Add game modes support to Acedia
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
* Base class for a game mode config, contains all the information Acedia's
* game modes must have, including settings
* (`includeFeature`, `includeFeatureAs` and `excludeFeature`)
* for picking used `Feature`s.
* Contains three types of methods:
* 1. Getters for its values;
* 2. `UpdateFeatureArray()` method for updating list of `Feature`s to
* be used based on game info's settings;
* 3. `Report...()` methods that perform various validation checks
* (and log them) on config data.
* Copyright 2021 Anton Tarasenko
* This file is part of Acedia.
* Acedia is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Acedia is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Acedia. If not, see <>.
class BaseGameMode extends AcediaConfig
// Name of the game mode players will see in voting (formatted string)
var protected config string title;
// Preferable difficulty level (plain string)
var protected config string difficulty;
// `Mutator`s to add with this game mode
var protected config array<string> includeMutator;
// `Feature`s to include (with "default" config)
var protected config array<string> includeFeature;
// `Feature`s to exclude from game mode, regardless of other settings
// (this one has highest priority)
var protected config array<string> excludeFeature;
struct FeatureConfigPair
var public string feature;
var public string config;
// `Feature`s to include (with specified config).
// Higher priority than `includeFeature`, but lower than `excludeFeature`.
var protected config array<FeatureConfigPair> includeFeatureAs;
var private LoggerAPI.Definition warnBadMutatorName, warnBadFeatureName;
protected function AssociativeArray ToData()
local int i;
local AssociativeArray result;
local AssociativeArray nextPair;
local DynamicArray nextArray;
result = _.collections.EmptyAssociativeArray();
result.SetItem(P("title"), _.text.FromFormattedString(title));
result.SetItem(P("difficulty"), _.text.FromString(difficulty));
nextArray = _.collections.EmptyDynamicArray();
for (i = 0; i < includeFeature.length; i += 1) {
result.SetItem(P("includeFeature"), nextArray);
nextArray = _.collections.EmptyDynamicArray();
for (i = 0; i < excludeFeature.length; i += 1) {
result.SetItem(P("excludeFeature"), nextArray);
nextArray = _.collections.EmptyDynamicArray();
for (i = 0; i < includeMutator.length; i += 1) {
result.SetItem(P("includeMutator"), nextArray);
nextArray = _.collections.EmptyDynamicArray();
for (i = 0; i < includeFeatureAs.length; i += 1)
nextPair = _.collections.EmptyAssociativeArray();
result.SetItem(P("includeFeatureAs"), nextArray);
return result;
protected function FromData(AssociativeArray source)
local int i;
local Text nextText;
local DynamicArray includeFeatureAsSource;
if (source == none) {
nextText = source.GetText(P("title"));
if (nextText != none) {
title = nextText.ToFormattedString();
nextText = source.GetText(P("difficulty"));
if (nextText != none) {
difficulty = nextText.ToPlainString();
includeFeature =
excludeFeature =
includeMutator =
includeFeatureAsSource = source.GetDynamicArray(P("includeFeatureAs"));
if (includeFeatureAsSource == none) {
includeFeatureAs.length = 0;
for (i = 0; i < includeFeatureAsSource.GetLength(); i += 1)
includeFeatureAs[i] = AssociativeArrayIntoPair(
private final function FeatureConfigPair AssociativeArrayIntoPair(
AssociativeArray source)
local Text nextText;
local FeatureConfigPair result;
if (source == none) {
return result;
nextText = source.GetText(P("feature"));
if (nextText != none) {
result.feature = nextText.ToPlainString();
nextText = source.GetText(P("config"));
if (nextText != none) {
result.config = nextText.ToPlainString();
return result;
private final function array<string> DynamicIntoStringArray(DynamicArray source)
local int i;
local Text nextText;
local array<string> result;
if (source == none) {
return result;
for (i = 0; i < source.GetLength(); i += 1)
nextText = source.GetText(i);
if (nextText != none) {
includeFeature[i] = nextText.ToPlainString();
protected function array<Text> StringToTextArray(array<string> input)
local int i;
local array<Text> result;
for (i = 0; i < input.length; i += 1) {
result[i] = _.text.FromString(input[i]);
return result;
* @return Name of the `GameInfo` class to be used with the caller game mode.
public function Text GetGameTypeClass()
return none;
* @return Human-readable name of the caller game mode.
