2020-02-18 22:11:20 +03:00
; This feature fixes several issues, related to the selling price of both
; single and dual pistols, all originating from the existence of dual weapons.
; Most notable issue is the ability to "print" money by buying and
; selling pistols in a certain way.
2020-02-16 15:41:27 +03:00
2020-02-18 22:11:20 +03:00
; Fix only works with vanilla pistols, as it's unpredictable what
; custom ones can do and they can handle these issues on their own
; in a better way.
2020-02-18 19:10:14 +03:00
2020-02-18 22:11:20 +03:00
; Some issues involve possible decrease in pistols' price and
; don't lead to the exploit, but are still bugs and require fixing.
; If you have a Deagle in your inventory and then get another one
; (by either buying or picking it off the ground) - the price of resulting
; dual pistols will be set to the price of the last deagle,
; like the first one wasn't worth anything at all.
; In particular this means that (prices are off-perk for more clarity):
; 1. If you buy dual deagles (-1000 do$h) and then sell them at 75% of
; the cost (+750 do$h), you lose 250 do$h;
; 2. If you first buy a deagle (-500 do$h), then buy
; the second one (-500 do$h) and then sell them, you'll only get
; 75% of the cost of 1 deagle (+375 do$h), now losing 625 do$h;
; 3. So if you already have bought a deagle (-500 do$h),
; you can get a more expensive weapon by doing a stupid thing
; and first selling your Deagle (+375 do$h),
; then buying dual deagles (-1000 do$h).
; If you sell them after that, you'll gain 75% of the cost of
; dual deagles (+750 do$h), leaving you with losing only 375 do$h.
; Of course, situations described above are only relevant if you're planning
; to sell your weapons at some point and most players won't even
; notice these issues.
; But such an oversight still shouldn't exist in a game and we fix it by
; setting sell value of dualies as a sum of values of each pistol.
; Yet, fixing this issue leads to players having more expensive
; (while fairly priced) weapons than on vanilla, technically making
; the game easier. And some people might object to having that in
; a whitelisted bug-fixing feature.
; These people are, without a question, complete degenerates.
; But making mods for only non-mentally challenged isn't inclusive.
; So we add this option.
; Set it to 'false' if you only want to fix ammo printing
; and leave the rest of the bullshit as-is.
; This feature addressed an oversight in vanilla code that
; allows clients to sell weapon's ammunition.
; Due to the implementation of ammo selling, this allows cheaters to
; "print money" by buying and selling ammo over and over again.
; Due to how this fix works, players with level below 6 get charged less
; than necessary by the shop and this fix must take the rest of
2020-03-22 15:32:36 +03:00
; the cost by itself.
; The problem is, due to how ammo purchase is coded, low-level (<6 lvl)
; players can actually buy more ammo for "fixed" weapons than they can afford
; by filling ammo for one or all weapons.
; Setting this flag to 'true' will allow us to still take full cost
; from them, putting them in "debt" (having negative dosh amount).
; If you don't want to have players with negative dosh values on your server
; as a side-effect of this fix, then leave this flag as 'false',
; letting low level players buy ammo cheaper
; (but not cheaper than lvl6 could).
; NOTE: this issue doesn't affect level 6 players.
; NOTE #2: this fix does give players below level 6 some
; technical advantage compared to vanilla game, but this advantage
; cannot exceed benefits of having level 6.
2020-02-18 22:11:20 +03:00
; This feature addressed two issues with the inventory:
; 1. Players carrying amount of weapons that shouldn't be allowed by the
; weight limit.
; 2. Players carrying two variants of the same gun.
; For example carrying both M32 and camo M32.
; Single and dual version of the same weapon are also considered
; the same type of gun, so you shouldn't be able to carry
; both MK23 and dual MK23 or dual handcannons and golden handcannon.
; But cheaters do. But not with this fix.
; How often (in seconds) should we do inventory validation checks?
; You shouldn't really worry about performance, but there's also no need to
; do this check too often.
; For this fix to properly work, this array must contain an entry for
; every dual weapon in the game (like pistols, with single and dual versions).
; It's made configurable in case of custom dual weapons.
; This feature fixes a vulnerability in a code of 'Frag' that can allow
; player to throw grenades even when he no longer has any.
; There's also no cooldowns on the throw, which can lead to a server crash.
; Setting this flag to 'true' will allow to throw grenades by calling
; 'ServerThrow' directly, as long as player has necessary ammo.
; This can allow some players to throw grenades much quicker than intended,
; therefore it's suggested to keep this flag set to 'false'.
2020-02-16 15:41:27 +03:00
2020-02-18 20:43:11 +03:00
2020-02-18 22:11:20 +03:00
2020-02-16 15:41:27 +03:00
; This feature addressed two dosh-related issues:
; 1. Crashing servers by spamming 'CashPickup' actors with 'TossCash';
; 2. Breaking collision detection logic by stacking large amount of
2020-02-18 22:11:20 +03:00
; 'CashPickup' actors in one place, which allows one to either
; reach unintended locations or even instantly kill zeds.
