()
return initialized;
* Initializes caller `TextTemplate` with a given `input`.
* Initialization should only be performed once for every `TextTemplate` -
* right after its allocation, before any use.
* If you use recommended means of creating `TextTemplate`s (`MakeTemplate`),
* then all your templates for not `none` arguments will be initialized.
* @param input `string` containing template to prepare `TextTemplate` from.
public final function Initialize_S(string input)
local MutableText wrapper;
wrapper = _.text.FromStringM(input);
* Initializes caller `TextTemplate` with a given `input`.
* Initialization should only be performed once for every `TextTemplate` -
* right after its allocation, before any use.
* If you use recommended means of creating `TextTemplate`s (`MakeTemplate`),
* then all your templates for not `none` arguments will be initialized.
* @param input Text containing template to prepare `TextTemplate` from.
public final function Initialize(BaseText input)
local Parser parser;
local MutableText nextPart;
local BaseText.Character percent, nextCharacter;
if (input == none) {
percent = _.text.CharacterFromCodePoint(CODEPOINT_PERCENT);
parser = input.Parse();
while (!parser.HasFinished())
nextPart = MatchUntilUnescapedPercent(parser); // guaranteed success
parts[parts.length] = nextPart;
if (parser.HasFinished()) {
// If there is still input - next character is definitely "%"
parser.MCharacter(nextCharacter); // But what is this?
if (parser.Ok() && _.text.IsCodePoint(nextCharacter, CODEPOINT_PERCENT))
// "%%" prefix (already confirmed) - should have text Label
MatchTextLabel(parser, percent);
// single "%" prefix - look for number
initialized = true;
private final function MatchTextLabel(
Parser parser,
BaseText.Character percentCharacter)
local MutableText nextLabel;
parser.MUntil(nextLabel, percentCharacter).Confirm();
labels[labels.length] = MakeTextLabel(nextLabel);
// Tries to parse "%%", but will be content with a single "%"
// Just reset to last properly parsed point in case of the failure
private final function MatchNumericLabel(Parser parser)
local int nextNumericLabel;
if (parser.MInteger(nextNumericLabel).Ok()) {
labels[labels.length] = MakeNumericLabel(nextNumericLabel);
// Just reset to last properly parsed point in case of the failure
// Normalize enumeration by replacing them with natural numbers sequence:
// [0, 1, 2, ...] in the same order:
// [2, 6, 3] -> [0, 2, 1]
// [-2, 0, 4, -7] -> [1, 2, 3, 0]
// [1, 1, 2, 1] -> [0, 1, 3, 2]
private final function NormalizeArguments()
local int i;
local int nextArgument;
local int lowestArgument, lowestArgumentIndex;
local array<int> argumentsOrder, normalizedArguments;
for (i = 0; i < labels.length; i += 1)
if (labels[i].textLabel == none)
numericLabelsAmount += 1;
argumentsOrder[argumentsOrder.length] = labels[i].numberLabel;
normalizedArguments.length = argumentsOrder.length;
while (nextArgument < normalizedArguments.length)
// Find next minimal index and record next natural number
// (`nextArgument`) into it
for (i = 0; i < argumentsOrder.length; i += 1)
if (argumentsOrder[i] < lowestArgument || i == 0)
lowestArgumentIndex = i;
lowestArgument = argumentsOrder[i];
argumentsOrder[lowestArgumentIndex] = MaxInt;
normalizedArguments[lowestArgumentIndex] = nextArgument;
nextArgument += 1;
nextArgument = 0;
for (i = 0; i < labels.length; i += 1)
if (labels[i].textLabel == none)
labels[i].numberLabel = normalizedArguments[nextArgument];
nextArgument += 1;
private final function Label MakeTextLabel(MutableText Label2)
local Label result;
result.textLabel = Label2;
result.insertionIndex = parts.length;
return result;
private final function Label MakeNumericLabel(int Label2)
local Label result;
result.numberLabel = Label2;
result.insertionIndex = parts.length;
return result;
// Skips until next non-escaped (that is "&%") '%' character
// (or until the end).
// It returns any contents inside `parser` before that character replacing
// "&%" with simply "%", but leaving all other escaped sequences intact,
// e.g. "&a" -> "&a" and "&{" -> "&{". This is needed to allow parsing of
// the result of substitution as a formatted string.
private final function MutableText MatchUntilUnescapedPercent(Parser parser)
local MutableText result, nextMatched;
local BaseText.Character ampersand, nextCharacter;
local array<Text> delimiters;
ampersand = _.text.CharacterFromCodePoint(CODEPOINT_AMPERSAND);
delimiters[0] = T(TPERCENT);
delimiters[1] = T(TAMPERSAND);
result = _.text.Empty();
while (!parser.HasFinished())
parser.MUntilMany(nextMatched, delimiters).Confirm();
if (parser.HasFinished()) {
// If this is "%": we are done
if (_.text.IsCodePoint(nextCharacter, CODEPOINT_PERCENT))
return result;
// Otherwise it is "&": skip it and the next character
if (!parser.Ok())
return result;
if (!_.text.IsCodePoint(nextCharacter, CODEPOINT_PERCENT)) {
return result;
* Resets any data user entered into this template via any "Arg"-methods.