* Players will see it as the name of the mode in the voting options.
public function Text GetTitle()
return _.text.FromFormattedString(title);
* @return Specified difficulty for the game mode.
* Interpretation of this value can depend on each particular game mode.
public function Text GetDifficulty()
return _.text.FromString(difficulty);
* Checks `Feature`-related settings (`includeFeature`, `includeFeatureAs` and
* `excludeFeature`) for correctness and reports any issues.
* Currently correctness check simply ensures that all listed `Feature`s
* actually exist.
public function ReportIncorrectSettings(
array<CoreService.FeatureConfigPair> featuresToEnable)
local int i;
local array<string> featureNames, featuresToReplace;
for (i = 0; i < featuresToEnable.length; i += 1) {
featureNames[i] = string(featuresToEnable[i].featureClass);
ValidateFeatureArray(includeFeature, featureNames, "includeFeatures");
ValidateFeatureArray(excludeFeature, featureNames, "excludeFeatures");
for (i = 0; i < includeFeatureAs.length; i += 1) {
featuresToReplace[i] = includeFeatureAs[i].feature;
ValidateFeatureArray(featuresToReplace, featureNames, "includeFeatureAs");
* Checks `Mutator`-related settings (`includeMutator`) for correctness and
* reports any issues.
* Currently correctness check performs a simple validity check for mutator,
* to make sure it would not define a new option in server's URL.
* See `ValidateServerURLName()` for more information.
public function ReportBadMutatorNames()
local int i;
for (i = 0; i < includeMutator.length; i += 1)
if (!ValidateServerURLName(includeMutator[i]))
* Makes sure that a word to be used in server URL as a part of an option
* does not contain "," / "?" / "=" or whitespace.
* This is useful to make sure that user-specified mutator entries only add
* one mutator or option's key / values will not specify only one pair,
* avoiding "?opt1=value1?opt2=value2" entries.
protected function bool ValidateServerURLName(string entry)
if (InStr(entry, "=") >= 0) return false;
if (InStr(entry, "?") >= 0) return false;
if (InStr(entry, ",") >= 0) return false;
if (InStr(entry, " ") >= 0) return false;
return true;
// Is every element `subset` present inside `whole`?
private function ValidateFeatureArray(
array<string> subset,
array<string> whole,
string arrayName)
local int i, j;
local bool foundItem;
for (i = 0; i < subset.length; i += 1)
foundItem = false;
for (j = 0; j < whole.length; j += 1)
if (subset[i] ~= whole[j])
foundItem = true;
if (!foundItem)
* Updates passed `Feature` settings according to this game mode's settings.
* @param featuresToEnable Settings to update.
* `FeatureConfigPair` is a pair of `Feature` (`featureClass`) and its
* config's name (`configName`).
* If `configName` is set to `none`, then corresponding `Feature`
* should not be enabled.
* Otherwise it should be enabled with a specified config.
public function UpdateFeatureArray(
out array<CoreService.FeatureConfigPair> featuresToEnable)
local int i;
local Text newConfigName;
local string nextFeatureClassName;
for (i = 0; i < featuresToEnable.length; i += 1)
nextFeatureClassName = string(featuresToEnable[i].featureClass);
// `excludeFeature`
if (FeatureExcluded(nextFeatureClassName))
featuresToEnable[i].configName = none;
// `includeFeatureAs`
newConfigName = TryReplacingFeatureConfig(nextFeatureClassName);
if (newConfigName != none)
featuresToEnable[i].configName = newConfigName;
// `includeFeature`
if ( featuresToEnable[i].configName == none
&& FeatureInIncludedArray(nextFeatureClassName))
featuresToEnable[i].configName = P("default").Copy();
private function bool FeatureExcluded(string featureClassName)
local int i;
for (i = 0; i < excludeFeature.length; i += 1)
if (excludeFeature[i] ~= featureClassName) {
return true;
return false;
private function Text TryReplacingFeatureConfig(string featureClassName)
local int i;
for (i = 0; i < includeFeatureAs.length; i += 1)
if (includeFeatureAs[i].feature ~= featureClassName) {
return _.text.FromString(includeFeatureAs[i].config);
return none;
private function bool FeatureInIncludedArray(string featureClassName)
local int i;
for (i = 0; i < includeFeature.length; i += 1)
if (includeFeature[i] ~= featureClassName) {
return true;
return false;
public function array<Text> GetIncludedMutators()
local int i;
local array<string> validatedMutators;
for (i = 0; i < includeMutator.length; i += 1)
if (ValidateServerURLName(includeMutator[i])) {
validatedMutators[validatedMutators.length] = includeMutator[i];
return StringToTextArray(validatedMutators);
configName = "AcediaGameModes"
warnBadMutatorName = (l=LOG_Warning,m="Mutator \"%1\" specified for game mode \"%2\" contains invalid characters and will be ignored. This is a configuration error, you should fix it.")