2020-02-16 15:41:27 +03:00
; It fixes them by limiting speed, with which dosh can spawn, and
; allowing this limit to decrease when there's already too much dosh
; present on the map.
2020-02-18 16:05:31 +03:00
2020-02-16 15:41:27 +03:00
; Highest and lowest speed with which players can throw dosh wads.
; It'll be evenly spread between all players.
; For example, if speed is set to 6 and only one player will be spamming dosh,
; - he'll be able to throw 6 wads of dosh per second;
; but if all 6 players are spamming it, - each will throw only 1 per second.
; NOTE: these speed values can be exceeded, since a player is guaranteed
; to be able to throw at least one wad of dosh, if he didn't do so in awhile.
; NOTE #2: if maximum value is less than minimum one,
; the lowest (maximum one) will be used.
; Amount of dosh pickups on the map at which we must set dosh per second
; to 'doshPerSecondLimitMin'.
; We use 'doshPerSecondLimitMax' when there's no dosh on the map and
; scale linearly between them as it's amount grows.
2020-02-18 22:11:20 +03:00
; This feature attempts to prevent server crashes caused by someone
; quickly switching between being spectator and an active player.
; This fix will try to kick any player that switches between active player
; and cooldown faster than time (in seconds) in this value.
; NOTE: raising this value past default value of '0.25'
; won't actually improve crash prevention, but might cause regular players to
; get accidentally kicked.
; [ADVANCED] Don't change this setting unless you know what you're doing.
; Allows you to turn off server blocking.
; Players that don't respect timeout will still be kicked.
; This might be needed if this fix conflicts with another mutator
; that also changes 'numPlayers'.
; This option is necessary to block aggressive enough server crash
; attempts, but can cause compatibility issues with some mutators.
; It's highly recommended to rewrite such a mutator to be compatible instead.
; NOTE: fix should be compatible with most faked players-type mutators,
; since this it remembers the difference between amount of
; real players and 'numPlayers'.
; After unblocking, it sets 'numPlayers' to
; the current amount of real players + that difference.
; So 4 players + 3 (=7 numPlayers) after kicking 1 player becomes
; 3 players + 3 (=6 numPlayers).
2020-02-16 15:41:27 +03:00
; This feature fixes a bug that can allow players to bypass server's
; friendly fire limitations and teamkill.
; Usual fixes apply friendly fire scale to suspicious damage themselves, which
; also disables some of the environmental damage.
; In oder to avoid that, this fix allows server owner to define precisely
; to what damage types to apply the friendly fire scaling.
; It should be all damage types related to projectiles.
; Defines a general rule for chosing whether or not to apply
; friendly fire scaling.
; This can be overwritten by exceptions ('alwaysScale' or 'neverScale').
; Enabling scaling by default without any exceptions in 'neverScale' will
; make this fix behave almost identically to Mutant's 'Explosives Fix Mutator'.
; Damage types, for which we should always reaaply friendly fire scaling.
; Damage types, for which we should never reaply friendly fire scaling.
2020-02-18 22:11:20 +03:00
; When zed time activates, game speed is immediately set to
; 'zedTimeSlomoScale' (0.2 by default), defined, like all other variables,
; in 'KFGameType'. Zed time lasts 'zedTimeDuration' seconds (3.0 by default),
; but during last 'zedTimeDuration * 0.166' seconds (by default 0.498)
; it starts to speed back up, causing game speed to update every tick.
; This makes animations look more smooth when exiting zed-time.
; However, updating speed every tick for that purpose seems like
; an overkill and, combined with things like
; increased tick rate, certain open maps and increased zed limit,
; it can lead to noticable lags at the end of the zed time.
; This fix limits amount of actual game speed updates, alleviating the issue.
2020-02-18 16:25:43 +03:00
2020-02-18 22:11:20 +03:00
; As a side effect it also fixes an issue where during zed time speed up
; 'zedTimeSlomoScale' was assumed to be default value of '0.2'.
; Now zed time will behave correctly with mods that change 'zedTimeSlomoScale'.
2020-02-18 19:13:43 +03:00
2020-02-18 22:11:20 +03:00
; Maximum amount of game speed updates upon leaving zed time.
; 2 or 3 seem to provide a good enough result that,
; i.e. it should be hard to notice difference with vanilla game behavior.
; 1 is a smallest possible value, resulting in effectively removing any
; smooting via speed up, simply changing speed from
; the slowest (0.2) to the highest.
; For the reference: on servers with default 30 tick rate there's usually
; about 13 updates total (without this fix).
; [ADVANCED] Don't change this setting unless you know what you're doing.
; Compatibility setting that allows to keep 'GameInfo' 's 'Tick' event
; from being disabled.
; Useful when running Acedia along with custom 'GameInfo'
; (that isn't 'KFGameType') that relies on 'Tick' event.
; Note, however, that in order to keep this fix working properly,
; it's on you to make sure 'KFGameType.Tick()' logic isn't executed.