* This method allows to reuse a once initialized `TextTemplate` any amount of
* times.
* @return Reference to the caller `TextTemplate` to allow for method chaining.
public final function TextTemplate Reset()
if (!initialized) {
return self;
numericArguments.length = 0;
textLabels.length = 0;
textArguments.length = 0;
return self;
* Returns amount of numeric arguments inside the caller `TextTemplate`.
* @return Amount of numeric arguments inside the caller `TextTemplate`.
* `-1` for uninitialized `TextTemplate`s.
public final function int GetNumericArgsAmount()
if (initialized) {
return numericLabelsAmount;
return -1;
* Returns array of text arguments inside the caller `TextTemplate`.
* @return Array of text arguments inside the caller `TextTemplate`.
* Empty array for uninitialized `TextTemplate`s.
public final function array<Text> GetTextArgs()
local int i, j;
local bool duplicate;
local array<Text> result;
if (!initialized) {
return result;
for (i = 0; i < labels.length; i += 1)
if (labels[i].textLabel == none) {
duplicate = false;
for (j = 0; j < result.length; j += 1)
if (result[j].Compare(labels[i].textLabel))
duplicate = true;
if (!duplicate && labels[i].textLabel != none) {
result[result.length] = labels[i].textLabel.Copy();
return result;
* Replaces next numeric argument with `argument` value.
* If all numeric arguments were already filled this call will do nothing.
* @param argument Value to replace next numeric argument in the caller
* `TextTemplate`. `none` values will be ignored (method will do nothing).
* @return Reference to the caller `TextTemplate` to allow for method chaining.
public final function TextTemplate Arg_S(string argument)
local MutableText wrapper;
wrapper = _.text.FromStringM(argument);
return self;
* Replaces next numeric argument with `argument` value.
* If all numeric arguments were already filled this call will do nothing.
* @param argument Value to replace next numeric argument in
* the caller `TextTemplate`. `none` equals to an empty text.
* @param ignoreFormatting `false` means `argument` will be inserted along
* with its formatting information. Setting this option to `true` will
* insert it into template as plain text without any formatting
* (which should also be faster).
* @return Reference to the caller `TextTemplate` to allow for method chaining.
public final function TextTemplate Arg(
BaseText argument,
optional bool ignoreFormatting)
if (numericLabelsAmount <= numericArguments.length) {
return self;
if (argument != none)
if (ignoreFormatting) {
numericArguments[numericArguments.length] = argument.Copy();
numericArguments[numericArguments.length] =
else {
numericArguments[numericArguments.length] = none;
return self;
* Replaces next numeric argument with `argument` integer value.
* If all numeric arguments were already filled this call will do nothing.
* @param argument Value to replace next numeric argument in the caller
* `TextTemplate`.
* @return Reference to the caller `TextTemplate` to allow for method chaining.
public final function TextTemplate ArgInt(int argument)
local MutableText textRepresentation;
textRepresentation = _.text.FromIntM(argument);
return self;
* Replaces next numeric argument with `argument` floating point value.
* If all numeric arguments were already filled this call will do nothing.
* @param argument Value to replace next numeric argument in the caller
* `TextTemplate`.
* @return Reference to the caller `TextTemplate` to allow for method chaining.
public final function TextTemplate ArgFloat(float argument)
local MutableText textRepresentation;
textRepresentation = _.text.FromFloatM(argument);
return self;
* Replaces next numeric argument with `argument` boolean value.
* If all numeric arguments were already filled this call will do nothing.
* @param argument Value to replace next numeric argument in the caller
* `TextTemplate`.
* @return Reference to the caller `TextTemplate` to allow for method chaining.
public final function TextTemplate ArgBool(bool argument)
local MutableText textRepresentation;
textRepresentation = _.text.FromBoolM(argument);
return self;
* Replaces next numeric argument with `argument` class value.
* If all numeric arguments were already filled this call will do nothing.
* @param argument Value to replace next numeric argument in the caller
* `TextTemplate`.
* @return Reference to the caller `TextTemplate` to allow for method chaining.
public final function TextTemplate ArgClass(class<Object> argument)
local MutableText textRepresentation;
textRepresentation = _.text.FromClassM(argument);
return self;
* Replaces next text argument with label `label` with `argument` value.
* If all text argument with that label was already set, then it will override
* previous value.
* @param label Label of the text argument to replace.
* @param argument Value to replace specified text argument in the caller
* `TextTemplate` with.