warnBadFeatureName = (l=LOG_Warning,m="Feature \"%1\" specified for game mode \"%2\" in array `%3` does not exist in enabled packages and will be ignored. This is a configuration error, you should fix it.")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
* The only implementation for `BaseGameMode` suitable for standard
* killing floor game types.
* Copyright 2021 Anton Tarasenko
* This file is part of Acedia.
* Acedia is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Acedia is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Acedia. If not, see <>.
class GameMode extends BaseGameMode
struct GameOption
var public string key;
var public string value;
// Allow to specify additional server options for this game mode
var protected config array<GameOption> option;
// Specify `GameInfo`'s class to use, default is "KFMod.KFGameType"
// (plain string)
var protected config string gameTypeClass;
// Short version of the name of the game mode players will see in
// voting handler messages sometimes (plain string)
var protected config string acronym;
// Map prefix - only maps that start with specified prefix will be voteable for
// this game mode (plain string)
var protected config string mapPrefix;
var private LoggerAPI.Definition warnBadOption;
protected function DefaultIt()
title = "Acedia game mode";
difficulty = "Hell On Earth";
gameTypeClass = "KFMod.KFGameType";
acronym = "";
mapPrefix = "KF";
includeFeature.length = 0;
excludeFeature.length = 0;
includeMutator.length = 0;
option.length = 0;
protected function AssociativeArray ToData()
local int i;
local AssociativeArray result;
local AssociativeArray nextPair;
local DynamicArray nextArray;
result = super.ToData();
if (result == none) {
return none;
result.SetItem(P("gameTypeClass"), _.text.FromString(gameTypeClass));
result.SetItem(P("acronym"), _.text.FromString(acronym));
result.SetItem(P("mapPrefix"), _.text.FromString(mapPrefix));
nextArray = _.collections.EmptyDynamicArray();
for (i = 0; i < option.length; i += 1)
nextPair = _.collections.EmptyAssociativeArray();
nextPair.SetItem(P("key"), _.text.FromString(option[i].key));
nextPair.SetItem(P("value"), _.text.FromString(option[i].value));
result.SetItem(P("option"), nextArray);
return result;
protected function FromData(AssociativeArray source)
local int i;
local Text nextText;
local GameOption nextPair;
local DynamicArray nextArray;
if (source == none) {
nextText = source.GetText(P("gameTypeClass"));
if (nextText != none) {
gameTypeClass = nextText.ToPlainString();
nextText = source.GetText(P("acronym"));
if (nextText != none) {
acronym = nextText.ToPlainString();
nextText = source.GetText(P("mapPrefix"));
if (nextText != none) {
mapPrefix = nextText.ToPlainString();
nextArray = source.GetDynamicArray(P("option"));
if (nextArray == none) {
option.length = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nextArray.GetLength(); i += 1)
nextPair.key = "";
nextPair.value = "";
nextText = source.GetText(P("key"));
if (nextText != none) {
nextPair.key = nextText.ToPlainString();
nextText = source.GetText(P("value"));
if (nextText != none) {
nextPair.value = nextText.ToPlainString();
option[option.length] = nextPair;
public function Text GetGameTypeClass()
if (gameTypeClass == "") {
return P("KFMod.KFGameType").Copy();
else {
return _.text.FromString(gameTypeClass);
public function Text GetAcronym()
if (acronym == "") {
return _.text.FromString(string(name));
else {
return _.text.FromString(acronym);
public function Text GetMapPrefix()
if (acronym == "") {
return _.text.FromString("KF-");
else {
return _.text.FromString(mapPrefix);
* Checks option-related settings (`option`) for correctness and reports
* any issues.
* Currently correctness check performs a simple validity check for mutator,
* to make sure it would not define a new option in server's URL.
* See `ValidateServerURLName()` in `BaseGameMode` for more information.
public function ReportBadOptions()
local int i;
for (i = 0; i < option.length; i += 1)
if ( !ValidateServerURLName(option[i].key)
|| !ValidateServerURLName(option[i].value))
* @return Server options as key-value pairs in an `AssociativeArray`.
public function AssociativeArray GetOptions()
local int i;
local AssociativeArray result;
result = _.collections.EmptyAssociativeArray();
for (i = 0; i < option.length; i += 1)
if (!ValidateServerURLName(option[i].key)) continue;
if (!ValidateServerURLName(option[i].value)) continue;
result.SetItem( _.text.FromString(option[i].key),
return result;
configName = "AcediaGameModes"
warnBadOption = (l=LOG_Warning,m="Option with key \"%1\" and value \"%2\" specified for game mode \"%3\" contains invalid characters and will be ignored. This is a configuration error, you should fix it.")
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* Main and only Acedia mutator used for loading Acedia packages
* and providing access to mutator events' calls.
* Name is chosen to make config files more readable.
* Copyright 2020 Anton Tarasenko
* Copyright 2020-2021 Anton Tarasenko
* This file is part of Acedia.
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
* along with Acedia. If not, see <>.
class Packages extends Mutator
// Default value of this variable will be used to store
@ -32,23 +33,29 @@ var private Packages selfReference;
// Acedia's reference to a `Global` object.
var private Global _;
// Package's manifest is supposed to always have a name of
// "<package_name>.Manifest", this variable stores the ".Manifest" part
var private const string manifestSuffix;
// Array of predefined services that must be started along with Acedia mutator.
var private config array<string> package;
// Set to `true` to activate Acedia's game modes system
var private config bool useGameModes;
// Responsible for setting up Acedia's game modes in current voting system
var VotingHandlerAdapter votingAdapter;
// AcediaCore package that this launcher is build for
var private config const string corePackage;
var Mutator_OnMutate_Signal onMutateSignal;
var Mutator_OnCheckReplacement_Signal onCheckReplacementSignal;
var private LoggerAPI.Definition infoFeatureEnabled;
static public final function Packages GetInstance()
return default.selfReference;
// "Constructor"
event PreBeginPlay()
local GameMode currentGameMode;
local array<CoreService.FeatureConfigPair> availableFeatures;
// Enforce one copy rule and remember a reference to that copy
if (default.selfReference != none)
@ -56,179 +63,123 @@ event PreBeginPlay()
default.selfReference = self;
if (class'TestingService'.default.runTestsOnStartUp) {
private final function BootUp()
local int i;
local class<_manifest> nextManifest;
// Load core
// Launch and setup core Acedia
class'CoreService'.static.LaunchAcedia(self, package);
_ = class'Global'.static.GetInstance();
nextManifest = LoadManifestClass(corePackage);
if (nextManifest == none)
// Determine required features and launch them
availableFeatures = CoreService(class'CoreService'.static.GetInstance())
if (useGameModes)
/*_.logger.Fatal("Cannot load required AcediaCore package \""
$ corePackage $ "\". Acedia will shut down.");*/
// Load packages
for (i = 0; i < package.length; i += 1)
nextManifest = LoadManifestClass(package[i]);
if (nextManifest == none)
/*_.logger.Failure("Cannot load `Manifest` for package \""
$ package[i] $ "\". Check if it's missing or"
@ "if it's name is spelled incorrectly.");*/
votingAdapter = VotingHandlerAdapter(
currentGameMode = votingAdapter.SetupGameModeAfterTravel();
if (currentGameMode != none) {
// Inject broadcast handler
private final function RunStartUpTests()
// "Finalizer"
function ServerTraveling(string URL, bool bItems)
local TestingService testService;
testService = TestingService(class'TestingService'.static.Require());
if (testService.filterTestsByName) {
if (testService.filterTestsByGroup) {
if (testService.Run())
if (votingAdapter != none)
// This listener will output test results into server's console
votingAdapter = none;
default.selfReference = none;
if (nextMutator != none) {
nextMutator.ServerTraveling(URL, bItems);
// Checks whether Acedia has left garbage after the previous map.