* @return Reference to the caller `TextTemplate` to allow for method chaining.
public final function TextTemplate TextArg_S(string label, string argument)
local MutableText labelWrapper, argumentWrapper;
labelWrapper = _.text.FromStringM(label);
argumentWrapper = _.text.FromStringM(argument);
TextArg(labelWrapper, argumentWrapper);
return self;
* Replaces next text argument with label `label` with `argument` value.
* If all text argument with that label was already set, then it will override
* previous value.
* @param label Label of the text argument to replace.
* @param argument Value to replace specified text argument in
* the caller `TextTemplate` with. `none` is equal to an empty text.
* @param ignoreFormatting `false` means `argument` will be inserted along
* with its formatting information. Setting this option to `true` will
* insert it into template as plain text without any formatting
* (which should also be faster).
* @return Reference to the caller `TextTemplate` to allow for method chaining.
public final function TextTemplate TextArg(
BaseText label,
BaseText argument,
optional bool ignoreFormatting)
local int i;
if (label == none) {
return self;
for (i = 0; i < textLabels.length; i += 1)
if (label.Compare(textLabels[i]))
if (argument != none) {
textArguments[i] = argument.Copy();
else {
textArguments[i] = none;
return self;
if (label != none) {
textLabels[textLabels.length] = label.Copy();
else {
textLabels[textLabels.length] = none;
if (argument != none)
if (ignoreFormatting) {
textArguments[i] = argument.Copy();
else {
textArguments[i] = argument.ToFormattedText();
else {
textArguments[i] = none;
return self;
* Replaces next text argument with label `label` with integer `argument`
* value.
* If all text argument with that label was already set, then it will override
* previous value.
* @param label Label of the text argument to replace.
* @param argument Value to replace specified text argument in the caller
* `TextTemplate` with.
* @return Reference to the caller `TextTemplate` to allow for method chaining.
public final function TextTemplate TextArgInt_S(string label, int argument)
local MutableText labelWrapper;
local MutableText textRepresentation;
labelWrapper = _.text.FromStringM(label);
textRepresentation = _.text.FromIntM(argument);
TextArg(labelWrapper, textRepresentation);
return self;
* Replaces next text argument with label `label` with integer `argument`
* value.
* If all text argument with that label was already set, then it will override
* previous value.
* @param label Label of the text argument to replace.
* @param argument Value to replace specified text argument in the caller
* `TextTemplate` with.
* @return Reference to the caller `TextTemplate` to allow for method chaining.
public final function TextTemplate TextArgInt(BaseText label, int argument)
local MutableText textRepresentation;
textRepresentation = _.text.FromIntM(argument);
TextArg(label, textRepresentation);
return self;
* Replaces next text argument with label `label` with floating point
* `argument` value.
* If all text argument with that label was already set, then it will override
* previous value.
* @param label Label of the text argument to replace.
* @param argument Value to replace specified text argument in the caller
* `TextTemplate` with.
* @return Reference to the caller `TextTemplate` to allow for method chaining.
public final function TextTemplate TextArgFloat_S(string label, float argument)
local MutableText labelWrapper;
local MutableText textRepresentation;
labelWrapper = _.text.FromStringM(label);
textRepresentation = _.text.FromFloatM(argument);
TextArg(labelWrapper, textRepresentation);
return self;
* Replaces next text argument with label `label` with floating point
* `argument` value.
* If all text argument with that label was already set, then it will override
* previous value.
* @param label Label of the text argument to replace.
* @param argument Value to replace specified text argument in the caller
* `TextTemplate` with.
* @return Reference to the caller `TextTemplate` to allow for method chaining.
public final function TextTemplate TextArgFloat(BaseText label, float argument)
local MutableText textRepresentation;
textRepresentation = _.text.FromFloatM(argument);
TextArg(label, textRepresentation);
return self;
* Replaces next text argument with label `label` with boolean `argument`
* value.
* If all text argument with that label was already set, then it will override
* previous value.
* @param label Label of the text argument to replace.
* @param argument Value to replace specified text argument in the caller
* `TextTemplate` with.
* @return Reference to the caller `TextTemplate` to allow for method chaining.
public final function TextTemplate TextArgBool_S(string label, bool argument)
local MutableText labelWrapper;
local MutableText textRepresentation;
labelWrapper = _.text.FromStringM(label);
textRepresentation = _.text.FromBoolM(argument);
TextArg(labelWrapper, textRepresentation);
return self;
* Replaces next text argument with label `label` with boolean `argument`
* value.
* If all text argument with that label was already set, then it will override
* previous value.
* @param label Label of the text argument to replace.
* @param argument Value to replace specified text argument in the caller
* `TextTemplate` with.