// This can lead to serious problems, so such diagnostic check is warranted.
private function CheckForGarbage()
local int leftoverObjectAmount, leftoverActorAmount, leftoverDBRAmount;
local AcediaObject nextObject;
local AcediaActor nextActor;
local DBRecord nextRecord;
foreach AllObjects(class'AcediaObject', nextObject) {
leftoverObjectAmount += 1;
foreach AllActors(class'AcediaActor', nextActor) {
leftoverActorAmount += 1;
foreach AllObjects(class'DBRecord', nextRecord) {
leftoverDBRAmount += 1;
if ( leftoverObjectAmount == 0 && leftoverActorAmount == 0
&& leftoverDBRAmount == 0)
Log("Acedia garbage check: nothing was found.");
//_.logger.Failure("Could not launch Acedia's start up testing process.");
Log("Acedia garbage check: garbage was found." @
"This can cause problems, report it.");
Log("Leftover object:" @ leftoverObjectAmount);
Log("Leftover actors:" @ leftoverActorAmount);
Log("Leftover database records:" @ leftoverDBRAmount);
private final function class<_manifest> LoadManifestClass(string packageName)
return class<_manifest>(DynamicLoadObject( packageName $ manifestSuffix,
class'Class', true));
private final function LoadManifest(class<_manifest> manifestClass)
private function EnableFeatures(array<CoreService.FeatureConfigPair> features)
local int i;
for (i = 0; i < manifestClass.default.aliasSources.length; i += 1)
for (i = 0; i < features.length; i += 1)
if (manifestClass.default.aliasSources[i] == none) continue;
if (class'Commands_Feature'.static.IsEnabled()) {
for (i = 0; i < manifestClass.default.testCases.length; i += 1)
if (features[i].featureClass == none) continue;
if (features[i].configName == none) continue;
.Arg(features[i].configName); // consumes `configName`
private final function RegisterCommands(class<_manifest> manifestClass)
// Fetches and sets up signals that `Mutator` needs to provide
private function SetupMutatorSignals()
local int i;
local Commands_Feature commandsFeature;
commandsFeature =
for (i = 0; i < manifestClass.default.commands.length; i += 1)
if (manifestClass.default.commands[i] == none) continue;
local UnrealService service;
service = UnrealService(class'UnrealService'.static.Require());
onMutateSignal = Mutator_OnMutate_Signal(
onCheckReplacementSignal = Mutator_OnCheckReplacement_Signal(
private final function LaunchServicesAndFeatures(class<_manifest> manifestClass)
local int i;
local Text autoConfigName;
// Services
for (i = 0; i <; i += 1)
if ([i] == none) continue;
// Features
for (i = 0; i < manifestClass.default.features.length; i += 1)
if (manifestClass.default.features[i] == none) continue;
autoConfigName =
if (autoConfigName != none) {
private final function InjectBroadcastHandler()
local BroadcastEventsObserver ourBroadcastHandler;
local BroadcastEventsObserver.InjectionLevel injectionLevel;
injectionLevel = class'BroadcastEventsObserver'.default.usedInjectionLevel;
if (level == none || == none) return;
if (injectionLevel == BHIJ_None) return;
ourBroadcastHandler = Spawn(class'BroadcastEventsObserver');
if (injectionLevel == BHIJ_Registered)
// Here `injectionLevel == BHIJ_Root` holds.
// Swap out level's first handler with ours
// (needs to be done for both actor reference and it's class)
ourBroadcastHandler.nextBroadcastHandler =;
ourBroadcastHandler.nextBroadcastHandlerClass =;
|||| = ourBroadcastHandler;
|||| = class'BroadcastEventsObserver';
// Acedia is only able to run in a server mode right now,
// so this function is just a stub.
public final function bool IsServerOnly()
return true;
// Provide a way to handle CheckReplacement event
* Below `Mutator` events are redirected into appropriate signals.
function bool CheckReplacement(Actor other, out byte isSuperRelevant)
return class'MutatorEvents'.static.
CallCheckReplacement(other, isSuperRelevant);
if (onCheckReplacementSignal != none) {
return onCheckReplacementSignal.Emit(other, isSuperRelevant);
return true;
function Mutate(string command, PlayerController sendingController)
if (class'MutatorEvents'.static.CallMutate(command, sendingController)) {
super.Mutate(command, sendingController);
if (onMutateSignal != none) {
onMutateSignal.Emit(command, sendingController);
super.Mutate(command, sendingController);
corePackage = "AcediaCore_0_2"
manifestSuffix = ".Manifest"
useGameModes = false
// This is a server-only mutator
remoteRole = ROLE_None
bAlwaysRelevant = true
@ -236,4 +187,5 @@ defaultproperties
GroupName = "Package loader"
FriendlyName = "Acedia loader"
Description = "Launcher for Acedia packages"
infoFeatureEnabled = (l=LOG_Info,m="Feature `%1` enabled with config \"%2\".")
@ -23,8 +23,7 @@ class StartUp extends Actor;
function PreBeginPlay()
if (level != none && != none)
if (level != none && != none) {
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
* Overloaded testing events listener to catch when tests that we run during
* server loading finish.
* Copyright 2020 Anton Tarasenko
* This file is part of Acedia.
* Acedia is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Acedia is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Acedia. If not, see <>.
class TestingListener_AcediaLauncher extends TestingListenerBase
static function TestingEnded(
array< class<TestCase> > testQueue,
array<TestCaseSummary> results)
local int i;
local MutableText nextLine;
local array<string> textSummary;
nextLine = __().text.Empty();
textSummary = class'TestCaseSummary'.static.GenerateStringSummary(results);
for (i = 0; i < textSummary.length; i += 1)
// No longer need to listen to testing events
relatedEvents = class'TestingEvents'
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
* Acedia currently lacks its own means to provide a map/mode voting
* (and new voting mod with proper GUI would not be whitelisted anyway).
* This is why this class was made - to inject existing voting handlers with
* data from Acedia's game modes.
* Requires `GameInfo`'s voting handler to be derived from
* `XVotingHandler`, which is satisfied by pretty much every used handler.
* Copyright 2021 Anton Tarasenko
* This file is part of Acedia.
* Acedia is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Acedia is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Acedia. If not, see <>.
class VotingHandlerAdapter extends AcediaObject
* All usage of this object should start with `InjectIntoVotingHandler()`
* method that will read all the `GameMode` configs and fill voting handler's
* config with their data, while making a backup of all values.
* Backup can be restored with `RestoreVotingHandlerConfigBackup()` method.
* How that affects the clients depends on whether restoration was done before,
* during or after the replication. It is intended to be done after
* server travel has started.
* the process of injection is to create an ordered list of game modes
* (`availableGameModes`) and generate appropriate voting handler's configs
* with `BuildVotingHandlerConfig()`, saving them in the same order inside
* the voting handler. Picked game mode is then determined by index of
* the picked voting handler's option.
* Additionally this class has a static internal state that allows it to
* transfer data along the server travel - it is used mainly to remember picked
* game mode and enforce game's difficulty by altering and restoring
* `GameInfo`'s variable.
* To make such transfer happen one must call `PrepareForServerTravel()` before
* server travel to set the internal static state and
* then `SetupGameModeAfterTravel()` after travel (when the new map is loading)
* to read (and forget) from internal state.
// Aliases are an unnecessary overkill for difficulty names, so just define
// them in special `string` arrays.
// We accept detect not just these exact words, but any of their prefixes.
var private const array<string> beginnerSynonyms;
var private const array<string> normalSynonyms;
var private const array<string> hardSynonyms;
var private const array<string> suicidalSynonyms;
var private const array<string> hoeSynonyms;
// All available game modes for Acedia, loaded during initialization.
// This array is directly produces replacement for `XVotingHandler`'s
// `gameConfig` array and records of `availableGameModes` relate to those of
// `gameConfig` with the same index.
// So if we know that a voting option with a certain index was chosen -
// it means that user picked game mode from `availableGameModes` with
// the same index.
var private array<Text> availableGameModes;
// Finding voting handler is not cheap, so only do it once and then store it.
var private NativeActorRef votingHandlerReference;
// Save `VotingHandler`'s config to restore it before server travel -
// otherwise Acedia will alter its config
var private array<VotingHandler.MapVoteGameConfig> backupVotingHandlerConfig;
// Setting default value of this flag to `true` indicates that map switching
// just occurred and we need to recover some information from the previous map.
var private bool isServerTraveling;
// We should not rely on "VotingHandler" to inform us from which game mode its
// selected config option originated after server travel, so we need to
// remember it in this default variable before switching maps.
var private string targetGameMode;
// Acedia's game modes intend on supporting difficulty switching, but
// `KFGameType` does not support appropriate flags, so we enforce default
// difficulty by overwriting default value of its `gameDifficulty` variable.