* @return Reference to the caller `TextTemplate` to allow for method chaining.
public final function TextTemplate TextArgBool(BaseText label, bool argument)
local MutableText textRepresentation;
textRepresentation = _.text.FromBoolM(argument);
TextArg(label, textRepresentation);
return self;
* Replaces next text argument with label `label` with class value `argument`.
* If all text argument with that label was already set, then it will override
* previous value.
* @param label Label of the text argument to replace.
* @param argument Value to replace specified text argument in the caller
* `TextTemplate` with.
* @return Reference to the caller `TextTemplate` to allow for method chaining.
public final function TextTemplate TextArgClass_S(
string label,
class<Object> argument)
local MutableText labelWrapper;
local MutableText textRepresentation;
labelWrapper = _.text.FromStringM(label);
textRepresentation = _.text.FromClassM(argument);
TextArg(labelWrapper, textRepresentation);
return self;
* Replaces next text argument with label `label` with class value `argument`.
* If all text argument with that label was already set, then it will override
* previous value.
* @param label Label of the text argument to replace.
* @param argument Value to replace specified text argument in the caller
* `TextTemplate` with.
* @return Reference to the caller `TextTemplate` to allow for method chaining.
public final function TextTemplate TextArgClass(
BaseText label,
class<Object> argument)
local MutableText textRepresentation;
textRepresentation = _.text.FromClassM(argument);
TextArg(label, textRepresentation);
return self;
private final function Text BorrowNumericArg(int index)
if (index < 0) return none;
if (index >= numericArguments.length) return none;
return numericArguments[index];
private final function Text BorrowTextArg(BaseText Label)
local int i;
if (Label == none) {
return none;
for (i = 0; i < textLabels.length; i += 1)
if (Label.Compare(textLabels[i])) {
return textArguments[i];
return none;
* Assembles initialized `TextTemplate` from provided arguments into a final
* `Text` result.
* Unspecified arguments will be replaced with empty texts.
* Returns `string`. To return mutable `Text` or `MutableText` use
* `Collect()` or `CollectM()`.
* @return Result of replacing all argument inside caller `TextTemplate` with
* arguments, specified by user.
public final function string Collect_S()
return _.text.ToString(CollectM());
* Assembles initialized `TextTemplate` from provided arguments into a final
* `Text` result.
* Unspecified arguments will be replaced with empty texts.
* Returns immutable `Text`. To return mutable `MutableText` use `CollectM()`.
* @return Result of replacing all argument inside caller `TextTemplate` with
* arguments, specified by user.
public final function Text Collect()
local MutableText mutableResult;
mutableResult = CollectM();
if (mutableResult != none) {
return mutableResult.IntoText();
return none;
* Assembles initialized `TextTemplate` from provided arguments into a final
* `Text` result.
* Unspecified arguments will be replaced with empty texts.
* Returns mutable `MutableText`. To return immutable `Text` use `CollectM()`.
* @return Result of replacing all argument inside caller `TextTemplate` with
* arguments, specified by user.
public final function MutableText CollectM()
local int i, labelCounter;
local Label nextLabel;
local MutableText builder;
if (!initialized) {
return none;
builder = _.text.Empty();
for (i = 0; i < parts.length; i += 1)
if ( labelCounter < labels.length
&& labels[labelCounter].insertionIndex == i)
nextLabel = labels[labelCounter];
if (nextLabel.textLabel == none) {
else {
labelCounter += 1;
while (labelCounter < labels.length)
nextLabel = labels[labelCounter];
if (nextLabel.textLabel == none) {
else {
labelCounter += 1;
return builder;
* Assembles initialized `TextTemplate` from provided arguments and parses
* resulting text as formatted string.
* Allows to do things like specify color inside formatted strings:
* "{%%color_arg%% ColoredText}".
* Unspecified arguments will be replaced with empty texts.
* Returns immutable `Text`. To return mutable `MutableText` use `CollectM()`.
* @return Result of replacing all argument inside caller `TextTemplate` with
* arguments, specified by user and then parsing that intermediate result
* as a formatting string.
public final function Text CollectFormatted()
local Text result;
local MutableText source;
source = CollectM();
if (source == none) {
return none;
result = _.text.FromFormatted(source);
return result;
* Assembles initialized `TextTemplate` from provided arguments and parses
* resulting text as formatted string.
* Allows to do things like specify color inside formatted strings:
* "{%%color_arg%% ColoredText}".
* Unspecified arguments will be replaced with empty texts.
* Returns mutable `MutableText`. To return immutable `Text` use `CollectM()`.
* @return Result of replacing all argument inside caller `TextTemplate` with
* arguments, specified by user and then parsing that intermediate result
* as a formatting string.
public final function MutableText CollectFormattedM()
local MutableText result, source;
source = CollectM();
if (source == none) {
return none;
result = _.text.FromFormattedM(source);
return result;
stringConstants(0) = "%"
stringConstants(1) = "&&"