// But to not affect game's configs we must restore old value after new map is
// loaded. Store it in default variable for that.
var private float storedGameDifficulty;
var private LoggerAPI.Definition fatNoXVotingHandler, fatBadGameConfigIndexVH;
var private LoggerAPI.Definition fatBadGameConfigIndexAdapter;
protected function Finalizer()
votingHandlerReference = none;
availableGameModes.length = 0;
* Replaces `XVotingHandler`'s configs with Acedia's game modes.
* Backup of replaced configs is made internally, so that they can be restored
* on map change.
public final function InjectIntoVotingHandler()
local int i;
local GameMode nextGameMode;
local XVotingHandler votingHandler;
local array<VotingHandler.MapVoteGameConfig> newVotingHandlerConfig;
if (votingHandlerReference != none) {
votingHandler = XVotingHandler(_.unreal.FindActorInstance(
if (votingHandler == none)
votingHandlerReference = _.unreal.ActorRef(votingHandler);
availableGameModes = class'GameMode'.static.AvailableConfigs();
for (i = 0; i < availableGameModes.length; i += 1)
nextGameMode = GameMode(class'GameMode'.static
newVotingHandlerConfig[i] = BuildVotingHandlerConfig(nextGameMode);
// Report omitted mutators / server options
backupVotingHandlerConfig = votingHandler.gameConfig;
votingHandler.gameConfig = newVotingHandlerConfig;
private function VotingHandler.MapVoteGameConfig BuildVotingHandlerConfig(
GameMode gameMode)
local VotingHandler.MapVoteGameConfig result;
result.gameClass = _.text.ToString(gameMode.GetGameTypeClass());
result.gameName = _.text.ToColoredString(gameMode.GetTitle());
result.prefix = _.text.ToString(gameMode.GetMapPrefix());
result.acronym = _.text.ToString(gameMode.GetAcronym());
result.mutators = BuildMutatorString(gameMode);
result.options = BuildOptionsString(gameMode);
return result;
private function string BuildMutatorString(GameMode gameMode)
local int i;
local string result;
local array<Text> usedMutators;
usedMutators = gameMode.GetIncludedMutators();
for (i = 0; i < usedMutators.length; i += 1)
if (i > 0) {
result $= ",";
result $= _.text.ToString(usedMutators[i]);
return result;
private function string BuildOptionsString(GameMode gameMode)
local bool optionWasAdded;
local string result;
local string nextKey, nextValue;
local Iter iter;
local AssociativeArray options;
options = gameMode.GetOptions();
for (iter = options.Iterate(); !iter.HasFinished(); iter.Next())
nextKey = Text(iter.GetKey()).ToPlainString();
nextValue = Text(iter.Get()).ToPlainString();
if (optionWasAdded) {
result $= "?";
result $= (nextKey $ "=" $ nextValue);
optionWasAdded = true;
return result;
* Makes necessary preparations for the server travel.
public final function PrepareForServerTravel()
local int pickedVHConfig;
local GameMode nextGameMode;
local string nextGameClassName;
local class<GameInfo> nextGameClass;
local XVotingHandler votingHandler;
if (votingHandlerReference == none) return;
votingHandler = XVotingHandler(votingHandlerReference.Get());
if (votingHandler == none) return;
// Server travel caused by something else than `XVotingHandler`
if (!votingHandler.bLevelSwitchPending) return;
pickedVHConfig = votingHandler.currentGameConfig;
if (pickedVHConfig < 0 || pickedVHConfig >= votingHandler.gameConfig.length)
if (pickedVHConfig >= availableGameModes.length)
nextGameClassName = votingHandler.gameConfig[pickedVHConfig].gameClass;
if (string(_.unreal.GetGameType().class) ~= nextGameClassName) {
nextGameClass = _.unreal.GetGameType().class;
else {
nextGameClass = class<GameInfo>(_.memory.LoadClassS(nextGameClassName));
default.isServerTraveling = true;
default.targetGameMode = availableGameModes[pickedVHConfig].ToPlainString();
nextGameMode = GetConfigFromString(default.targetGameMode);
default.storedGameDifficulty = nextGameClass.default.gameDifficulty;
nextGameClass.default.gameDifficulty = GetNumericDifficulty(nextGameMode);
* Restore `GameInfo`'s settings after the server travel and
* apply selected `GameMode`.
* @return `GameMode` picked before server travel
* (the one that must be running now).
public final function GameMode SetupGameModeAfterTravel()
if (!default.isServerTraveling) {
return none;
_.unreal.GetGameType().default.gameDifficulty = default.storedGameDifficulty;
default.isServerTraveling = false;
return GetConfigFromString(targetGameMode);
* Restores `XVotingHandler`'s config to the values that were overridden by
* `VHAdapter`'s `InjectIntoVotingHandler()` method.
public final function RestoreVotingHandlerConfigBackup()
local XVotingHandler votingHandler;
if (votingHandlerReference == none) return;
votingHandler = XVotingHandler(votingHandlerReference.Get());
if (votingHandler == none) return;
votingHandler.gameConfig = backupVotingHandlerConfig;
votingHandler.default.gameConfig = backupVotingHandlerConfig;
// `GameMode`'s name as a `string` -> `GameMode` instance
private function GameMode GetConfigFromString(string configName)
local GameMode result;
local Text nextConfigName;
nextConfigName = _.text.FromString(configName);
result = GameMode(class'GameMode'.static.GetConfigInstance(nextConfigName));
return result;
// Convert `GameMode`'s difficulty's textual representation into
// KF's numeric one.
private final function int GetNumericDifficulty(GameMode gameMode)
local int i;
local string difficulty;
difficulty = Locs(_.text.ToString(gameMode.GetDifficulty()));
for (i = 0; i < default.beginnerSynonyms.length; i += 1)
if (IsPrefixOf(difficulty, default.beginnerSynonyms[i])) {
return 1;
for (i = 0; i < default.normalSynonyms.length; i += 1)
if (IsPrefixOf(difficulty, default.normalSynonyms[i])) {
return 2;
for (i = 0; i < default.hardSynonyms.length; i += 1)
if (IsPrefixOf(difficulty, default.hardSynonyms[i])) {
return 4;
for (i = 0; i < default.suicidalSynonyms.length; i += 1)
if (IsPrefixOf(difficulty, default.suicidalSynonyms[i])) {
return 5;
for (i = 0; i < default.hoeSynonyms.length; i += 1)
if (IsPrefixOf(difficulty, default.hoeSynonyms[i])) {
return 7;
return int(difficulty);
protected final static function bool IsPrefixOf(string prefix, string value)
return (InStr(value, prefix) == 0);
beginnerSynonyms(0) = "easy"
beginnerSynonyms(1) = "beginer"
beginnerSynonyms(2) = "beginner"
beginnerSynonyms(3) = "begginer"
beginnerSynonyms(4) = "begginner"
normalSynonyms(0) = "regular"
normalSynonyms(1) = "default"
normalSynonyms(2) = "normal"
hardSynonyms(0) = "harder" // "hard" is prefix of this, so it will count
hardSynonyms(1) = "difficult"
suicidalSynonyms(0) = "suicidal"
hoeSynonyms(0) = "hellonearth"
hoeSynonyms(1) = "hellon earth"
hoeSynonyms(2) = "hell onearth"
hoeSynonyms(3) = "hoe"
fatNoXVotingHandler = (l=LOG_Fatal,m="`XVotingHandler` class is missing. Make sure your server setup supports Acedia's game modes (by used voting handler derived from `XVotingHandler`).")
fatBadGameConfigIndexVH = (l=LOG_Fatal,m="`XVotingHandler`'s `currentGameConfig` variable value of %1 is out-of-bounds for `XVotingHandler.gameConfig` of length %2. Report this issue.")
fatBadGameConfigIndexAdapter = (l=LOG_Fatal,m="`XVotingHandler`'s `currentGameConfig` variable value of %1 is out-of-bounds for `VHAdapter` of length %2. Report this issue.")
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